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Thanks to China, Pakistan is now a power surplus country

I have some question, why does Pakistan blame China for rising electricity prices?

How can China control electricity prices in Pakistan? Why should China raise the price of electricity in Pakistan? China is transferring manufacturing to Pakistan, and high electricity prices are obviously not in China's interests.
its misunderstood issue, with lots and lots of confusion and literally no knowledge.
I have some question, why does Pakistan blame China for rising electricity prices?

How can China control electricity prices in Pakistan? Why should China raise the price of electricity in Pakistan? China is transferring manufacturing to Pakistan, and high electricity prices are obviously not in China's interests.

People have questions esp given the history of power generation tariffs in Pakistan. The post by @IcIoo is quite useful - would be interesting to see equivalent values for Iran/India/Bangladesh and Sri Lanka as that is the neiggbourhood.
I have some question, why does Pakistan blame China for rising electricity prices?

How can China control electricity prices in Pakistan? Why should China raise the price of electricity in Pakistan? China is transferring manufacturing to Pakistan, and high electricity prices are obviously not in China's interests.


Pakistan and Pakistani's do not blame China.

The ills of poorly negotiated contracts do not fall on China (nor the Chinese private companies involved) but solely on the then Government of Pakistan (Pmln government) and her incompetent and cut backs hungry vultures.

Every investor whether Chinese, American or anyone else, invest to make as much profit as one can. It was Pakistan's negotiators and politician that failed to negotiate a better contract for Pakistan, with these private Chinese investors. Pakistan blames those Pakistani politicians and planners involved for such poor and unfair contracts and not the Chinese government, Chinese investors or Chinese people.
Thanks to China, Pakistan is now a power surplus country
December 19, 2021

China has launched a number of power projects under the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) to help Pakistan meet its domestic and industry energy needs.
Some of these projects are completed and contributing 5,920MW of electricity to the national grid, while work on some plants with 3,870MW capacity is underway.

Another 3,244MW project is being contemplated.The power projects completed under CPEC are somewhat an energy mix, but the coal-fired plants dominate both in terms of numbers and quantum of the power generated.

As power transmission system also needed an improvement and refurbishing, so a project of 4,000MW evacuation capacity (Matiari-to-Lahore 660KV HVDC transmission line) was also completed.

The addition of thousands of megawatts of additional electricity to the national grid has transformed Pakistan into an energy-sufficient country from an energy-deficient one, thus opening new vistas of industrial growth in the country. Especially, with the initiation of work on industrial zones along CPEC route in the second phase of the multi-billion-dollar project and foreign direct investment coming in the growth in power sector would help bring economic turnaround in the country.

According to the Pakistan Economic Survey 2019-20, the installed electricity generation capacity reached 37,402MW in 2020. The maximum total demand of residential and industrial sectors stands at nearly 25,000MW, whereas the installed transmission and distribution capacity is approximately 22,000MW. This leads to a shortfall of about 3,000MW when the demand peaks.

This additional 3,000MW requirement cannot be transmitted even though the peak demand of the country is well below its installed generation capacity of 37,402MW. With the commissioning of power projects initiated under CPEC in the first phase, some 5,920MW of power was added to the national grid. As per the data shared by CPEC Authority, which operates directly under the Ministry of Planning, Development and Special Initiatives, the major chunk of power generation came from four coal-fired projects, which collectively generated 4,620MW, while 1,000MW were contributed by two solar energy units and the rest of 300MW came from three wind-based power plants.

The total cost of these projects stood at $10.337 billion. These projects generated thousands of jobs during the course of their construction, while several thousands more were hired for the plants’ regular functioning and upkeep.

One of the worst dealings in history full of bad deals.

Pakistan and Pakistani's do not blame China.

The ills of poorly negotiated contracts do not fall on China (nor the Chinese private companies involved) but solely on the then Government of Pakistan (Pmln government) and her incompetent and cut backs hungry vultures.

Every investor whether Chinese, American or anyone else, invest to make as much profit as one can. It was Pakistan's negotiators and politician that failed to negotiate a better contract for Pakistan, with these private Chinese investors. Pakistan blames those Pakistani politicians and planners involved for such poor and unfair contracts and not the Chinese government, Chinese investors or Chinese people.
We are Pakistanis when we deal with any country. We aren't pmln or pti etc
People have questions esp given the history of power generation tariffs in Pakistan. The post by @IcIoo is quite useful - would be interesting to see equivalent values for Iran/India/Bangladesh and Sri Lanka as that is the neiggbourhood.
Main cost of electricity is fuel, electricity charges usually co-related to prices of crude oil and coal. Thus oil production countries like Iran, Saudi Arabia, Lybia etc have the cheapest electricity costs.

Bangladesh, March 2021: The price of electricity is 0.065 U.S. Dollar per kWh for households and 0.105 U.S. Dollar for businesses which includes all components of the electricity bill such as the cost of power, distribution and taxes.

Sri Lanka
Sri Lanka, December 2020: The price of electricity is 0.074 U.S. Dollar per kWh for households and 0.065 U.S. Dollar for businesses which includes all components of the electricity bill such as the cost of power, distribution and taxes.

ndia, June 2020: The price of electricity is 0.082 U.S. Dollar per kWh for households and 0.115 U.S. Dollar for businesses which includes all components of the electricity bill such as the cost of power, distribution and taxes.

Pakistan 0.055 US Dollar per KWh.
Posts of No-value/off-topic
Thanks to China, Srilanka has a port and nothing comes out of it. Thanks to China, Pakistan is power surplus while its common citizens can't afford it. Thanks to China, Maldives has to borrow to pay installments on the loan taken for China projects. Those who are economically doing well in South Asia are the ones who kept China at a distance. As the beneficiary of China's largesse is always China.
A Chinese posting a Pakistani article thanking China is display of pity for one side and narcissism for the other
It's like the only bakery in the town offering cake for every one but not every one can afford it --------.
That's because the area residents waiting for manosalwa instead of following "harkat mein barkat".

When I go to karachi, I see people youngsters like in 20s to 50s having so much free time sitting on foot paths staring women or playing dabbu or other street games.
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Once the global economy bounces back, oil and gas prices are going to skyrocket. I hope the Pakistani government is incentivizing people to get EVs and or Hybrids. Electrification of the rail network would also create a reliable corporate customer for the electricity grid.
You have to be kidding me. 'Thanks' to China? What should I be thanking China for? For trapping Pakistan in a pitless cycle of debt by setting up the most Capex and Opex expensive plants, by bribing the previous govt?

Oh did I mention that these were all fossil fuel powered plants that China set up?

Also, Pakistan was already in energy surplus before CPEC, if I remember correctly. What it lacked was the transmission system to carry this power to the energy deprived parts of the country. Even when the grid reached a place, the inefficiencies caused more than 40% energy loss, just in transmission. So instead of investing there, China somehow convinced Pakistani blasted govt that it should install decommissioned Chinese coal based plants to produce the most expensive energy in the country.

Yes, Dear China, I am indebted to you. Literally, indebted to you and so will my generations to come.

I hope people wake up to this illusion created by China as an Iron brother of Pakistan. The West and the Chinese are the same, cut from the same cloth. The only one we can trust is ourselves and honestly, given how lousy our leaders were when the CPEC negotiations were conducted, I dont think we can trust ourselves either. Like wolves, the Chinese will strip us to our bones while we sing their praises.
You have to be kidding me. 'Thanks' to China? What should I be thanking China for? For trapping Pakistan in a pitless cycle of debt by setting up the most Capex and Opex expensive plants, by bribing the previous govt?

Oh did I mention that these were all fossil fuel powered plants that China set up?

Also, Pakistan was already in energy surplus before CPEC, if I remember correctly. What it lacked was the transmission system to carry this power to the energy deprived parts of the country. Even when the grid reached a place, the inefficiencies caused more than 40% energy loss, just in transmission. So instead of investing there, China somehow convinced Pakistani blasted govt that it should install decommissioned Chinese coal based plants to produce the most expensive energy in the country.

Yes, Dear China, I am indebted to you. Literally, indebted to you and so will my generations to come.

I hope people wake up to this illusion created by China as an Iron brother of Pakistan. The West and the Chinese are the same, cut from the same cloth. The only one we can trust is ourselves and honestly, given how lousy our leaders were when the CPEC negotiations were conducted, I dont think we can trust ourselves either. Like wolves, the Chinese will strip us to our bones while we sing their praises.
Lool Well, the people get the government they deserve . So can't blame China per se. Blame your government. Every country is out for their interests. Its normal. Up to you guys to protect yours and negotiate best deal you can get
It's like the only bakery in the town offering cake for every one but not every one can afford it --------.

Export industries are the only way these kinds of projects will be able to recoup the loans taken out to pay for these projects. Modern agriculture and highest value added industrial production Pakistani companies and foreign factories set up in Pakistan can make.

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