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Thanks to Xi Jinping, China abandons "keep a low profile" policy

India has essentially the same railroad and infra today as in 1945, right?? Now let's assume the industrial capacity of Europe, Japan, Korea and China were all destroyed tomorrow. How could India capitalize on it??? The same way it did in 1945. Nothing.

Whats this thread have to do with India other then Indians injecting themselves into it ?
India has essentially the same railroad and infra today as in 1945, right?? Now let's assume the industrial capacity of Europe, Japan, Korea and China were all destroyed tomorrow. How could India capitalize on it??? The same way it did in 1945. Nothing.

try contributing to the thread
(hint: on topic)
Xi's whole policy is based on cooperation China won't be going on any military adventures, Dengs policy's of keeping low should have been followed a little longer however the current Foreign Policy is weak both Hu and Grandpa Wen are to blame for this, Xi is alot stronger then them so it's going be interesting.
Indians claim they will capitalize on rivalry between US and China, like they so successfully capitalized on rivalry between Axis and Allies.

Let them claim whatever they want lets just stick to the topic now, I've posted on xi.
Xi's whole policy is based on cooperation China won't be going on any military adventures, Dengs policy's of keeping low should have been followed a little longer however the current Foreign Policy is weak both Hu and Grandpa Wen are to blame for this, Xi is alot stronger then them so it's going be interesting.

always a pleasure to read your sound posts. :tup:
a strong china is expected to have strong opinions, no issues with that.
military offensives by PLA are a different matter, and I don't see that happening in the near future.

(members like sinochallenger are amusing at best and shouldn't be taken seriously)
Xi's has alot of issues he needs to tackle which includes Corruption, Environment, more things, His Policy is mostly on Cooperation as with the visits to Vietnam, USA, I do believe the Low profile policy could have been held a little longer but oh well, However I do agree on one thing Grandpa Wen Said political reform.

always a pleasure to read your sound posts. :tup:
a strong china is expected to have strong opinions, no issues with that.
military offensives by PLA are a different matter, and I don't see that happening in the near future.

(members like sinochallenger are amusing at best and shouldn't be taken seriously)

China won't be going on any military adventures for a very long time , even in the SCS the whole policy of Xi Jinping is cooperation and trust he has stated that when his visits to the USA and Vietnam.
India has essentially the same railroad and infra today as in 1945, right?? Now let's assume the industrial capacity of Europe, Japan, Korea and China were all destroyed tomorrow. How could India capitalize on it??? The same way it did in 1945. Nothing.

so is new york subway system.
i know right, how dare those pesky indians hold on to arunachal pradesh against the will of the mighty chinese
LOL at indian inferiority. First you make fun of China and say we are weak because Hu Jintao / Wen Jiabao want peace with neighbors and believe in a "keep a low profile policy." Now Hu / Wen are gone and Supreme Leader Xi Jinping has arrived, you indians panick because you know payback is coming.

It just goes to show: with inferior countries, talking peace is useless, they only understand pain and suffering you inflict on them.

Whats this thread have to do with India other then Indians injecting themselves into it ?
indians made fun of China because of Hu / Wen and their peaceful talk. They think we are weak when we make verbal warnings and this makes them even more aggressive. Hu / Wen are to blame. Now it's time for Xi Jinping to unleash the PLA on these big mouth clowns.

China won't be going on any military adventures for a very long time , even in the SCS the whole policy of Xi Jinping is cooperation and trust he has stated that when his visits to the USA and Vietnam.
This is the kind of talk indians like to hear. This gives them time and space to plot another attack on China. Even better, they feel by talking peacefully, they can do a backstabbing on China because they are afraid of taking us on head-on.

Does China really need to allow india to backstab it every few decades or so? Ask the Pakistanis how much you can trust indian peaceful talk and promises!
It just goes to show: with inferior countries, talking peace is useless, they only understand pain and suffering you inflict on them.

Buddy boy...does it feel to be safe in mommy's basement , hurling out (internet) threats like these...?

Let "the supreme leader" or even his dad's car driver come...we could not care less.
What happened to 2012 being Friendship Year between China and India?...lol already the members of both countries are arguing.

Luck is favoring you already.

Now you only have to fight a bunch of clowns to reclaim Arunachal.

That shouldn't be too difficult I guess.

See you on the battlefield, then...:wave:

...Oh and honey, don't even bother to reply coz' you're not worth mine. :laugh:

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What happened to 2012 being Friendship Year between China and India?...lol already the members of both countries are arguing.
First the indians will sing "Chini-hindi bhai bhai" to make China let its guard down. Then the indians will backstab. Then China will attack and blow them away. We are at stage 1, and soon india will begin stage 2. Pakistan should be ready too!
Financial power - check
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Arunachal Pradesh still with India - check
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