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Thanks to Saudi Arabia, Pakistan's Recognition of Israel Is Now Inevitab

May 20, 2011
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United Kingdom
United Kingdom
well, it seems that the cat is gradually coming out of the bag.
The whole scenario of regime change is coming to the fore, it seems IK wasn't wrong.

Opinion |

Thanks to Saudi Arabia, Pakistan's Recognition of Israel Is Now Inevitable​

Pakistan can't afford to remain the last Sunni Islamist bastion resisting Saudi normalization with Israel. But the country's rulers, both political and military, want safeguards against a frenzied domestic backlash

The visit to Israel of a group of Pakistani-Americans and Pakistanis last month has mainstreamed the debate surrounding the formalization of ties between the two countries. From newspaper columns, to blogs, to YouTube videos, to Twitter threads in the local Urdu language – all are dedicated to the discussion. While the most visible narrative still betrays Islamist hyperbole and antisemitic hysteria, even the hyper-nationalist internet fora in Pakistan have found space for arguments in favor of recognizing Israel.

You can read the whole article at the newspaper's website with subscription.

well, it seems that the cat is gradually coming out of the bag.
The whole scenario of regime change is coming to the fore, it seems IK wasn't wrong.

Opinion |

Thanks to Saudi Arabia, Pakistan's Recognition of Israel Is Now Inevitable​

Pakistan can't afford to remain the last Sunni Islamist bastion resisting Saudi normalization with Israel. But the country's rulers, both political and military, want safeguards against a frenzied domestic backlash

The visit to Israel of a group of Pakistani-Americans and Pakistanis last month has mainstreamed the debate surrounding the formalization of ties between the two countries. From newspaper columns, to blogs, to YouTube videos, to Twitter threads in the local Urdu language – all are dedicated to the discussion. While the most visible narrative still betrays Islamist hyperbole and antisemitic hysteria, even the hyper-nationalist internet fora in Pakistan have found space for arguments in favor of recognizing Israel.

You can read the whole article at the newspaper's website with subscription.

Good. At least something good for once out of Saudia. Bin Laden, Wahabism, terrorism, sectarianism, backward thinking has flowed in from KSA to Pakistan.

Time something positive came.
well, it seems that the cat is gradually coming out of the bag.
The whole scenario of regime change is coming to the fore, it seems IK wasn't wrong.

Opinion |

Thanks to Saudi Arabia, Pakistan's Recognition of Israel Is Now Inevitable​

Pakistan can't afford to remain the last Sunni Islamist bastion resisting Saudi normalization with Israel. But the country's rulers, both political and military, want safeguards against a frenzied domestic backlash

The visit to Israel of a group of Pakistani-Americans and Pakistanis last month has mainstreamed the debate surrounding the formalization of ties between the two countries. From newspaper columns, to blogs, to YouTube videos, to Twitter threads in the local Urdu language – all are dedicated to the discussion. While the most visible narrative still betrays Islamist hyperbole and antisemitic hysteria, even the hyper-nationalist internet fora in Pakistan have found space for arguments in favor of recognizing Israel.

You can read the whole article at the newspaper's website with subscription.

This sounds like utter Israeli nonsense/propaganda.

First of all why would Saudi Arabia even care whether Pakistan recognizes Israel or not? Did Saudi Arabia make a big fuss about direct ARAB NEIGHBORS such as Egypt and Jordan recognizing and signing a peace deal with Israel ages ago? Or force those countries to do it all while never having recognized Israel to this very day?

The most realistic and so far only official proposal to Israel is a Saudi Arabian invention and is called the Arab Peace Initiative which was accepted by all Arab countries without exception.

If you notice, Israel is absolutely obsessed about linking itself/propagandizing that Saudi Arabia is about to recognize Israel. They (Israel) know that it is symbolically/religiously/politically the biggest prize for them in the Muslim world. Once Saudi Arabia accepts them a horde of other Muslim countries will follow suit.

We have been hearing this from Israeli media for years that Saudi Arabia and Pakistan is about to recognize Israel without any preconditions. This is absurd and nothing more than a deliberate SPYOP operation. Repeat the same nonsense enough of times and people will believe it.

My two cents.

Good. At least something good for once out of Saudia. Bin Laden, Wahabism, terrorism, sectarianism, backward thinking has flowed in from KSA to Pakistan.

Time something positive came.

Outside of Bin Laden who was the son of a Yemeni father and a Syrian mother (and whose lot we as Pakistan - our elites, at least, supported alongside the very same West he later attacked), I am not sure if what you wrote is accurate. All those issues already existed in Pakistan and we never lacked any backwardness to envy anyone, sadly, and still exist to this day even after Saudi Arabia ended their Sahwa era under King Abdullah and long ago suppressed the ultraconservative lot. When girls are stoned for being caught with phones in our rural areas (Baluchistan) or other insane stuff in places like KPK by illiterate people (mostly), I am not sure what Saudi Arabia or Mozambique for that matter can be blamed for. Or when local "landlords" literally enslave locals in rural Sindh. It is an easy scapegoat to somehow throw our own homemade domestic dirt under the carpet.

On the other hand for the conservative lot everything is the fault of the West.

In 100 years time, if the current long-standing problems (corruption, mismanagement, pathetic elites, lack of education etc. to mention a few) are not yet solved, we (some of us) will continue to blame imaginary Arabs for all of our problems.

In the real world, without Saudi Arabia's continued economic support since the beginning of our inception as a country (almost), hosting of the largest Pakistani expat community in the world that "exports" BILLIONS of USD in remittances on a yearly basis, we would have been even worse off, as pathetic as this sounds. Imran Khan knew this hence all his visits (Saudi Arabia was the country that he visited the most BTW) and frank talk.

Pakistan Prime Minister Imran Khan on Wednesday thanked Saudi Arabia's Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman for $3 billion in financial aid to cash-strapped Pakistan. Khan said that Saudi Arabia "has always been there for Pakistan during its difficult times"..

Unlike many (rather most) of our Muslim allies who have been all talk for the most part in comparison.
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Outside of Bin Laden who was the son of a Yemeni father and a Syrian mother
That is like saying a son of a Seraiki father and a Potohari mother born in Pakistan is nothing to do with Pakistan. Rest of what you I will cover when I get time suffice to say KSA has literally been the lifeforce behind all the crazy mullahs in Pakistan.
That is like saying a son of a Seraiki father and a Potohari mother born in Pakistan is nothing to do with Pakistan. Rest of what you I will cover when I get time suffice to say KSA has literally been the lifeforce behind all the crazy mullahs in Pakistan.

An important distinction here. By 1994 Bin Laden had become stateless. Well before Al-Qaeda was even a thing or terrorist attacks had been committed by him, the Saudi Arabians had stripped his passport of him. The same West was against Saudi Arabia catching him and putting him away in fear of "mistreatment" back then.

I can see that you are based in the UK. Here is how OBL was described in Western media.

6 December 1993: Anti-Soviet warrior puts his army on the road to peace​

Robert Fisk is the first western journalist to interview Osama bin Laden, ‘the Saudi businessman’ overseeing large-scale building work in Sudan​


The same way they are crying whenever Saudi Arabia or Iran executes murderers, rapists and domestic terrorists to this very day.

Kindly do so. I can already tell you that this whole idea of Saudi Arabia/Arabs being the root cause of all of our DOMESTIC troubles is utter nonsense by large. It would be so easy to just use them or others as scapegoats. The ground realties are a bit different though.

I share the same view about those who blame Iran, India, West or whatever for all of our domestic ills.

If anyone external actor is to be blamed for many of our ills, it is the same US that once again has ****** our *** by removing IK. Or was that also the fault of Saudi Arabia and Arabs?

The same Saudi Arabia that gave the finger to Shehbaz Sharif when he came begging for more loans and help?

China, Saudi Arabia and UAE Denied Loans To Crisis-Hit Pakistan, Directed It Towards IMF

Another thing that is completely unrelated, why the hell do our lot in the UK label everthing as INDIAN, DESI etc. instead of Pakistani unlike in Denmark for instance? Is it also the fault of Arabs that many/most of our lot have zero self-esteem or self-awareness?

I hadn't even read the article yet and I knew this bastard had written it: Kunwar Khuldune Shahid

This guy is a content writer. Pay this fvcker and he writes just about anything.

Beware! 5th gen warfare my friend.

Of course it is this fool and nonsense news. There have long been a coordinated PSYOP in certain media circles within Pakistan to sour our relations with the Arab world. I don't know if this is a deliberate upholding of our pathetic elites tradition of shooting ourselves in the foot or whatever it is, but I assume that the vast, vast majority of sane Pakistanis will never buy into it, let alone the literally millions of our citizens in the Gulf and at home who benefit directly from this relationship. Not to mention the religious, cultural, historical, linguistic, geographic ties/connections or people to people relations that occur on a daily basis. Outside of Afghans we have more dealings people to people with Arabs than anyone else.
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israel asking do you recognize the hand of don Rothschild aka al dajjal east india company, you may kiss the hand as sign of acceptance IF not the beast once again will awaken to haunt you and that is al-ciada.
Not surprised if this is true.

The Palestinian-Israeli conflict is a lost cause, since USA supports Israel.

Besides we need to do what is in our national interests as well.

I have seen Al Jazeera, BBC, CNN, RT, Xinhua.

None of them says that Pakistan is going to recognize Israel.

well, it seems that the cat is gradually coming out of the bag.
The whole scenario of regime change is coming to the fore, it seems IK wasn't wrong.

Opinion |

Thanks to Saudi Arabia, Pakistan's Recognition of Israel Is Now Inevitable​

Pakistan can't afford to remain the last Sunni Islamist bastion resisting Saudi normalization with Israel. But the country's rulers, both political and military, want safeguards against a frenzied domestic backlash

The visit to Israel of a group of Pakistani-Americans and Pakistanis last month has mainstreamed the debate surrounding the formalization of ties between the two countries. From newspaper columns, to blogs, to YouTube videos, to Twitter threads in the local Urdu language – all are dedicated to the discussion. While the most visible narrative still betrays Islamist hyperbole and antisemitic hysteria, even the hyper-nationalist internet fora in Pakistan have found space for arguments in favor of recognizing Israel.

You can read the whole article at the newspaper's website with subscription.

It is an opinion piece. Not actual news.
true but not without big bang that nearly end the world.
A collapse of the dollar will curtail America's ability to fund its military. Hopefully this saga will end with a whimper, not a bang.

They are just trying to lay the ground works

Saying it often enough to make it normal

And trying to assuage the reaction

Our population largely hates jews
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