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Thanks to Xi Jinping, China abandons "keep a low profile" policy

Arunachal Pradesh still with India - check


That is the only thing you can rebuke us? Cos all the things I pointed out is so true, right? Hahaha... Poor India. So pathetic. I really pity you Indians.
No need for anybody to bring India into this thread. I guess this time it's some Indian members who have gone off-topic.

The rise of China will have a stabilizing effect on international affairs. India has its hands full for dealing with domestic deficiencies.

That is the only thing you can rebuke us? Cos all the things I pointed out is so true, right? Hahaha... Poor India. So pathetic. I really pity you Indians.

I am not rebuking anybody tough guy...but the bone of contention between India and China is Arunachal Pradesh and that is with us...with all your might try and get it back...else those mean nothing to me..absolutely nothing.
lets see china with its might allies north korea and pakistan :rofl: on the other hand USA with whole europe,Japan,India,Australia,South Africa,Brazil,South Korea,Israel etc

The only worthy country remaining is Russia(not that good relation with china coping there weapons and making cheap copies).

So much for the keep a low profile policy...........

Suppose china's surpassed USA around 2030 but by than you have to worry about the mammoth India right next door so china is not going anywhere except to sulk at south china sea.
lets see china with its might allies north korea and pakistan :rofl: on the other hand USA with whole europe,Japan,India,Australia,South Africa,Brazil,South Korea,Israel etc

The only worthy country remaining is Russia(not that good relation with china coping there weapons and making cheap copies).

So much for the keep a low profile policy...........

Suppose china's surpassed USA around 2030 but by than you have to worry about the mammoth India right next door so china is not going anywhere except to sulk at south china sea.
No worries about india. It will be many smaller countries when we are done with you. Pakistan will sweep in from Central Asia just like before and take over individual hindu statelets one-by-one, starting with New Delhi.
No worries about india. It will be many smaller countries when we are done with you. Pakistan will sweep in from Central Asia just like before and take over individual hindu statelets one-by-one, starting with New Delhi.

last time checked you guys have 100000 protest per year.......and gods know how many protest are buried behind commi firewall...
so we can safely assume that Free Tibet,Trukmenistan,Inner mangolia will be a reality soon.......

Cant even control tiny taiwan and dreaming about containing India..........................

There will be no china left when whole world i done with you.....Japanese will enjoy some good quality old time in china...........
As if there is no protest and unrest in India? Lol.. Taiwan already submitted to china by abandon indePendence movement and direct more investment. Now they are advocate peaceful reunification. Why shall we stop that?
lets see china with its might allies north korea and pakistan :rofl: on the other hand USA with whole europe,Japan,India,Australia,South Africa,Brazil,South Korea,Israel etc

The only worthy country remaining is Russia(not that good relation with china coping there weapons and making cheap copies).

So much for the keep a low profile policy...........

Suppose china's surpassed USA around 2030 but by than you have to worry about the mammoth India right next door so china is not going anywhere except to sulk at south china sea.

Mighty india?

India couldn't beat the shanghai police force let alone the PLA.
1962 proved why the Chinese civilization is superior to the Indian civilization. Chinese 105 IQ outsmarted Indian 85 IQ. India will never be great because the Indian IQ is too low, Philippe rushton said Indian IQ is only a few points above official retardation. I kid you not.

India is a very divided country, it could break apart any moment, it's like the soviet union, many different cultures are forced to live under one regime. It won't last. Already you are seeing Sikhs and Tamils seeking their independence.
There is no such thing as 'India', it's many different kingdoms forced into a union.
The Hindu regime will fall just like the soviet regime and nazi regime.

India will never, and I mean never surpass china. Indians lack discipline, efficiency, and is uncivilized. Even the BRIC term founder Jim O'neill said, India is the worst performer of the BRIC. It's not surprising, Indians by culture are very arrogant and obnoxious people, ask anyone that has any contact with Indians and they will tell you. That arrogance is their downfall. Indians ALWAYS act and promise as if they can deliver the best outcomes, but when it comes down to analyzing the results, Indians ALWAYS fail. It's a massive weakness in Indian culture and discipline. The arrogance blinds them from their MASSIVE shortcomings.

Indians have a huge ego, thats why hardly anyone from different cultures marry Indians, and if they do, it results in divorce. Indians are a strange breed of humans, strange in the worst possible sense.

It's that arrogance and overconfidence that got India colonized by the british and got spanked in the 1962 war. And that arrogance and overconfidence is the one that will one day collapse the Hindu regime.
Mighty india?

India couldn't beat the shanghai police force let alone the PLA.
1962 proved why the Chinese civilization is superior to the Indian civilization. Chinese 105 IQ outsmarted Indian 85 IQ. India will never be great because the Indian IQ is too low, Philippe rushton said Indian IQ is only a few points above official retardation. I kid you not.

India is a very divided country, it could break apart any moment, it's like the soviet union, many different cultures are forced to live under one regime. It won't last. Already you are seeing Sikhs and Tamils seeking their independence.
There is no such thing as 'India', it's many different kingdoms forced into a union.
The Hindu regime will fall just like the soviet regime and nazi regime.

India will never, and I mean never surpass china. Indians lack discipline, efficiency, and is uncivilized. Even the BRIC term founder Jim O'neill said, India is the worst performer of the BRIC. It's not surprising, Indians by culture are very arrogant and obnoxious people, ask anyone that has any contact with Indians and they will tell you. That arrogance is their downfall. Indians ALWAYS act and promise as if they can deliver the best outcomes, but when it comes down to analyzing the results, Indians ALWAYS fail. It's a massive weakness in Indian culture and discipline. The arrogance blinds them from their MASSIVE shortcomings.

Indians have a huge ego, thats why hardly anyone from different cultures marry Indians, and if they do, it results in divorce. Indians are a strange breed of humans, strange in the worst possible sense.

It's that arrogance and overconfidence that got India colonized by the british and got spanked in the 1962 war. And that arrogance and overconfidence is the one that will one day collapse the Hindu regime.

India is not like the Soviet Union.

Russia had many great achievements in art, literature, politics, science and engineering.

Russia is known as the birthplace of the novel, of ballet dance, a major contributor to classical music, one of the forefront in new political theories, as well as being the birthplace of Landau, one of the greatest contributors to solid state physics, quantum theory, thermodynamics and electrical engineering there ever was. The laser, quantum dots and nuclear fusion were all discovered in Russia. The first thing from earth to ever go into space in all of history was Russian.
No worries about india. It will be many smaller countries when we are done with you. Pakistan will sweep in from Central Asia just like before and take over individual hindu statelets one-by-one, starting with New Delhi.

Err ... Pakistan cannot sweep in from Central Asia because it happens to be in South Asia.
Xi's whole policy is based on cooperation China won't be going on any military adventures, Dengs policy's of keeping low should have been followed a little longer however the current Foreign Policy is weak both Hu and Grandpa Wen are to blame for this, Xi is alot stronger then them so it's going be interesting.
What do you expect Hu and Wen to do? China has alot of strategic room for international economic and political negotiations. However, when you're up against an immensely powerful neocolonial American empire that has a long history of overthrowing governments through false flag operations, coup d'etats and military invasions, your options are still limited.

Keep in mind that American power isn't restricted to only its own domestically held resources. The entire current existing world system mostly revolves around the Anglo-Saxon world order, otherwise known as the "Western" world. This includes most international bodies such the IMF, World Bank, NATO, WTO, IEEE, ISO, etc. These bodies effectively serve to maintain and perpetuate the continued strength and prosperity of the existing industrialized countries allied with the Anglo-American world order. China is the ONLY power with the potential to challenge this order because it has the potential to provide an ALTERNATIVE to all of those aforementioned international bodies. This is especially true when it comes to technology (civilian&military / patents&standards) and banking (currency / capital availability). Sanctions can choke and destroy any other country, except for China. This also applies to a far lesser extent to Russia, but Russia doesn't have the technological capability to keep up with the COMBINED POWER of the core countries of the Anglo-American world order, while China does have this "potential". It's basically about power and the recognition by Americans that if they want to be continue to control and dictate to the world, they cannot allow China to become that alternative.
What do you expect Hu and Wen to do? China has alot of strategic room for international economic and political negotiations. However, when you're up against an immensely powerful neocolonial American empire that has a long history of overthrowing governments through false flag operations, coup d'etats and military invasions, your options are still limited.

Keep in mind that American power isn't restricted to only its own domestically held resources. The entire current existing world system mostly revolves around the Anglo-Saxon world order, otherwise known as the "Western" world. This includes most international bodies such the IMF, World Bank, NATO, WTO, IEEE, ISO, etc. These bodies effectively serve to maintain and perpetuate the continued strength and prosperity of the existing industrialized countries allied with the Anglo-American world order. China is the ONLY power with the potential to challenge this order because it has the potential to provide an ALTERNATIVE to all of those aforementioned international bodies. This is especially true when it comes to technology (civilian&military / patents&standards) and banking (currency / capital availability). Sanctions can choke and destroy any other country, except for China. This also applies to a far lesser extent to Russia, but Russia doesn't have the technological capability to keep up with the COMBINED POWER of the core countries of the Anglo-American world order, while China does have this "potential". It's basically about power and the recognition by Americans that if they want to be continue to control and dictate to the world, they cannot allow China to become that alternative.

True, IEEE and ISO stifle, rather than encourage, true innovation. They only want people to innovate in the way they want people to innovate, which is rigged.

Russia has great potential if she regains trust in the near abroad.
Keep in mind that American power isn't restricted to only its own domestically held resources. The entire current existing world system mostly revolves around the Anglo-Saxon world order, otherwise known as the "Western" world. This includes most international bodies such the IMF, World Bank, NATO, WTO, IEEE, ISO, etc. These bodies effectively serve to maintain and perpetuate the continued strength and prosperity of the existing industrialized countries allied with the Anglo-American world order. China is the ONLY power with the potential to challenge this order because it has the potential to provide an ALTERNATIVE to all of those aforementioned international bodies. This is especially true when it comes to technology (civilian&military / patents&standards) and banking (currency / capital availability). Sanctions can choke and destroy any other country, except for China. This also applies to a far lesser extent to Russia, but Russia doesn't have the technological capability to keep up with the COMBINED POWER of the core countries of the Anglo-American world order, while China does have this "potential". It's basically about power and the recognition by Americans that if they want to be continue to control and dictate to the world, they cannot allow China to become that alternative.

Very well said.
LOL at indian inferiority. First you make fun of China and say we are weak because Hu Jintao / Wen Jiabao want peace with neighbors and believe in a "keep a low profile policy." Now Hu / Wen are gone and Supreme Leader Xi Jinping has arrived, you indians panick because you know payback is coming.

It just goes to show: with inferior countries, talking peace is useless, they only understand pain and suffering you inflict on them.

u misunderstood, the fun that was poked was toward you and others like HongWu.

Peaceful leaders (Hu/Wen) will always be admired. as far as Jinping is concerned, he has also declared a policy of cooperation so your claims of aggression merely make you look like a tool.

btw continue the talk of "inferior" asians, it makes it easy for us to see the moral values you were taught.
What do you expect Hu and Wen to do? China has alot of strategic room for international economic and political negotiations. However, when you're up against an immensely powerful neocolonial American empire that has a long history of overthrowing governments through false flag operations, coup d'etats and military invasions, your options are still limited.

Keep in mind that American power isn't restricted to only its own domestically held resources. The entire current existing world system mostly revolves around the Anglo-Saxon world order, otherwise known as the "Western" world. This includes most international bodies such the IMF, World Bank, NATO, WTO, IEEE, ISO, etc. These bodies effectively serve to maintain and perpetuate the continued strength and prosperity of the existing industrialized countries allied with the Anglo-American world order. China is the ONLY power with the potential to challenge this order because it has the potential to provide an ALTERNATIVE to all of those aforementioned international bodies. This is especially true when it comes to technology (civilian&military / patents&standards) and banking (currency / capital availability). Sanctions can choke and destroy any other country, except for China. This also applies to a far lesser extent to Russia, but Russia doesn't have the technological capability to keep up with the COMBINED POWER of the core countries of the Anglo-American world order, while China does have this "potential". It's basically about power and the recognition by Americans that if they want to be continue to control and dictate to the world, they cannot allow China to become that alternative.

Yes, Have to agree.
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