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Thailand Southern Muslim Insergencies

Then my friend, your honest initiative will go in vain. Your soldiers who have fought and died earlier, have died for nothing. These madmen don't want peace; peace is a time for them to simply gather forces and redouble their efforts to unleash bloodshed.

This peace process will only delay and make the Indonesian government look weak. Give peace and development to the civilians there but their so called leaders? show them no mercy.

If you been following Aceh you would know that they've been a power struggle for political power in the province. How can they be gathering forces when they are fighting among themselves? Been reading to many comic book I assume.

On the contrary we also spared their leaders. Now most of them held offices in the province. Keeping them also serves to keep the more radical element away from the group.

Yeah Pattani. Let's get back to the topic.

Thailand is facing a major issue and it is important that as an ASEAN nation you help them militarily.

This is not about muslims alone. I am sure that a lot of muslims who don't want to wage war, will be also suffering from terrorism there.

Indonesia is a military power in ASEAN. Your experience in dealing with Aceh and Papua separatists will help Thai troops.

Pattani is a problem that can easily be solved diplomatically. As long as the Thai & the Pattani found some common ground to negotiate on. Beside bringing in a military forces that doesn't know the lay of the land (geographically & politically) will led to unforeseen disaster.
If you been following Aceh you would know that they've been a power struggle for political power in the province. How can they be gathering forces when they are fighting among themselves? Been reading to many comic book I assume.

I am not talking about Aceh in specific but religious motivated separatists in general. Political struggle and power struggle is there within the ranks but when it comes to targeting an external entity, then they always regroup. It has been historically proven: PLO in Israel, Dukka Umarov's forces in Russia, the UJC groups in India, the Boko Haramis of Nigeria and even ETIM of China.

On the contrary we also spared their leaders. Now most of them held offices in the province. Keeping them also serves to keep the more radical element away from the group.

I wish all the very best to Indonesia for this. But never let your guard down.

Pattani is a problem that can easily be solved diplomatically. As long as the Thai & the Pattani found some common ground to negotiate on. Beside bringing in a military forces that doesn't know the lay of the land (geographically & politically) will led to unforeseen disaster.

Thanks for clarifying. I thought the Thai troops were familiar with every inch of their country.
& how do you response to that by murdering every one who took up arms. Cause that works really fine till now does it? Cause I don't see your various terrorist group giving up the fights anytime soon. Did you know we have an extremely generous Amnesty offers for terrorists that are willing to defect & snitch on their former groups. Because of it Indonesia have information on the group & that allow us to form surgical strike with minimal loss. Terrorist are sadly not like our separatist problem.

It's part of our deal with the Acehnese we give them autonomy over their land in exchange for peace. Or would you like the alternative where instead of a woman getting caned the woman's body are filled with bullet hole & we will probably still sending troops over there with no end in sight which will not only drain our coffers, but human lives. Like it or not the Acehnese is still our brothers even if they don't view us as such. Giving autonomy are not the same as losing your lands. Because its not "yours" to begin with. The Acehnese want to be master of their land so we give them, but under our flag. The same with Papua they have different set of law than us, but still under our flag.

Like Cicero said:

I thought we talking about Pattani?

Wish pre-1971 West Pakistan had your wisdom, we would still have a united Pakistan.
While I do not like Islamofascism, living under Hinduism is far worse than living under Islamofascist. You guys under-estimate Hindus.

In Islam, once you convert, all the oppression stop immediately.

In Hinduism, the Dalits have been assimilating to the Aryan Brahmin language and culture for 3000 years and today Dalits are still treated worse than animals.

The Arabic Muslim sheikhs no matter how crooked and corrupt share their wealth and do not make their people live too miserably. Go Jordan, Yemen, PA and look for yourselves. The Arabs despite all their short comings help their neighbors.

India is a typical example of to each his own-ism. Its culture is full of backstabbing, day to day politicking and corruption. Indians today still shitt on the streets. India is also famous for dowry-ism, bride killing, rape, drink urine-ism..etc...

In India, you can be smart but people still see you are animal because you are a born Dalits.

Every countries that receives Indian migrant end up far worse than those who take in Muslims. Go to Trinidad, Guyana and look for yourselves. The Indian migrants treated native American and blacks worse than animal and I have read forum that Indian claim the native American and blacks pollute them.

Few thousands km away in Mauritius, a tropical paradise see her natives become dalits and discriminate because the white man mass import Indians.

Given a choice between Hindu and Islam, I will prefer to be Muslim.

Bro, not all Muslims are fascists, we have had this conversations before, hopefully you will change your mind someday.

I agree wholeheartedly with what you said about Hindu's. Guess why there is two countries called Pakistan and Bangladesh?

The other thing you should note is that Muslims are the biggest race mixer/uniter in this whole world, which hopefully will reduce racism someday:

Now Muslim societies still have inter-ethnic issues, there is no denying that, but it is still less than other groups. In every Muslim society you will find mixed people from far flung places. And ideally any Muslim male is eligible to marry any Muslim female, regardless of race or ethnicity. The extremism nonsense you see today is a product of centuries of attacks on our states by hostile powers, fragmentation of these states and then rise of deviant intolerant ideas and their promotion using petro-dollars, again facilitated by some world powers.
The other thing you should note is that Muslims are the carace mixer/uniter in this whole world, which hopefully will reduce racism someday:
Let me correct u,no religion in the world can reduce racism.Racism can be reduced through Education & awareness. I do read Pakistani newspapers every day.Forget racism,crimes against Shias,Hazaras r increasing day by day.U can check the same on google
Let me correct u,no religion in the world can reduce racism.Racism can be reduced through Education & awareness. I do read Pakistani newspapers every day.Forget racism,crimes against Shias,Hazaras r increasing day by day.U can check the same on google

Muslims mass murdered 270 million to over 1 billion people and they say they are peace ,love. Quran is full of genocidal verses against kafirs and they say islam is not racist or imperialist.

Apart from riots in India,what about the Illegal Bangladeshis who come to India every year. Go & check the UN report.
Lastly if u r referring to the riots in Assam between Bodo tribals & Bangladeshi muslims,during the 1971 war,many Bangladeshis were forced to leave Bangladesh & settle in the border regions of Assam.At that time it was 7%,today it is 41% thereby threatening the language & the culture of the Bodo tribals. Will Bangladesh takes it people back.

well,we will have to convert them. Bangladesh has no capacity to accomodate them. Kill the mullahs and steamroll the conversions.
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