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Thanks to China, Pakistan is now a power surplus country

Thanks to China, Pakistan is now a power surplus country
December 19, 2021

China has launched a number of power projects under the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) to help Pakistan meet its domestic and industry energy needs.
Some of these projects are completed and contributing 5,920MW of electricity to the national grid, while work on some plants with 3,870MW capacity is underway.

Another 3,244MW project is being contemplated.The power projects completed under CPEC are somewhat an energy mix, but the coal-fired plants dominate both in terms of numbers and quantum of the power generated.

As power transmission system also needed an improvement and refurbishing, so a project of 4,000MW evacuation capacity (Matiari-to-Lahore 660KV HVDC transmission line) was also completed.

The addition of thousands of megawatts of additional electricity to the national grid has transformed Pakistan into an energy-sufficient country from an energy-deficient one, thus opening new vistas of industrial growth in the country. Especially, with the initiation of work on industrial zones along CPEC route in the second phase of the multi-billion-dollar project and foreign direct investment coming in the growth in power sector would help bring economic turnaround in the country.

According to the Pakistan Economic Survey 2019-20, the installed electricity generation capacity reached 37,402MW in 2020. The maximum total demand of residential and industrial sectors stands at nearly 25,000MW, whereas the installed transmission and distribution capacity is approximately 22,000MW. This leads to a shortfall of about 3,000MW when the demand peaks.

This additional 3,000MW requirement cannot be transmitted even though the peak demand of the country is well below its installed generation capacity of 37,402MW. With the commissioning of power projects initiated under CPEC in the first phase, some 5,920MW of power was added to the national grid. As per the data shared by CPEC Authority, which operates directly under the Ministry of Planning, Development and Special Initiatives, the major chunk of power generation came from four coal-fired projects, which collectively generated 4,620MW, while 1,000MW were contributed by two solar energy units and the rest of 300MW came from three wind-based power plants.

The total cost of these projects stood at $10.337 billion. These projects generated thousands of jobs during the course of their construction, while several thousands more were hired for the plants’ regular functioning and upkeep.

Thanks to China, Pakistan has become a major power in the world today.
I have some question, why does Pakistan blame China for rising electricity prices?

How can China control electricity prices in Pakistan? Why should China raise the price of electricity in Pakistan? China is transferring manufacturing to Pakistan, and high electricity prices are obviously not in China's interests.

This is anti-china propaganda being indulged by the Indians. You should ignore all such news.
Thanks to China, Srilanka has a port and nothing comes out of it. Thanks to China, Pakistan is power surplus while its common citizens can't afford it. Thanks to China, Maldives has to borrow to pay installments on the loan taken for China projects. Those who are economically doing well in South Asia are the ones who kept China at a distance. As the beneficiary of China's largesse is always China.
thanks to modi indians have very low IQ . this power will be use for industry and people will got jobs and they will afford it .let the economic zones complete first .
If it's expensive still i am happy to avail it.
Doesn't mean I favor expensive but consistent!!!

There are minimum of 15 types of taxes on the electctlity bill so price is up!

For people comparing Electricity prices with world should compare their income, life style and facilities.
A y*****a will never do it. So... chilll!!!!
thanks to modi indians have very low IQ . this power will be use for industry and people will got jobs and they will afford it .let the economic zones complete first .

Hindus are the dumbest and lowest IQ people in the world. The problem is that they do not even know this.
Power surplus with Circular debt surplus
I don't think that the Chinese asked for a land or aerial route to bomb women and children in Afghanistan in disguise of fighting terrorism. Did they?

Did they Fund MADrassa training suicide bombers?
Thanks to China, Pakistan is now a power surplus country
December 19, 2021

China has launched a number of power projects under the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) to help Pakistan meet its domestic and industry energy needs.
Some of these projects are completed and contributing 5,920MW of electricity to the national grid, while work on some plants with 3,870MW capacity is underway.

Another 3,244MW project is being contemplated.The power projects completed under CPEC are somewhat an energy mix, but the coal-fired plants dominate both in terms of numbers and quantum of the power generated.

As power transmission system also needed an improvement and refurbishing, so a project of 4,000MW evacuation capacity (Matiari-to-Lahore 660KV HVDC transmission line) was also completed.

The addition of thousands of megawatts of additional electricity to the national grid has transformed Pakistan into an energy-sufficient country from an energy-deficient one, thus opening new vistas of industrial growth in the country. Especially, with the initiation of work on industrial zones along CPEC route in the second phase of the multi-billion-dollar project and foreign direct investment coming in the growth in power sector would help bring economic turnaround in the country.

According to the Pakistan Economic Survey 2019-20, the installed electricity generation capacity reached 37,402MW in 2020. The maximum total demand of residential and industrial sectors stands at nearly 25,000MW, whereas the installed transmission and distribution capacity is approximately 22,000MW. This leads to a shortfall of about 3,000MW when the demand peaks.

This additional 3,000MW requirement cannot be transmitted even though the peak demand of the country is well below its installed generation capacity of 37,402MW. With the commissioning of power projects initiated under CPEC in the first phase, some 5,920MW of power was added to the national grid. As per the data shared by CPEC Authority, which operates directly under the Ministry of Planning, Development and Special Initiatives, the major chunk of power generation came from four coal-fired projects, which collectively generated 4,620MW, while 1,000MW were contributed by two solar energy units and the rest of 300MW came from three wind-based power plants.

The total cost of these projects stood at $10.337 billion. These projects generated thousands of jobs during the course of their construction, while several thousands more were hired for the plants’ regular functioning and upkeep.

:turkey:😍We love you China!😍:turkey:
Well there is STILL a lot of work required as there is still load shedding happening in Pakistan as we speak due to back-ward distribution and network infrastructure.
It will take time, it is not going to happen over night. Years of mismanagement, corruption, poor quality electrical goods and unskilled labour have created a very very bad spaghetti of electrical wiring in town and cities. It is going to need time and money to fix and with China's brotherly help it will be transformed into a modern electrical infrastructure free of load shedding.We also need to reign in the greedy power companies, giving them an ultimatum of behave or be nationalised would be a good start. Pakistan people can't be held hostage by rogue utility companies.
More power means factories can run longer and more jobs and better economy
In last few years, Pak has electricity surplus in winter when demand is low but there is load shedding in summer when demand picks up.

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