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The 5 Most Deadly Navies in Asia

Nevertheless -- the Allied Powers were eviscerated -- Dutch, British, French. The only ones who mattered were the Americans -- who drew out most of Japan's resources. It was they (Americans) who had the qualitative and quantitative edge -- and took majority of Japan's military resources.
In the Axis alliance, power rank from this Nazi > Facist Italy > Imperial Japan. Some say it was Imperial Japan > Facist Italy. I suppose both can be equal in power.

Most of the technology and resources you used were from the Nazi. That's why after Nazi defeat, Imperial Japan got so easily destroyed. You build a bunch of aircraft carriers without any protection and it is why it is so easily sink by the USN. I like to view Imperial Japan as an opportunist in WWII. They took the opportunity to conquer a bunch of jungle people with 2nd secondary colonial force station there, thanks to the advancement of the Nazi force causing massive disruption to the Allied in Europe.
In the JSDF vs PLAN case, I think they are quite even. US Navy will probably find Chinese Navy more of a challenge though because China specifically designed her navy to deter against USA.

In terms of anti surface ship capabilities, I'd say China > Japan. China spent the better part of the last 2 decades building a capable anti ship capability to ensure that USA would think twice before attempting another Taiwan strait intervention.

China just completely out number Japan in terms missile ships. Sure Japan might have more modern and technologically superior platforms, but just one hit from a missile, and a 1 billion$ destroyer is as good as a wooden junk.

Just to put in perspective, China can trade 10 type 051 cold war relics to sink one Japanese destroyer and come out ahead in terms of cost effectiveness.

Just some numbers here, China has 80+ type 022 FAC along with ~200 older types.
~70 frigates (about 24 modern ones), ~15 modern destroyers, and ~60-70 attack submarines, 20+ corvettes, and many shore base missiles.

Japan has 26 modern destroyers, 13 frigates, and 16 submarine.

In terms of anti air capabilities, I think Japan has more anti air destroyers, so Japan > China, but China has a decent air force, so it could be pretty even.

In terms of submarines, pretty even. China has a lot more submarines, but Japan's submarine are some of the quietest and most advanced in the world.

In terms of amphibious assault, Japan wins hands down with 5 helicopter carriers.

Due to the threat of submarines, I'd say both navies are quite evenly matched. Neither side will be willing to send surface based ships if a confrontation does break out due to opposing submarines. East China sea will turn into a no-man zone.

Falkland war, 1 British submarine neutralized all of Argentina's naval force.
WW1, Britain didn't dare approach German shores due to U-boat threats.

Of course, within a decade, I think without a doubt China will overtake Japan. China's military budget far exceeds Japan's. By 2020, China will retire all her type 051 and 053 junks (probably transfer to coast guard) and come up with new state of the art platforms like type 081 LHD, 055 Cruiser, 052D air defense destroyer, 054b frigates, 056b corvettes.
A bit off-topic, but say JMSDF shouldn't be undermined. The strategic opponent of PLAN is USN + JMSDF + ROKN + RSN (maybe even TW Navy) combined, in which JMSDF plays critical role in anti-sub warfare, and that's why PLAN should seriously look into "how good" are their combat capabilities, not just "how big". About India, its doesn't matter for the time being.

Very true. And what we know of the PLAN and JMSDF -- is from what is listed on paper or from past figures -- both navies are ever evolving and acquiring new policies and strategies. An ever-incurring information that ultimately shapes new naval doctrines.

As it stands, both navies are focused on maintaining security and stability of their respective nations' boundaries and national resources. I see a future cooperative role between JMSDF and PLAN in not only maintaining calm in the Northeast Asia, but abroad. Both China and Japan depend on maritime trade -- our life blood -- and the resources imported from abroad -- again our life blood. I actually am in the belief that JMSDF and PLAN can cooperate in securing the sea lanes in the Arabian Gulf, Somali Coast. There are numerous ways that the PLAN and JMSDF can cooperate in Asia-Pacific, IOR, Atlantic Ocean et al.
Indian Navy:
Delhi-class destroyer x3
Kolkata-class destroyer x1
Rajput-class destroyer x5
Talwar class Frigate x6
Aircraft carrier x2
Godavari-class frigate x3
Brahmaputra-class frigate x3
Shivalik-class frigate x3
Shishumar-class submarine x4
Sindhughosh-class submarine x8

It seems that Indian navy is not as strong as indians think,a lot of ships are quite old and out-of-date:-)


Go ahead and tell us how these ships are "outdated" ?
And you have missed us corvettes.
In terms of amphibious assault, Japan wins hands down with 5 helicopter carriers.

Soon to be 6. Our 2nd Izumo Class will be inducted into the Navy in 2017.



A truly underestimated Naval power is Russia, If Russia can ever recover her strength from USSR days that is.

1990 USSR Naval power:

270 submarines with 200 nuclear powered ones
30 cruisers
45 destroyers
113 frigates
124 corvettes
35 amphibious transports
6 aircraft carriers
400 fast attack crafts.

Her submarines (Typhoon Class) were state of the art, and in some sense, even better than western ships.
This was really the only naval force in modern history that could've threaten naval powers like Japan and Britain.
Go ahead and tell us how these ships are "outdated" ?
And you have missed us corvettes.
Corvettes?o_OYou mean these small boats?


And these ships are not advanced for me


And these are JMSDF




My list of the Top 5 Asian navies ( including U.S)

Based on their Naval capabilities & capacity to execute the necessary missions
1. U.S. Navy
3. People’s Liberation Army Navy
4. Indian Navy
ROK Navy

Based on their ability to win a Naval war in Asian waters
1. U.S. Navy
2. People’s Liberation Army Navy
3. Indian Navy
5. ROK Nav

Based on the quality standard of Naval forces
1. U.S. Navy
3. ROK Navy
4.Republic of Singapore Navy (RSN)
5.People’s Liberation Army Navy
I second you.

Because it is in Asia only, where the USN has their big toys such as the Nimitz class CVNs and the Ohio class SSBNs packing there.

Whereas Russia is mostly focused on Europe, so their Pacific Fleet is not that impressive in comparison.

Do you know anything about Vladivostok submarine fleet?

Corvettes?o_OYou mean these small boats?


And these ships are not advanced for me


I'd suggest you do some research before posting. Corvettes are not just "small ships", they are sleek and deadly. IN usually uses them for defending its harbours and ports.

The First ship you posted is INS Kuthar, a Khukri class corvette (4 in no).


While having a displacement of 1350 Tonnes, its armed with 4 P-15 "Termit" missiles with 80 KM range, along with other armaments.

The next ship is INS Abhay, an Abhay class corvette (4 in no) .

Its an ASW specialist, with a displacement of just 485 tonnes, it carries 4 533mm torpedos and 2 sets of ASW mortars

Others include:

Veer Class corvette (12 in no)

These ships carry on the legacy of 25th missile vessel squadron, which carried out the daring Op Trident and Op Python


With a displacement of 455 tonnes, they are armed with upto 4 Termit/ Moskit missiles , while a couple of ships are armed with 16 Switchblades.

Kora Class (4 in no)


With a displacement of 1350 Tonnes, she carries 16 switchblades (130 km range)

I haven't included latest Stealth ASW corvette Kamortas

These ships are well armed and equipped for its roles and aren't outdated by any means.

And do not go by the looks man, atleast read the specs before posting


^^Delhi Class destroyers (3 in no)
16 x Switchblades, 32 x Barack SAMs, 48 x Shtil SAMs

^^^Rajput Class Destroyers (5 in no)

Some of the Oldest combat ships of IN, Armed with a Mix of BrahMos and Termits, Pechoras and Baracks

Other than these we have,


Godavari Class Frigates, armed with 4 termits, and 24 Baracks


^^Brahmaputra Class Frigates, armed with 16 switchblades and 24 Baracks

Then we have the newer

Shivalik Class


and Talwar Class

I'd suggest you do some research before posting. Corvettes are not just "small ships", they are sleek and deadly. IN usually uses them for defending its harbours and ports.

The First ship you posted is INS Kuthar, a Khukri class corvette (4 in no).


While having a displacement of 1350 Tonnes, its armed with 4 P-15 "Termit" missiles with 80 KM range, along with other armaments.

The next ship is INS Abhay, an Abhay class corvette (4 in no) .

Its an ASW specialist, with a displacement of just 485 tonnes, it carries 4 533mm torpedos and 2 sets of ASW mortars

Others include:

Veer Class corvette (12 in no)

These ships carry on the legacy of 25th missile vessel squadron, which carried out the daring Op Trident and Op Python


With a displacement of 455 tonnes, they are armed with upto 4 Termit/ Moskit missiles , while a couple of ships are armed with 16 Switchblades.

Kora Class (4 in no)


With a displacement of 1350 Tonnes, she carries 16 switchblades (130 km range)

I haven't included latest Stealth ASW corvette Kamortas

These ships are well armed and equipped for its roles and aren't outdated by any means.

And do not go by the looks man, atleast read the specs before posting


^^Delhi Class destroyers (3 in no)
16 x Switchblades, 32 x Barack SAMs, 48 x Shtil SAMs
But most of them are still out-of-date,and those small boats are not for far-seas operationso_O
I'd suggest you do some research before posting. Corvettes are not just "small ships", they are sleek and deadly. IN usually uses them for defending its harbours and ports.

The First ship you posted is INS Kuthar, a Khukri class corvette (4 in no).


While having a displacement of 1350 Tonnes, its armed with 4 P-15 "Termit" missiles with 80 KM range, along with other armaments.

The next ship is INS Abhay, an Abhay class corvette (4 in no) .

Its an ASW specialist, with a displacement of just 485 tonnes, it carries 4 533mm torpedos and 2 sets of ASW mortars

Others include:

Veer Class corvette (12 in no)

These ships carry on the legacy of 25th missile vessel squadron, which carried out the daring Op Trident and Op Python


With a displacement of 455 tonnes, they are armed with upto 4 Termit/ Moskit missiles , while a couple of ships are armed with 16 Switchblades.

Kora Class (4 in no)


With a displacement of 1350 Tonnes, she carries 16 switchblades (130 km range)

I haven't included latest Stealth ASW corvette Kamortas

These ships are well armed and equipped for its roles and aren't outdated by any means.

And do not go by the looks man, atleast read the specs before posting


^^Delhi Class destroyers (3 in no)
16 x Switchblades, 32 x Barack SAMs, 48 x Shtil SAMs

The 1 Kamotra and 1 Kolkata is already under sea-trials.

But most of them are still out-of-date,and those small boats are not for far-seas operationso_O
Corvette is for far sea operations? WTH, what you thinking?

BTW, no one thinks, if its about standards and quality, where is PN? @DESERT FIGHTER @rockstar08
I think there F-22P is equally potent than Formidable class.
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