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Testing closed system theory on Taliban do they need foreign money?

You folks need to really look in to the pedagogy involved in the religious education in the Madrassas.

Well either that or you my dear friend shall be found swinging from a lamp a few years down the line.

To put it simply , regulate the religion as the Arabs do . Keep a strict check on the religious institutions , raise up surveillance of the people running them , see where does the money come and go , determine the sermons being delivered , keep a track of who's living in the Madarsas and Mosques , analyze the thought patterns and see what they want for their nation and the country . You are quite right , mate . The biggest threat facing Pakistan today isn't a foreign country , it is the same people of Pakistan who have been allowed to be indoctrinated with an ideology which is violent , intolerant , barbaric and irrational at the same time . The enemy within is more dangerous than the Pakistanis ever realized and unfortunately they have to come to terms with the reality really fast , time isn't a luxury we have .

I have Plan B . :D
To put it simply , regulate the religion as the Arabs do . Keep a strict check on the religious institutions , raise up surveillance of the people running them , see where does the money come and go , determine the sermons being delivered , keep a track of who's living in the Madarsas and Mosques , analyze the thought patterns and see what they want for their nation and the country . You are quite right , mate . The biggest threat facing Pakistan today isn't a foreign country , it is the same people of Pakistan who have been allowed to be indoctrinated with an ideology which is violent , intolerant , barbaric and irrational at the same time . The enemy within is more dangerous than the Pakistanis ever realized and unfortunately they have to come to terms with the reality really fast , time isn't a luxury we have .

I have Plan B . :D

Plan B = @Hyperion goes nuke crazy? :what:
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Take your admiration and love for the terrorists along with this extremism fueled desire and obsession of wiping and neutralizing ' any opposition ' to somewhere else . Ai'nt not interested in discussing it here and ruining this thread based on a hard worked article . Sure , take the fight to the mainland U.S. if you have the power or do you find it easy to kill Muslims here ? Implement your true Islam in the Arab countries first before trying to justify your terrorism in Pakistan . Islamabad can have that kind of religious interpretation if the common man votes for it in the democratic elections - something in which religious parties participate freely . They just need to get the required majority to legislate and voila you have your idealistic system with a God chosen ruler - The Utopia . Savvy ? Now back on topic .

But of course , blind aren't only the eyes as the verse goes .
Mr your beloved ghamdi blasted secularists and clearly said that seculars try to impose a theory which can never work in Muslim societies and result in Taliban thought in return @Dillinger I am not influenced by any other than Allah and his rasool saw I follow Islam not any mullah
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Take your admiration and love for the terrorists along with this extremism fueled desire and obsession of wiping and neutralizing ' any opposition ' to somewhere else . Ai'nt not interested in discussing it here and ruining this thread based on a hard worked article . Sure , take the fight to the mainland U.S. if you have the power or do you find it easy to kill Muslims here ? Implement your true Islam in the Arab countries first before trying to justify your terrorism in Pakistan . Islamabad can have that kind of religious interpretation if the common man votes for it in the democratic elections - something in which religious parties participate freely . They just need to get the required majority to legislate and voila you have your idealistic system with a God chosen ruler - The Utopia . Savvy ? Now back on topic .

But of course , blind aren't only the eyes as the verse goes .

I agree with Secur on this @Zavran , we, at least the majority of Pakistanis, do not want your Jihaord. You want it? Go ahead and fight your 'infidels', do not involve us and if you do be sure that we will strike back. Wipe out and be wiped, just not on our doorsteps not in this house. As for Islam then we will answer to our Allah as shall you, we are not accountable to you nor any man.

Mr your beloved ghamdi blasted secularists and clearly said that seculars try to impose a theory which can never work in Muslim societies and result in Taliban thought in return @Dillinger I am not influenced by any other than Allah and his rasool saw I follow Islam not any mullah

Of all the interpretations that was the one you had to follow? Why not go on a Jihad to eradicate hunger amongst Muslims? Give every Muslim orphan a home? Couldn't you channel that zeal there? Why on the killing?

@jaibi And now you have engaged yourself in an exercise of sheer futility. Leave it be or your thread will get stretched on with multiple 7-8 line posts of a repetitive nature. Your sanity shall be nibbled away post by post.

I'm afraid you are correct, Dilli, let's see how long we can run the show, eh?
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Mr your beloved ghamdi blasted secularists and clearly said that seculars try to impose a theory which can never work in Muslim societies and result in Taliban thought in return @Dillinger I am not influenced by any other than Allah and his rasool saw I follow Islam not any mullah

Right so nothing but Islam can work for the Muslim countries? Saudi Arabia is Islamic right? They've said that their constitution is the Quran, tell me how's it working out for them? How does it work over there does Allah (SWT) cause His chosen prince to born over there and rule them?
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I'm afraid you are correct, Dilli, let's see how long we can run the show, eh?

Well if you want , you can ask the moderators for the thread to be moved to the Senior's cafe . That would be most wise . Even I do not want this futile and repetitive discussion to continue to ad infinitum and ad nauseam because face it , the other side isn't ready to think rationally or accept fact/logic . I speak from extensive previous experience , if you doubt me :D I have had the very same debate in the very same words with the same member , countless times .
Well if you want , you can ask the moderators for the thread to be moved to the Senior's cafe . That would be most wise . Even I do not want this futile and repetitive discussion to continue to ad infinitum and ad nauseam because face it , the other side isn't ready to think rationally or accept fact/logic . I speak from extensive previous experience , if you doubt me :D I have had the very same debate in the very same words with the same member , countless times .

Oh by all means Secur, I would be very grateful for your help.
I agree with Secur on this @Zavran , we, at least the majority of Pakistanis, do not want your Jihaord. You want it? Go ahead and fight your 'infidels', do not involve us and if you do be sure that we will strike back. Wipe out and be wiped, just not on our doorsteps not in this house. As for Islam then we will answer to our Allah as shall you, we are not accountable to you nor any man.

Of all the interpretations that was the one you had to follow? Why not go on a Jihad to eradicate hunger amongst Muslims? Give every Muslim orphan a home? Couldn't you channel that zeal there? Why on the killing?

I'm afraid you are correct, Dilli, let's see how long we can run the show, eh?

Mr Islam can only work for Muslim societies and that is proven every second day because other systems are nothing but failures and promoted by slaves of USA and India who are nothing but drunken dumb heads Mr and Saudi Arabia if not completely still with some Islam they at least don't have that much crime which you have in your country still they have not pathetic food to eat Mr still they have to go through less corruption than you guys so please face reality and above ALLAH has called those kafirs who don't decide according to what he has revealed Mr
Mr Islam can only work for Muslim societies and that is proven every second day because other systems are nothing but failures and promoted by slaves of USA and India who are nothing but drunken dumb heads Mr and Saudi Arabia if not completely still with some Islam they at least don't have that much crime which you have in your country still they have not pathetic food to eat Mr still they have to go through less corruption than you guys so please face reality and above ALLAH has called those kafirs who don't decide according to what he has revealed Mr

You are too prejudiced to argue with Zarvan. Historically, no system has worked unless people have placed their blood and sweat into it. Your system works in your mind, yes, but empirically it has not been able to anything. See the socities that have implicated their version of Islam Iran and Saudi Arabia and see the level of societal problems they face. Yes, the Quran can be a Manga Carta for us but it will still be a general guideline: we will still need an intricate system of civil governance. Secondly, the Arabs did not come here to 'spread Islam' they came here to colonise you much like the British. Your and people like you still holding loyalty to them just feed their superority complexes. We are not Arabs and nor are we their slaves. We are Muslims, we call Muslims our brothers as well as every human alive. Read the Quran again and see how many times Allah has addressed us as :' O Children of Adam' that means we are brothers. Why does Allah say one murder is equal to the death of all humanity why not Muslims? Please come out of your prejudices.

Sorry I had written a response but hadn't been able to post it yet. I want to point out certain things in the articles you posted.

First one is

TTP demands ?protection money? - DAWN.COM

^ The Talibs are moving towards targeting protection money from businessmen this seems to confirm the analysis that I have made which basically says that the TTP are looking to diversify. This earning is 'white-money' essentially the input of criminal elements is limited and I see a rise in such incidents.


^ Again spot on! Though this is 'black money' but Karachis well established mafia would make such operations easier than extortions. Again this article is of 2013 confirming that the TTP is focusing more on gaining economic leverage as of now. This can mean that they will go for a more medium paced attack so as to keep the securty apparatus on their toes but not rattle them enough to cause a major overhauling operation.

Bil, if you truly are in the ISI you could work on gaining a more intricate understanding of the workings of the TTP whence we figure out their workings and attack them where it hurts: the pocket we can crush them in a single operation not more than 3 months in the taking.

Oh and on a side note would you care to comment on a thread it's of a more personal nature but I would love to have your opinion:


Thanks again for reading my piece!
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i don't know what gives you the impression, but I don't work for any Intel agency and I never claimed to be working for one, i have a very boring office job in private sector and am in my mid 20s. Had i been working in any of the concerned departments believe me funding is the first line i would have stepped my foot on, rather than chasing them with big guns.

Taliban had been involved in criminal activities since 2010, at least that's when I started to hear about the incidents. And if my knowledge serves me right, AQ assisted them in tapping the phones of the big wigs, and provided them with technical support, and in return they were allowed to use the wide network of local militants.
Talking about your thread than i have visited it already, i did not comment because many members have given their suggestions already which i agree with too.

Sorry I had written a response but hadn't been able to post it yet. I want to point out certain things in the articles you posted.

First one is

TTP demands ?protection money? - DAWN.COM

^ The Talibs are moving towards targeting protection money from businessmen this seems to confirm the analysis that I have made which basically says that the TTP are looking to diversify. This earning is 'white-money' essentially the input of criminal elements is limited and I see a rise in such incidents.


^ Again spot on! Though this is 'black money' but Karachis well established mafia would make such operations easier than extortions. Again this article is of 2013 confirming that the TTP is focusing more on gaining economic leverage as of now. This can mean that they will go for a more medium paced attack so as to keep the securty apparatus on their toes but not rattle them enough to cause a major overhauling operation.

Bil, if you truly are in the ISI you could work on gaining a more intricate understanding of the workings of the TTP whence we figure out their workings and attack them where it hurts: the pocket we can crush them in a single operation not more than 3 months in the taking.

Oh and on a side note would you care to comment on a thread it's of a more personal nature but I would love to have your opinion:


Thanks again for reading my piece!
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i don't know what gives you the impression, but I don't work for any Intel agency and I never claimed to be working for one, i have a very boring office job in private sector and am in my mid 20s. Had i been working in any of the concerned departments believe me funding is the first line i would have stepped my foot on, rather than chasing them with big guns.

Taliban had been involved in criminal activities since 2010, at least that's when I started to hear about the incidents. And if my knowledge serves me right, AQ assisted them in tapping the phones of the big wigs, and provided them with technical support, and in return they were allowed to use the wide network of local militants.
Talking about your thread than i have visited it already, i did not comment because many members have given their suggestions already which i agree with too.

I thiught so from your profile, my mistake. I am just desperate to be heard and I want to do my part in stopping this cancer. However, as tragedy goes, our powers that be are blind.
Our 'Muslim' brothers have killed 50,000 Pakistanis, most of them Muslims and still the enemy is the USA? Please wake up.

Oh @jaibi. You just CANNOT wake up the dead!!. Do not waste your time even trying to. In this instance, only completeing the funereal rituals is remaining.
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I always pass my words and share my views with friends from the concerned departments, they hear me out, they like it, but i see no implementation, no one bothers looking into it.
I thiught so from your profile, my mistake. I am just desperate to be heard and I want to do my part in stopping this cancer. However, as tragedy goes, our powers that be are blind.
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