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Thank You Pakistan !!! says Indians

Well sania has left her home that is in Hyderabad.. the home you are refering to is i think is the country to which she has said repeatedly that she will be an indian and will play for india.. Dont know whats the problem there.
and yeah in subcontinent wen a girl is married usually the lerkay walay are more happy then the lerki walay. but its natural parents have to let their girl go its the tradition.
So let it go indians and move on :smokin:
well that is what I was talking about.It doesn't matter whether she carries indian citizenship or not.She just isn't indian anymore.(not in the legal sense)
And knowing the tradition and the traditional percepions and sensitivities ... she did such a thing.That's the cause of anger.
The difference is in Pakistan people are just being happy about it and a few laughs may be. A little childish humor, but in India people are burning effigies and going all out violent.

Thats exactly my point.. Idiots in India are treating this as a loss and idiots in Pakistan are treating this as a victory..

If Sania would have married an Indian or Shoaib would have married a Pakistani, the whole affair in the media would have been over in a blink...

I liked your initial post on the Sania Shoaib marriage thread where you blamed the Chauvinistic mindset of the sub continent for the above thought process. The thought however got lost in the following 200+ pages...:)
well that is what I was talking about.It doesn't matter whether she carries indian citizenship or not.She just isn't indian anymore.(not in the legal sense)
And knowing the tradition and the traditional percepions and sensitivities ... she did such a thing.That's the cause of anger.

To show that is the whole point of this thread.. thank you
Salma Agha married an Indian dude, Noor married an Indian dude. Any issue?

The only reason Pakistanis are now celebrating this as a victory since Indians are mourning this as a defeat. The idea in Pakistan is to just piss off Indians :P. Stop being pissed off and the hooligans in Pakistan would automatically go away.

No Indian has the right to crib that she didn't marry an Indian. It's her wish. They may complain if she said or did anything anti-Indian.

Being Pro-Pakistani does not mean anti-Indian. Being pro-Indian does not mean anti-Pakistani. If I proclaim Jai Hind, it will not mean death to Pakistan.

Be patriotic, without hate. Fight for your countries issues with countries who are hostile to you. But don't search and create new issues purely out of hate.

well ayesh siddiqui married shoaib.There are many other indian girls who might have married pakistani boys.Was there any problem then in India? The problem is with people who are icons of the country marrying pakistani guys.
We are not pissed off because some hooligans in pak are dancing.We are only pissed off because a national icon is so indifferent to the national emotions.
when it comes to individual choice....sania didn't complain about the lots of appreciation she got from the country's people.She earned crores on ads and govt gifts and awards.She now need not crib about the people's reaction for these are the same people who gave her the popularity in the first place.
And coming to loving one's own country without hating another......
It is impossible to love your own country and to not hate your stated enemy.Human brains are incapable of such a state.I love the ideal too.. but it's just not possible to realize in the real world.
well the word secular combine it with secular system or secular thinking are not some thing we can differentiate.
You cannot say you live in a secular state and do not follow secular thinkings nor they imply to different state of the govenrment or ppl living in it.

I have rightly written Where are the Secualar Indians now.

You are misconstruing secularism. Secularism would be in play here only if there were objections to Indians of different religions marrying, not when one of the characters is Pakistani. There are no issues with Saif Ali Khan & Kareena Kapoor, Mohammed Azharuddin & Sangeetha Bijlani, Aamir Khan &Kiran Rao and I'm sure many others. There wasn't a furore when Aishwarya Rai was seeing Salman Khan. Do you see many Indians get worked up over those relationships even though there are two individuals with different religions involved?

BTW, what exactly is the Pakistani complaint now? That you aren't being treated the same way that we treat fellow Indians? I thought you wanted nothing to do with us !
You are misconstruing secularism. Secularism would be in play here only if there were objections to Indians of different religions marrying, not when one of the characters is Pakistani. There are no issues with Saif Ali Khan & Kareena Kapoor, Mohammed Azharuddin & Sangeetha Bijlani, Aamir Khan &Kiran Rao and I'm sure many others. There wasn't a furore when Aishwarya Rai was seeing Salman Khan. Do you see many Indians get worked up over those relationships even though there are two individuals with different religions involved?

So secularism is for Indians in India only..wonder why you guys say to the world we are a secular nation.. y not keep this so called impaired secularism to yourself instead of bragging

BTW, what exactly is the Pakistani complaint now? That you aren't being treated the same way that we treat fellow Indians? I thought you wanted nothing to do with us !

BTW, we have no complaint about this whole sania-shoaib issue.. seriously i have said that in my previous post and i will say it again. No Problem at all.. We are Happy
the above bold part is the whole truth..we just cannot treat each others the same way.. the whole peace thing is full of crap.
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So secularism is for Indians in India only..wonder why you guys say to the world we are a secular nation.. y not keep this so called impaired secularism to yourself instead of bragging

Thats thick as hell! Such perversion of logic needs a trained mind.

Bangalore was saying that we have no problems with interfaith, thats secular. Not liking pakistani has nothing to do wih secularism but with india pakistan problems! duh!
Thats thick as hell! Such perversion of logic needs a trained mind.

Bangalore was saying that we have no problems with interfaith, thats secular. Not liking pakistani has nothing to do wih secularism but with india pakistan problems! duh!

so you are twisting and curbing the defination of Secualrism according to your needs. interesting

Correct me now.. interfaith marriages has no problem in India but if its with a Pakistani then its a huge problem ?? cm on say it and validate my thread
so correct me now.. interfaith marriages has no problem in India but if its with a Pakistani then its a huge problem ?? cm on say it and validate my thread

Let me understand what you are trying to say? By your statement, do you mean that Hindus in India are having issues with Sania/Shoiab marriage because they are muslims? Is that your point? lets be clear on this and based on which we can reply.
Thats thick as hell! Such perversion of logic needs a trained mind.

Bangalore was saying that we have no problems with interfaith, thats secular. Not liking pakistani has nothing to do wih secularism but with india pakistan problems! duh!

I think the poster is deluded by the rhetoric of Pakistan being the flag bearer of Islam, and anyone hating Pakistan hates the entire muslim community. Hope he never comes across a real Indian muslim, or his wall of delusions will crashing down before he can utter "Zia".
I really believe that the 65000 fans are thanking Pakistan not because they hate Sania or Pakistan trust me on that, but the kind of limelight (BS ) take they attract.Man we are tired of seeing sum1's personal life being debated on national TV for hrs after hrs how the hell does it matter to us.:hitwall::hitwall::hitwall::hitwall:

While actual, quality, relevant news gives us a miss.Cmon the Soaps on various channels are suicidal already ..then this .. one month long soap on her marriage when ever u switch on the idiot box. There is a limit.New channels in India are totally clueless and sometimes the biggest criminals in sensationalizing peoples private lives.
The Youth thanks Pakistan because maybe you have taken away from this dumbf**k media one of their sources of creating irrational rant all day long(ps. Its not Sania's Fault) and we thoroughly wish sum1 takes away Rahki Sawat(this one does it purposely) as well the quicker the better.

The I&B better start acting on the quality of stuff the population sees....other wise i see atleast no good coming off the kind of entertainment especially sensationalistic new channels that prevail here......

Let me understand what you are trying to say? By your statement, do you mean that Hindus in India are having issues with Sania/Shoiab marriage because they are muslims? Is that your point? lets be clear on this and based on which we can reply.

my title reads indians..so m not generalizing hindu or muslims or ny one else.

Based on your fellow countrymen posts i am about to conclude some thing... you have my point, now read other indian posts and have their points aswell, then reply me
I think the poster is deluded by the rhetoric of Pakistan being the flag bearer of Islam, and anyone hating Pakistan hates the entire muslim community. Hope he never comes across a real Indian muslim, or his wall of delusions will crashing down before he can utter "Zia".

You are off topic... and i know many real indian muslims one of them is my room mate.. so i know wot deeply hurts him and i want that truth out of you guys aswell.. simple is that.
and plz stay on the topic
Indians never had a problem when our indian muslim celebrities marries hindus or vice versa.Do you know our most favourite composer A.R.Rahman is a convert from hinduism,does that stop us from loving him?But in this case some people got angered because sania(who is much much revered here) couldn't find a man from 120 million indian muslims but instead found one from the nation who are our traditional enemies.What have this to do with secularism?Since secularism is not about loving your enemies.
*According to you some peoples dislike over an indian girl marrying a pakistani boy is something that require india to be no longer called a secular state,Should we stop calling pakistan an islamic republic because of unislamic practises of thousands of pakistani citizens?Or should we change it's name to trp because of prevalance of widespread terrorism..?I think action of some people should not decide whether the a country is un-secular or un-islamic etc..What do you think?
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