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That defense minister guy with ugly as sin face does puja of rafale jet with nimboo.

Defence Minister Rajnath Singh on Tuesday performed puja of the Rafale jet in France after writing Om on its body and placing marigold flowers and breaking the coconut. Two lime were also placed underneath the Rafale wheels ostensibly to ward off bad luck.


Using lime and green chilli to ward off bad luck is a well established Indian superstition. No sooner did the photos of Singh performing puja of the Rafale jet emerge on social media, it triggered a fresh debate on whether it was appropriate for the country’s defence minister to promote superstition. One user on Facebook wrote, “India buys Rafale to protect the country, then they buy nimboo to protect Rafale”.

Imagine if Muslims writing "AllahoAkbar" on war equipment. Western countries would go nuts.
While these idiots are protecting "Rafale with Green Chillis and Limes to ward off bad luck.

Futile exercise Mr Singh, you try to do anything silly after Rafale, the result would be the same like 27th Feb 2019.
Green chillies would be burning your arses, they would do nothing else. Definitely not ward of the "bad luck".
Modi would then say "If we had "working Rafale" the results would have been different".
I am sure in Indian's hands these Rafales would become duds.
They call Pakistani nukes an Islamic bomb. The Indian nuke is for peace.

I suppose the Indian Rafale is also for peace LOL
That's very low,his face has been made by Almighty as he has made yours and mine.
The Hinduwadis have no clue about dharma.
If Lord Rama were alive today, would he making false promises and contesting elections?
He would be killing Mlecch Rakshas indiscriminately instead.
But we have our Dharmic Sanghi Netas who marry off their daughters to Mlecch Rakshas.

@jamahir @AfrazulMandal @Synchonicist
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They should have done a proper human sacrifice like in the good old days when the real Hinduism prevailed. Now they use a coconut to represent a severed human head. Long domination by Muslims and then the British destroyed the real Hindu traditions.
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That's very low,his face has been made by Almighty as he has made yours and mine.
according to them monkeys and elephant gods made his face so we are just respecting him when we say such things.
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