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Thailand Southern Muslim Insergencies

The do this in our northern state of Jammu & Kashmir. India understands your pain, friend. Some of us who dwelled deep into the concerns and terrorism in Thailand, have understood that this separatism is following the same trend as it has in other countries.

As a country experienced in dealing with religious terrorism, we would suggest you to be as ruthless and forceful as you can against these terrorists. Do not let their pets in media and other influential agencies get to soften Thai military's stand. You know they are against your country and culture; go against them with full force. Tanks, helicopters, jets... do whatever it takes.

India supports your efforts.

Come on mate. Jihadi terrorism is taking a huge toll of lives needlessly. Look around you.

The Thai army must go in with full force to get rid of terrorists and develop those areas for their people.

Not just you guys. If you study the global trend you will find the same problem in 15+ countries.

Spoken like a true grunt. That actually know jack about the things you just said.
The do this in our northern state of Jammu & Kashmir. India understands your pain, friend. Some of us who dwelled deep into the concerns and terrorism in Thailand, have understood that this separatism is following the same trend as it has in other countries.

As a country experienced in dealing with religious terrorism, we would suggest you to be as ruthless and forceful as you can against these terrorists. Do not let their pets in media and other influential agencies get to soften Thai military's stand. You know they are against your country and culture; go against them with full force. Tanks, helicopters, jets... do whatever it takes.

India supports your efforts.

Come on mate. Jihadi terrorism is taking a huge toll of lives needlessly. Look around you.

The Thai army must go in with full force to get rid of terrorists and develop those areas for their people.

Not just you guys. If you study the global trend you will find the same problem in 15+ countries.

Two years ago when there were Bhuddist&Muslim crash in Myanmar. I learned the strategy of Islam and I read Quran.
I found that India has been fighting with insurgencies/terrorism for long time. I feel like India is our protection against Islam to the west. If you see the statistics, you will understand.

How many times you heard about crash on Hindu vs Bhuddist?
How many time Bhuddist vs Christian?
How many time Bhuddist vs __<a country name>__

ok now you substiute the above with the word Muslim and counts. Give the comparison, justify your answer, students.

This is what I try to warn you about Islam on the other thread that I was banned. Some religion has politcal goal, while some are not.
Spoken like a true grunt. That actually know jack about the things you just said.

My friend, Indonesia is peaceful country and you people don't understand the issues going on in other countries. Sadly, because of religion's tag, you feel that others are hating your collective existence. No.

The problem is much different.
Two years ago when there were Bhuddist&Muslim crash in Myanmar. I learned the strategy of Islam and I read Quran.
I found that India has been fighting with insurgencies/terrorism for long time. I feel like India is our protection against Islam to the west. If you see the statistics, you will understand.

How many times you heard about crash on Hindu vs Bhuddist?
How many time Bhuddist vs Christian?
How many time Bhuddist vs __<a country name>__

ok now you substiute the above with the word Muslim and counts. Give the comparison, justify your answer, students.

This is what I try to warn you about Islam on the other thread that I was banned. Some religion has politcal goal, while some are not.
VN also have Muslim but there is No crash on Muslim vs other religious.
My friend, Indonesia is peaceful country and you people don't understand the issues going on in other countries. Sadly, because of religion's tag, you feel that others are hating your collective existence. No.

The problem is much different.

Who's bringing religion into this? Indonesia not long ago was just like India. It become a peaceful country because we don't do massive disproportionate military strike like you just posted (any more). The only way you can "crush" separatism is not by bombing them to pieces, but by negotiating & compromise. Military strength might help, but not really as useful as you might think. Ever watch Star Wars do you ever think that if Palpatine share some of its power that he maybe won't lose the Empire? We lost East Timor because of it & now it is run by someone even more corrupt & incompetent than our government.

The problem is exactly the same. I mean just look at Aceh.
Two years ago when there were Bhuddist&Muslim crash in Myanmar. I learned the strategy of Islam and I read Quran.
I found that India has been fighting with insurgencies/terrorism for long time. I feel like India is our protection against Islam to the west. If you see the statistics, you will understand.

How many times you heard about crash on Hindu vs Bhuddist?
How many time Bhuddist vs Christian?
How many time Bhuddist vs __<a country name>__

ok now you substiute the above with the word Muslim and counts. Give the comparison, justify your answer, students.

This is what I try to warn you about Islam on the other thread that I was banned. Some religion has politcal goal, while some are not.

While I do not like Islamofascism, living under Hinduism is far worse than living under Islamofascist. You guys under-estimate Hindus.

In Islam, once you convert, all the oppression stop immediately.

In Hinduism, the Dalits have been assimilating to the Aryan Brahmin language and culture for 3000 years and today Dalits are still treated worse than animals.

The Arabic Muslim sheikhs no matter how crooked and corrupt share their wealth and do not make their people live too miserably. Go Jordan, Yemen, PA and look for yourselves. The Arabs despite all their short comings help their neighbors.

India is a typical example of to each his own-ism. Its culture is full of backstabbing, day to day politicking and corruption. Indians today still shitt on the streets. India is also famous for dowry-ism, bride killing, rape, drink urine-ism..etc...

In India, you can be smart but people still see you are animal because you are a born Dalits.

Every countries that receives Indian migrant end up far worse than those who take in Muslims. Go to Trinidad, Guyana and look for yourselves. The Indian migrants treated native American and blacks worse than animal and I have read forum that Indian claim the native American and blacks pollute them.

Few thousands km away in Mauritius, a tropical paradise see her natives become dalits and discriminate because the white man mass import Indians.

Given a choice between Hindu and Islam, I will prefer to be Muslim.
Who's bringing religion into this? Indonesia not long ago was just like India. It become a peaceful country because we don't do massive disproportionate military strike like you just posted (any more). The only way you can "crush" separatism is not by bombing them to pieces, but by negotiating & compromise. Military strength might help, but not really as useful as you might think. Ever watch Star Wars do you ever think that if Palpatine share some of its power that he maybe won't lose the Empire? We lost East Timor because of it & now it is run by someone even more corrupt & incompetent than our government.

What negotiations do you want from terror groups like LeT, JuD and HuJi? These lunatics want to murder all non-muslims and establish religious theocracy which has nothing to do with our history or culture. They are affiliated to Al Qaeda and Taliban and have killed thousands of unarmed civilians (including many own muslims).

In the Mumbai terrorist attack in 2008, 175 people were massacred which included 70 muslims and a whole dozen foreigners of different religions.

Tell me, what do you negotiate with these lunatics?

They want to break away our part of the country which was never historically theirs. Bro, our country's history is very ancient. These hate mongers didn't even exist back then. How can we simply donate lands? India has only lost territory since history. We cannot keep giving away our provinces like that.

The problem is exactly the same. I mean just look at Aceh.

I have not been to Banda Aceh but have heard a lot from my Balinese friends.They say that they follow Arab laws there with caning and some very harsh punishments. Non-islamic women also have to wear head coverings and full clothings and that sharia is practised there.

They don't even appreciate the other Indonesians as well.

Aceh's problem and J&K's problems are very different buddy.

While I do not like Islamofascism, living under Hinduism is far worse than living under Islamofascist. You guys under-estimate Hindus.

In Islam, once you convert, all the oppression stop immediately.

In Hinduism, the Dalits have been assimilating to the Aryan Brahmin language and culture for 3000 years and today Dalits are still treated worse than animals.

The Arabic Muslim sheikhs no matter how crooked and corrupt share their wealth and do not make their people live too miserably. Go Jordan, Yemen, PA and look for yourselves. The Arabs despite all their short comings help their neighbors.

India is a typical example of to each his own-ism. Its culture is full of backstabbing, day to day politicking and corruption. Indians today still shitt on the streets. India is also famous for dowry-ism, bride killing, rape, drink urine-ism..etc...

In India, you can be smart but people still see you are animal because you are a born Dalits.

Every countries that receives Indian migrant end up far worse than those who take in Muslims. Go to Trinidad, Guyana and look for yourselves. The Indian migrants treated native American and blacks worse than animal and I have read forum that Indian claim the native American and blacks pollute them.

Few thousands km away in Mauritius, a tropical paradise see her natives become dalits and discriminate because the white man mass import Indians.

Given a choice between Hindu and Islam, I will prefer to be Muslim.

Go ahead and keep spreading bullshit like that.

Seems you haven't come out of colonial hangover.
What negotiations do you want from terror groups like LeT, JuD and HuJi? These lunatics want to murder all non-muslims and establish religious theocracy which has nothing to do with our history or culture. They are affiliated to Al Qaeda and Taliban and have killed thousands of unarmed civilians (including many own muslims).

In the Mumbai terrorist attack in 2008, 175 people were massacred which included 70 muslims and a whole dozen foreigners of different religions.

Tell me, what do you negotiate with these lunatics?

They want to break away our part of the country which was never historically theirs. Bro, our country's history is very ancient. These hate mongers didn't even exist back then. How can we simply donate lands? India has only lost territory since history. We cannot keep giving away our provinces like that.

I have not been to Banda Aceh but have heard a lot from my Balinese friends.They say that they follow Arab laws there with caning and some very harsh punishments. Non-islamic women also have to wear head coverings and full clothings and that sharia is practised there.

They don't even appreciate the other Indonesians as well.

Aceh's problem and J&K's problems are very different buddy.

& how do you response to that by murdering every one who took up arms. Cause that works really fine till now does it? Cause I don't see your various terrorist group giving up the fights anytime soon. Did you know we have an extremely generous Amnesty offers for terrorists that are willing to defect & snitch on their former groups. Because of it Indonesia have information on the group & that allow us to form surgical strike with minimal loss. Terrorist are sadly not like our separatist problem.
As of May 2008, Indonesian police have arrested 418 suspects, of which approximately 250 have been tried and convicted. According to sources within Detachment 88, the JI organisation has been "shrunk", and many of its top operatives have been arrested or killed.[10]

It's part of our deal with the Acehnese we give them autonomy over their land in exchange for peace. Or would you like the alternative where instead of a woman getting caned the woman's body are filled with bullet hole & we will probably still sending troops over there with no end in sight which will not only drain our coffers, but human lives. Like it or not the Acehnese is still our brothers even if they don't view us as such. Giving autonomy are not the same as losing your lands. Because its not "yours" to begin with. The Acehnese want to be master of their land so we give them, but under our flag. The same with Papua they have different set of law than us, but still under our flag.

Like Cicero said:

I thought we talking about Pattani?
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While I do not like Islamofascism, living under Hinduism is far worse than living under Islamofascist. You guys under-estimate Hindus.

In Islam, once you convert, all the oppression stop immediately.

In Hinduism, the Dalits have been assimilating to the Aryan Brahmin language and culture for 3000 years and today Dalits are still treated worse than animals.

The Arabic Muslim sheikhs no matter how crooked and corrupt share their wealth and do not make their people live too miserably. Go Jordan, Yemen, PA and look for yourselves. The Arabs despite all their short comings help their neighbors.

India is a typical example of to each his own-ism. Its culture is full of backstabbing, day to day politicking and corruption. Indians today still shitt on the streets. India is also famous for dowry-ism, bride killing, rape, drink urine-ism..etc...

In India, you can be smart but people still see you are animal because you are a born Dalits.

Every countries that receives Indian migrant end up far worse than those who take in Muslims. Go to Trinidad, Guyana and look for yourselves. The Indian migrants treated native American and blacks worse than animal and I have read forum that Indian claim the native American and blacks pollute them.

Few thousands km away in Mauritius, a tropical paradise see her natives become dalits and discriminate because the white man mass import Indians.

Given a choice between Hindu and Islam, I will prefer to be Muslim.

Hinduism, no matter good or bad with its caste syste, lives under the umbella of Nation State. This means that if you have high % Hindu people on your country, yes, they may apply caste system on you. Perhaps you may not get a good caste. I don't know.
However, it lives only in India. They are not going to come to a country as an immigrant, and later, terrorize the native country so that a Hindu Law be imposed on that land. They will not force other religion women to wear Hindu clothing. They will not force a special tax on non-Hundu people. They do not have "fight until all worship is that of Hindu". They do not "Kill the nonbeliever wherever you find them". Islamic law ,if use it full extent, is scary. Cut hands, Caning, Stoning, 4 withness for rape case, etc.. Islam culture carries with its incest. Chinese Culture has long been a taboo since ancient time. I talk to Muslim person and he said incest between 1st cousin is common thing, acceptable.

Therefore, I don't think that Hindu immigrant will do any thing much. So long as you do not take them too quick too much that their culture overrule your own culture. Take Singapore as example. Take Thailand as example.

My friend use to go to her Hindu(Indian) friend's wedding. She reported that she was used like a servant by her friend's father. Apparently, caste system is being applied on my friend so that her friend's father can go lazy.

In 2nd, 3rd generation, they will just like thai people. Therefore, I prefere Hindu over Islam.
Hinduism, no matter good or bad with its caste syste, lives under the umbella of Nation State. This means that if you have high % Hindu people on your country, yes, they may apply caste system to you. Perhaps you may not get good caste. I don't know.
However, it lives only in India. They are not going to come to a country as an immigrant, and later, terrorize so that a Hindu Law be imposed on that land. They will not force other religion woman to wear Hindu cloth. They will not force a special tax on non-Hundu people. They do not have "fight until all worship is that of Hindu". They do not "Kill the nonbeliever wherever you find them". Islamic law ,if use it full extent, is scary. Cut hands, Caning, Stoning, 4 withness for rape case, etc..

Therefore, I don't think that Hindu immigrant will do any thing much. So long as you do not take them too quick too much that their culture overrule yours. Take Singapore as example. Take Thailand as example.

My friend use to go to her Hindu(Indian) friend's wedding. She reported that she was used like a servant by her friend's father. Apparently, caste system is being applied on my friend so that her friend's father can go lazy.

In 2nd, 3rd generation, they will just like thai people. Therefore, I prefere Hindu over Islam.

BTW Somak are you a Thai or a Thai Chinese?

You support Thaksin or the palace?
& how do you response to that by murdering every one who took up arms. Cause that works really fine till now does it? Cause I don't see your various terrorist group giving up the fights anytime soon. Did you know we have an extremely generous Amnesty offers for terrorists that are willing to defect & snitch on their former groups. Because of it Indonesia have information on the group & that allow us to form surgical strike with minimal loss. Terrorist are sadly not like our separatist problem.

It's part of our deal with the Acehnese we give them autonomy over their land in exchange for peace. Or would you like the alternative where instead of a woman getting caned the woman's body are filled with bullet hole & we will probably still sending troops over there with no end in sight which will not only drain our coffers, but human lives. Like it or not the Acehnese is still our brothers even if they don't view us as such. Giving autonomy are not the same as losing your lands. Because its not "yours" to begin with. The Acehnese want to be master of their land so we give them, but under our flag. The same with Papua they have different set of law than us, but still under our flag.

Like Cicero said:

I thought we talking about Pattani?
Just bcz u r not strong enough to kill all terrorist, so u have to negotiate with them, VN also have terrorist and anti-VN rebel in Cambodia, we just simply find and kill them all :pop:
1/8 Thai, 7/8 Chinese 4th gen.
If it is confirmed that its Thaksin or King, I choose King.
If not confirmed, I choose Thaksin.
Just bcz u r not strong enough to kill all terrorist, so u have to negotiate with them, VN also have terrorist and anti-VN rebel in Cambodia, we just simply find and kill them all :pop:

That is why Indonesia is probably the most morally just country in region (easy, given the competition). While Vietnam is.... Meh!
& how do you response to that by murdering every one who took up arms. Cause that works really fine till now does it? Cause I don't see your various terrorist group giving up the fights anytime soon. Did you know we have an extremely generous Amnesty offers for terrorists that are willing to defect & snitch on their former groups. Because of it Indonesia have information on the group & that allow us to form surgical strike with minimal loss. Terrorist are sadly not like our separatist problem.

That's not the idea. The military is also helping build schools, pay for education, rehabilitate families and help them in natural disasters. In fact, majority of the troops in that province are local recruits, including recruits from nearby districts like Ladakh and Jammu.

The terrorist groups taking arms is a phenomenon dating in late 80s. When US was handling our hosts' economy and they had a free chance to re-designate jobs to their 'strategic' weapons aka these so-called freedom fighters, after Soviet war, they allocated these terror groups against us. To do that, they needed to cleanse the valley of any other faith's groups which were significant part of kashmir. So they launched a brutal campaign of purging, rioting and posting banners in the state and valley in urdu stating 'kashmir mein rehna hoga to la ilaha illala kehna hoga' (in urdu it means 'if you have to stay in kashmir, you have to declare 'la ilaha illalla', your religious declaration; as a message to convert or leave or die). More than half a million people were displaced, killed, raped, maimed and kicked out of their houses which they lived for centuries always.

Any other nation of our position would have launched tanks and fighter jets to bomb the valley clean in response. Instead, we dealt with the terrorists, calmed locals and helped them bring peace back.

We also have government programs to give them government jobs and bring them back to normal civilian lives. Many of them regret their mistake and come back. They help the military track terrorists down and tell them their details also. It has been very useful to the security units.

We follow a mix of power and soft strategies to bring peace. Why? Because we are not a superpower like Russia who can simply bomb the living daylights out of terror ridden provinces and bring peace. They can do it because they are simply too powerful to take on. We on the other hand are not. So we chose a strategy that helped our problems to solve.

It's part of our deal with the Acehnese we give them autonomy over their land in exchange for peace. Or would you like the alternative where instead of a woman getting caned the woman's body are filled with bullet hole & we will probably still sending troops over there with no end in sight which will not only drain our coffers, but human lives. Like it or not the Acehnese is still our brothers even if they don't view us as such. Giving autonomy are not the same as losing your lands. Because its not "yours" to begin with. The Acehnese want to be master of their land so we give them, but under our flag. The same with Papua they have different set of law than us, but still under our flag.

Then my friend, your honest initiative will go in vain. Your soldiers who have fought and died earlier, have died for nothing. These madmen don't want peace; peace is a time for them to simply gather forces and redouble their efforts to unleash bloodshed.

This peace process will only delay and make the Indonesian government look weak. Give peace and development to the civilians there but their so called leaders? show them no mercy.

I thought we talking about Pattani?


Yeah Pattani. Let's get back to the topic.

Thailand is facing a major issue and it is important that as an ASEAN nation you help them militarily.

This is not about muslims alone. I am sure that a lot of muslims who don't want to wage war, will be also suffering from terrorism there.

Indonesia is a military power in ASEAN. Your experience in dealing with Aceh and Papua separatists will help Thai troops.
That is why Indonesia is probably the most morally just country in region (easy, given the competition). While Vietnam is.... Meh!
VN is a safeand peaceful nation with no terrorist , bcz we killed all terrorist already :laugh:
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