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Thanks to China, Pakistan is now a power surplus country

The U.S. has an average price of 12.52 cents per kilowatt hour (kWh) currently.

The U.S. has the lowest price per kWH of any unsubsidized country in terms of fuel costs (coal/gas/etc) for power plants.

Watching people complain about very obviously subsidized power costs is kind of funny.

The obvious solution to the electricity debt problem is to reduce electricity subsidies.
The power is there - now it is the responsibility of the govt to provide necessary infrastructure to supply the electricity and the responsibility of the business community to take advantage of the power and produce goods and services.
More exactly the mean to produce that power is there now you must see how efficient it will be used and how is the management performance.

Another problem, we don't creat energy . We convert one form into another form and I believe Pakistan still have problem in that sector
Since 2013 when CPEC started, dumb Pakistanis have been saying this. Toll gate collections from trade to China was enough to pay off CPEC debt? Lol. Remember? Today your PM is going around countries to beg. Yet, you lot are getting even more dumber by the day.
since 2013 indians are barking at CPEC as its bieng made with their dullah bhais money . in fact it 60bn$ mega project will not finish so early . 2nd phase have just started . while same indians can not have a bullet train only land in last 20 years . :lol: marring with dogs and eating vegetables make you guys dumbest on earth . you will not understand how things work . :p:
China came to help us in power crisis! No, they had CPEC planned already, they had their interests. we fell for it without our homework, could not make deals workable for those power houses, we even gave sovereign guarantees.

when the deals were finalized why there were no contracts for uplift of transmission system? what would Matiari-Lahore transmission do alone? where we can make surplus electricity but cannot transmit.

Don't call China iron brother, everything was entirely on commercial basis and that is business so throw this emotional "iron brother" thing out of it and face the reality. on the other hand we ourselves are such great people that we can't live without corruption besides power hungry campaign for the next election. then don't blame someone else, people will come for the loot if we loot ourselves.

there is a great example of the troika honda-suzuki-toyota extending commission and looting public since decades and here we are who could not correct them for once.

we are overdue with our payments against those power houses in hundreds of millions of dollars which is halting projects under CPEC. there are several industries even from China waiting for electricity supply to SEZs to start operation but no electricity available due to transmission. same China would have think about it timely.
China Pakistan friendship has been fruitful mostly 100% if when compared to other countries in comparison
Thanks to China, Pakistan is now a power surplus country
December 19, 2021

China has launched a number of power projects under the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) to help Pakistan meet its domestic and industry energy needs.
Some of these projects are completed and contributing 5,920MW of electricity to the national grid, while work on some plants with 3,870MW capacity is underway.

Another 3,244MW project is being contemplated.The power projects completed under CPEC are somewhat an energy mix, but the coal-fired plants dominate both in terms of numbers and quantum of the power generated.

As power transmission system also needed an improvement and refurbishing, so a project of 4,000MW evacuation capacity (Matiari-to-Lahore 660KV HVDC transmission line) was also completed.

The addition of thousands of megawatts of additional electricity to the national grid has transformed Pakistan into an energy-sufficient country from an energy-deficient one, thus opening new vistas of industrial growth in the country. Especially, with the initiation of work on industrial zones along CPEC route in the second phase of the multi-billion-dollar project and foreign direct investment coming in the growth in power sector would help bring economic turnaround in the country.

According to the Pakistan Economic Survey 2019-20, the installed electricity generation capacity reached 37,402MW in 2020. The maximum total demand of residential and industrial sectors stands at nearly 25,000MW, whereas the installed transmission and distribution capacity is approximately 22,000MW. This leads to a shortfall of about 3,000MW when the demand peaks.

This additional 3,000MW requirement cannot be transmitted even though the peak demand of the country is well below its installed generation capacity of 37,402MW. With the commissioning of power projects initiated under CPEC in the first phase, some 5,920MW of power was added to the national grid. As per the data shared by CPEC Authority, which operates directly under the Ministry of Planning, Development and Special Initiatives, the major chunk of power generation came from four coal-fired projects, which collectively generated 4,620MW, while 1,000MW were contributed by two solar energy units and the rest of 300MW came from three wind-based power plants.

The total cost of these projects stood at $10.337 billion. These projects generated thousands of jobs during the course of their construction, while several thousands more were hired for the plants’ regular functioning and upkeep.

Pakistan has been power surplus for some years now, issue is with distribution and production cost. Infrastructure is very old and cannot sustain the load.
Lol. India gets $80 billion in FDI alone per year. We don't need a decade to get an investment of puny $60 billion. Infact, Indian startups this year alone raised over $30 billion by themselves.

Obviously if PDF is your source of knowledge on India, this is what you get. It just reflects how dumb you are.
So India is in a way bigger "debt trap"?
Lol. India gets $80 billion in FDI alone per year. We don't need a decade to get an investment of puny $60 billion. Infact, Indian startups this year alone raised over $30 billion by themselves.

Obviously if PDF is your source of knowledge on India, this is what you get. It just reflects how dumb you are.
yeah we see how dung indians are comparing with 7 times smaller nation . its show how dumb you are :lol:

if we divide it then it will be lesser then pakistan . UP is 207mn and pakistan is 220mn now look at it . :p: your UP is gutter infront of paksitan . lets be fair when compare you 2.5bn hands comparing with paksitanis ? even every indian wil be beggar and start begging they will earn more then paksitnais because they are so many beggars in count you dumb indians you are more then rats on earth:lol:
Lol. We don't take sovereign loans and don't trust countries that ask for the same. We know that they are the tools to entrap us.

Learn the difference between investment and debt. Don't tell me CPEC is an investment. Investment wouldn't have soveriegn guarantees on returns. Only dumb people will fall for such scams.
indians are so stupid

indian debt breakdown 31% is bilateral
Screenshot 2021-12-20 at 21-17-07 External debt of India - Wikipedia.png
Loans are loans, they are basically the same, you are crying about debt trap for Pakistan, but forget you also borrow loans, why you care so much about Pakistan borrowing money from China? due to love or hate?

If loans are loans, why China insists on Chinese companies investing on its "loan"? A loan allows the receiver to put forth a tender and decide the company who executes it.

What you have been given is a sovereign deal on which only Chinese companies will do the work and there is a sovereign guarantee on returns from the investment made. Hell, actually loans actually bring dollars into the country. I am not even sure if Chinese "loans" Brought money into Pakistan in the first place. Market forces determine price but Chinese got an predetermined rate for return for.the next few decades even if project fails.

Not that I suddenly shower my love for Pakistan. But China is an East India company Version 2.0. I personally expected China to be lot better seeing that she had been a victim of western colonialism in the first place. But I guess China learnt how to do the "trade" from Western countries.

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