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Thats why America and NATO is winning in Afghanistan !!!!

Dear forum readers, it is imperative to realize that the conspiracy theories have been following us since the start of our mission. We have faced baseless allegations during the high and low points of our relationship. The conspiracy theorists are again busy spinning their yarns, and we cannot expect anything different now. At the moment, our vital relationship is heavily strained, and those who wish to see us part ways are busy taking advantage of it. The US government has pledged a full and in-depth investigation into this tragic incident, and soon the results will allow us to separate facts from fiction. We hope that the future will bring back the same resilience and spirit our alliance has shown against terrorism in the past. Our deepest, sincerest, most heartfelt condolences go to the families and friends of the security forces killed in this tragic incident.

MAJ Nevers,
DET, United States Central Command
U.S. Central Command
Being the great democracy that America is, I'm sure they will enquire into any human rights violation and take the correct action.

They have punished the guilty of Abu Ghraib in the past too.

What democracy yaar their foreign policy is dictated by a small but disciplined number of american jews
Dear forum readers, it is imperative to realize that the conspiracy theories have been following us since the start of our mission. We have faced baseless allegations during the high and low points of our relationship. The conspiracy theorists are again busy spinning their yarns, and we cannot expect anything different now. At the moment, our vital relationship is heavily strained, and those who wish to see us part ways are busy taking advantage of it. The US government has pledged a full and in-depth investigation into this tragic incident, and soon the results will allow us to separate facts from fiction. We hope that the future will bring back the same resilience and spirit our alliance has shown against terrorism in the past. Our deepest, sincerest, most heartfelt condolences go to the families and friends of the security forces killed in this tragic incident.

MAJ Nevers,
DET, United States Central Command
U.S. Central Command

well at least this new CENTCOM man is more active and informative than the previous one.
Dear forum readers, it is imperative to realize that the conspiracy theories have been following us since the start of our mission. We have faced baseless allegations during the high and low points of our relationship. The conspiracy theorists are again busy spinning their yarns, and we cannot expect anything different now. At the moment, our vital relationship is heavily strained, and those who wish to see us part ways are busy taking advantage of it. The US government has pledged a full and in-depth investigation into this tragic incident, and soon the results will allow us to separate facts from fiction. We hope that the future will bring back the same resilience and spirit our alliance has shown against terrorism in the past. Our deepest, sincerest, most heartfelt condolences go to the families and friends of the security forces killed in this tragic incident.

MAJ Nevers,
DET, United States Central Command
U.S. Central Command

But in the meantime Obama cant even appologise because of american elections. tell that to the victims relatives
Dear forum readers, it is imperative to realize that the conspiracy theories have been following us since the start of our mission. We have faced baseless allegations during the high and low points of our relationship. The conspiracy theorists are again busy spinning their yarns, and we cannot expect anything different now. At the moment, our vital relationship is heavily strained, and those who wish to see us part ways are busy taking advantage of it. The US government has pledged a full and in-depth investigation into this tragic incident, and soon the results will allow us to separate facts from fiction. We hope that the future will bring back the same resilience and spirit our alliance has shown against terrorism in the past. Our deepest, sincerest, most heartfelt condolences go to the families and friends of the security forces killed in this tragic incident.

MAJ Nevers,
DET, United States Central Command
U.S. Central Command

Is it a conspiracy theory that there was no Al-Qaeda in Iraq pre 2003, & now it is a hotbed for Al-Qaeda? Is it a conspiracy theory that the Libyan rebels had strong links to Al-Qaeda? Is it a conspiracy that the Al-Shabaab & the AQIM has suddenly risen in Somalia & other North African countries, as well as the rise of the AQAP in Yemen? I would appreciate it if you could respond than just posting generic statements.
This type of behavior is encouraged by the US regime. There were cases even that soldiers would go "hunting" down civilians and cutting off their fingers for trophy. The US is too strong so no one can detest their actions.

People tell me Nazi Germany is long gone, I tell them no, Nazi Germany is now called Nazi America.
stupid title of thread. americans are losing have lost in afghanistan
People simply need to look at the history of the US. It is FULL of invasions of countries all around the world. How do they justify this? Democracy. During their invasion of the American continent, they justified it with something called 'Manifest Destiny', during their colonial period around the world, they called it the "White Man's Burden", now it's called "spreading demoracy". You are truly a brainwashed sheep if you cannot see this.

Let's put things into perspective. Imagine that was a Chinese solider standing over a tortured Tibetan child and smiling or an Indian solider standing over a tortured Kashmiri child and smiling. With that in mind, think of everything you can say about it. CNN, FOX, BBC, all western news outlet would be blowing this story up into unimaginable proportions; "extreme human rights violation/abuse, evil communist, etc ".

Now take it back to reality. It is not a Chinese soldier, not an Indian solider. It is an American soldier. Now what? Now we see the true nature of Americans and the westerners. They can violate any human rights they want anywhere in the world and no one will point fingers at them, on the contrary, Americans and their western bloc ALWAYS point fingers at the countries for supposedly violating human rights. Freedom of speech takes on a whole new meaning. Just like their "spreading democracy". Their only purpose is to sounds nice and sucker the masses, but in reality it is nothing but the opposite. Why are people so blind?

US has and was always an imperialist regime. They are the same category as Nazi Germany and Imperial Japan but with an attractive make over. As long as the world is being dominated by the US and the European countries; the Middle East, Africa, and Asia will always be exploited and enslaved.

The only possible solution is a world war to eliminate the US and the western european bloc. The world needs to unite against them, but that is easier said than done.
Being the great democracy that America is, I'm sure they will enquire into any human rights violation and take the correct action.

They have punished the guilty of Abu Ghraib in the past too.

Yeah, if you are brown they hail against you to kingdom come. If you a rich white man, you serve 2 year in a luxury box and get out richer. If you are part of the group, you will walk free with protection like George Bush. Iraq war is an illegal and unjust war that people seemed to forget - at least in America. No one has answer this question why the people who started the war that kill millions are still walking free, if they were African, they would been taken to the court and hanged a long time ago. So yes, international law is filled with double standard.

Manifest Destiny -> White Man's Burden -> Democracy = Genocide
What democracy yaar their foreign policy is dictated by a small but disciplined number of american jews

Sir, in a democracy, the people get what the people want. I'm sure you are very well familiar with that fact living as you do in the world's oldest democracy.
Dear forum readers, it is imperative to realize that the conspiracy theories have been following us since the start of our mission. We have faced baseless allegations during the high and low points of our relationship. The conspiracy theorists are again busy spinning their yarns, and we cannot expect anything different now. At the moment, our vital relationship is heavily strained, and those who wish to see us part ways are busy taking advantage of it. The US government has pledged a full and in-depth investigation into this tragic incident, and soon the results will allow us to separate facts from fiction. We hope that the future will bring back the same resilience and spirit our alliance has shown against terrorism in the past. Our deepest, sincerest, most heartfelt condolences go to the families and friends of the security forces killed in this tragic incident.

MAJ Nevers,
DET, United States Central Command
U.S. Central Command

lol conspiracy ..... condolences my a****. get the **** out
Afghans protest their country’s partnership with US

The issue of US-Afghan partnership has greatly outraged local people here

By Amin Alemi


To denounce the approval of the US Permanent Military bases in Afghanista​n through the US-made so-called Loya Jirga, the Solidarity Party of Afghanista​n staged a protest rally in Kabul on Dec. 1, 2011. Hundreds of protesters chanted slogans against the US/NATO and their puppet regime and rejected US bases in Afghanista​n. (Photo: SPA)

The afghan capital Kabul has been once again the scene of a massive demonstration against the strategic partnership issue between Afghanistan and the US .

Recently, a Loya Jirga or Grand Council Meeting in Kabul gave the go-ahead to President Karzai to ink the strategic agreement with the U.S and it has greatly angered the local people.

These protestors have called the decision of the Loya Jirga as a national treason. They say the representatives of the Jirga did not represent the Afghan nation at all.

The issue of US-Afghan partnership has greatly outraged local people here. These protestors are saying that they will continue their protests unless the US and Afghan government change their minds with respect to this pact.

The U.S wants to make permanent military bases in Afghanistan. Therefore it needs to have a strategic tie with Afghanistan, but Experts believe that the military presence of the U.S will bring more violence in Afghanistan.

At present, tens of thousands of U.S and NATO forces are fighting Taliban militants, but the Taliban group is still a bigger threat against them than it was in 2001 right when the U.S invaded Afghanistan.

Afghans protest their country’s partnership with US « RAWA News
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