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Thank you Pakistan Air Force for making us proud


Oct 20, 2008
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United Kingdom
I would like to thank my Pakistan Air Force and Army for making us proud. It was such a day of humilation when Indian Air Force penetrated inside Pakistan yesterday so the response was imminent. But the response given by PAF is way better than my expectation and I salute our armed forces for making us proud.

Now India will know the consequences of further escalation


The best thing PAF did apart from the fact that they actually flexed their muscles is that they didn't bury the results of the operation. They threw it at the world's media and now there's no denying the fact that India is the mad man in the house not us. Loving that they're mature in this situation too as they understand what is at stake.
Airforce chief telling the families of the 2 captured pilots not to worry about their sons as they will be taken care of as obligated by convention and his religion.No one does that! Watch and learn. He made that statement on a news channel and they put it down as a ticker immediately.

This is my Pakistan and this is My pakistani Armed Forces! Allah blesses those who show mercy and courage!
I think the credit should also be given to the state leadership who stood their ground. Many people here were saying that IK will take another U turn on this. He did not while air force acted in glorified manner, the orders came straight from the PM "Hum retaliate kerna ka sochin ka nahi hum retaliate kerin ga"
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