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Thats why America and NATO is winning in Afghanistan !!!!

Disregarding the fact that the article is a sham, a soldier is supposed to be nothing but a heavily armed gentleman. Note the word gentleman. Now if only all soldiers behaved this way. Which is why it's good to see atleast a little bit of accountability from the Yank armed forces.

Aside the article... yes, what you state is an ideal world. Why just a soldier? Every man in this world should be a thorough gentleman, right? But the world is not so ideal.

A small percentage of people from all walks of life, in all sorts of occupations, are found to be just as dirty and criminal as those guys.

But the article cannot be disregarded, for it shows how generalization - bolstered with lies, is forced upon the people.

Calling it a protocol of the US Army, the article is blocking people from using their human senses to wonder whether it was a one off incident. Seeing it as some sort of protocol, now those people are bound to look at entire US Army, and the Americans in the same light as they look at those particular ex soldiers.

When you have a 24x7 job, where you see nothing but blood and mayhem and you do not know when you might end up dead, or crippled, then chances are you too will start cherishing that.

Now if only there was a sure fire way to keep out the nuts from signing up.

A lot of them become a nut case - after signing up. It has its own charms, you know, that drives you to your basic instincts.
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