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The 2nd Egypt Defence Exhibition EDEX-2021


Congratulations to Egypt - for making 95% of the airframe in Egypt. Pakistan as a co-developer of the K8 could only achieve 1/3 of what Egypt managed to achieve interms of the localisation of the K8 jet...

Hell, PAC is still has under 58% airframe manufacture right now for the JF17(!!!!!!!!) while 42% still comes from China ... a bit of a shameful and pathetic performance by PAC given what other countries achieve as part of the TOT programmes where airframes are localised quickly and bigger ticket items take longer ...
Congratulations to Egypt - for making 95% of the airframe in Egypt. Pakistan as a co-developer of the K8 could only achieve 1/3 of what Egypt managed to achieve interms of the localisation of the K8 jet...

Hell, PAC is still has under 58% airframe manufacture right now for the JF17(!!!!!!!!) while 42% still comes from China ... a bit of a shameful and pathetic performance by PAC given what other countries achieve as part of the TOT programmes where airframes are localised quickly and bigger ticket items take longer ...
Can you show various armored vehicles either being used by Egyptian Armed Forces or are on order.
Upgraded electronic tank mines,
Six and nine mine scatterers,


Mini-RB Radar Battalion Command Center


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Ground quadruple kauncher,
It is a light rocket launcher for launching 122 mm artillery rockets.
It can be airlifted and parachuted, giving it the advantages of executing challenging tactical missions,
The ejector can be equipped with an indirect hitting shinning device
The system can be supplied with structural extended enclosures for use in training purposes.
It is worth noting that the missile launcher was produced by the Arab Organization for Industrialization.

The Egyptian corvette is a stealthy design armed with 8 cells to carry air defense missiles, in addition to 2 cannon in the middle, and with each cannon 5 short-range air defense missiles, a helipad, 4 surface-to-surface missiles and a speedboat for special forces, and it may contain anti-submarine torpedo launchers.. it is 60 meters long and 10 meters wide. The Corvette can stay at sea for 3 weeks and sail at a speed of 30 knots up to a maximum range of 2,400 nautical miles.





Meetings have been held with many countries, and technologies will also be transferred

from France
from Italy
from Germany
From Britain
From Portugal
from Poland
from Russia
from the UAE

- The light Egyptian Patrol Corvette will enter service within two years

- Working on a 6×6 version of the Al-Fahd armored vehicle

- there is a 6×6 version of the ST-100 . armored vehicle

- 200 upgraded "Temsah-3" armored vehicles will be manufactured

- There are marine projects with larger displacements

- Armored ST-700 will be 4×4 wheel drive, and it will be seen during the next period

- The fast attack missile launcher will enter service after a year or two

Egypt obtained a license to overhaul the Kamov Ka-52 and Mi-24 helicopters locally .. The CEO of the Arab Organization for Industrialization there at the exhibition stated that there will no longer be aircraft maintenance outside the country, and maintenance will be within the authority..
Egypt flag on the Falcon 7X plane..4 on order

The American Defense Web site confirmed, today, Thursday, that Egypt received two “Falcon 7X” planes from the French company “Dassault Aviation.” The two planes departed from Bordeaux Airport in France and arrived at Almaza Air Base in Cairo.










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First of all, thank you Brother for the amazing effort you put out on all topics, but this one in particular as info is a bit scattered, so bringing it all together the way you're doing it makes it much easier to follow the developments.

- The light Egyptian Patrol Corvette will enter service within two years

Man do they know how to keep a secret! This and a couple other items got by us diehards, which only means kudos to them for being able to keep such big ticket items under wraps until they want to announce them. Amazing.

- Working on a 6×6 version of the Al-Fahd armored vehicle

I've been screaming about a 6x6 Fahad version since the early 2000s! Finally. That should make it a very sought after version in Africa and with the UN.

- There are marine projects with larger displacements

They really fooled us with these larger marine projects. We knew with all the work they performed under the contracts for the Gowind 2500s that they were up to building their own ships at some points, we just didn't think it would be this quick, regardless of the smaller sizes. Still, much earlier than I thought it would be. It's a great sign.

Egypt obtained a license to overhaul the Kamov Ka-52 and Mi-24 helicopters locally .. The CEO of the Arab Organization for Industrialization there at the exhibition stated that there will no longer be aircraft maintenance outside the country, and maintenance will be within the authority..

Outstanding. Can we talk about the elephant in the room? There hasn't been a single mention or model of a single aircraft.

Egypt flag on the Falcon 7X plan..4 on order

The American Defense Web site confirmed, today, Thursday, that Egypt received two “Falcon 7X” planes from the French company “Dassault Aviation.” The two planes departed from Bordeaux Airport in France and arrived at Almaza Air Base in Cairo.


Funny because I never really thought of it, but once I saw these jets armed with air to air missiles, I said what the heck took them so long to think of and create that perfect option!? It makes such sense that you scratch your head thinking wut the heck took them so long to bring it to fruition. Arm the darn aircraft! It's such a perfect and long awaited idea.
NIMR from EDGE Group displays JAIS 6x6 MRAP vehicle at EDEX 2021

NIMR, an EDGE Group company from UAE, showcases the JAIS MRAP (Mine Resistant Ambush Protected) vehicle in its 6x6 variant at EDEX 2021, the Egypt Defense Expo held in Cairo from November 29 to December 3.

Defexpo 2020 Controp to supply Indian army with iSky 50HD uav electro optic system

JAIS 6x6 at EDEX 2021 (Picture source: EDGE)

The JAIS Family of Vehicles brings together forty years of experience in protected mobility. It offers survivability and tactical mobility in a rare balance that, together with significant internal volume and payload, enables multi-role application and allows multiple customisation options.

The cross-over nature of this family of vehicles makes it the ideal choice for deployment in the volatile and unpredictable modern combat theatre. The highly modular JAIS provides modern suspension and powertrain, high power-to-weight ratio and excellent situational awareness.

The JAIS in 6x6 configuration incorporates significant internal volume, with a payload capacity of 7,500 kg. The vehicle is designed for multi-role applications and multiple configurations. The vehicle can be fitted with a multitude of weapon systems and mission equipment.

Defexpo 2020 Controp to supply Indian army with iSky 50HD uav electro optic system

Side view of JAIS 6x6(Picture source: EDGE)

The JAIS 6x6 is motorized with a 600 hp Caterpillar diesel engine coupled to a six-speed automatic transmission generating a maximum torque of 1,900 Nm. It can reach 105 km/h, with a maximum cruising range of 700 km.

Standard equipment of JAIS 4x4 and 6x6 MRAPs includes a power management system, run-flat tires system, and a central tire inflation system. In option, both vehicles can be fitted with a range of onboard military equipment including Battlefield Management System (BMS), C4I (command, control, communications, computers, and intelligence) System, night/day vision, SAS (Situational Awareness System), and a display monitor.

The increased payload of the 6x6 version provides a platform to which a multitude of weapons, mission equipment and enhanced protection systems can be added without sacrificing the vehicle mobility performance. The JAIS 6x6 is an ideal platform to compliment the 4x4 version and allowing users to meet a diverse range of requirements.

Defexpo 2020 Controp to supply Indian army with iSky 50HD uav electro optic system

Nimr Jais 4x4 MRAP Mine Resistant Ambush Protected vehicle at IDEX 2021, International Land Defense Exhibition in Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates. (Picture source: Army Recognition)

NIMR from EDGE Group displays JAIS 6x6 MRAP vehicle at EDEX 2021 | EDEX 2021 News Official Show Daily | Defence security exhibitions 2021 show daily news category (armyrecognition.com)
Congratulations to Egypt - for making 95% of the airframe in Egypt. Pakistan as a co-developer of the K8 could only achieve 1/3 of what Egypt managed to achieve interms of the localisation of the K8 jet...

Hell, PAC is still has under 58% airframe manufacture right now for the JF17(!!!!!!!!) while 42% still comes from China ... a bit of a shameful and pathetic performance by PAC given what other countries achieve as part of the TOT programmes where airframes are localised quickly and bigger ticket items take longer ...
It is a workshare agreement between CATIC and PAC and doesn't correspond to capacity or capability within.
The Egyptian corvette is a stealthy design armed with 8 cells to carry air defense missiles, in addition to 2 cannon in the middle, and with each cannon 5 short-range air defense missiles, a helipad, 4 surface-to-surface missiles and a speedboat for special forces, and it may contain anti-submarine torpedo launchers.. it is 60 meters long and 10 meters wide. The Corvette can stay at sea for 3 weeks and sail at a speed of 30 knots up to a maximum range of 2,400 nautical miles.

I think it would've been more better if RHIB and ASHM swap their places

In that way , RHIB can be deployed at instant and effectively while number of ASHM can be increased,even if number not increased than ASHM can be more protected behind ship armour
I think it would've been more better if RHIB and ASHM swap their places

In that way , RHIB can be deployed at instant and effectively while number of ASHM can be increased,even if number not increased than ASHM can be more protected behind ship armour
Maybe a good idea.. but since it won't be operating alone..they have chosen this design..

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