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Tesla to set up electric car manufacturing unit in India’s Karnataka State😎!

But the origin of both RISC-V and Linux was Western. In case of RISC-V it was American and in case it was Finnish.

Teams from other countries, whether India or China, continue to use the base Western designs in case of RISC-V and Linux.

Did China learn from Linux and design an entirely new OS from scratch ?

That is irrelevant because ownership is what matters, not origin. Paper and gunpowder originated in China, didn't stop others from using them against us. As long as ownership can't be used to lock Chinese or even Indian developers out, then it's irrelevant what the origin is.
That is irrelevant because ownership is what matters, not origin. Paper and gunpowder originated in China, didn't stop others from using them against us. As long as ownership can't be used to lock Chinese or even Indian developers out, then it's irrelevant what the origin is.

But people around the world learnt from China's rocketry and designed things from scratch like liquid fuel rockets.

The same way I will commend China ( and India ) if they used learnings from Western processors and operating systems and self-designed new OS' and processors. And it seems that there is a proposed / in-design Chinese OS ( from Huawei ) called HarmonyOS which is supposedly a microkernel-based thing. I find the below interesting thing from its Wiki page :
Huawei described HarmonyOS as a free, microkernel-based distributed operating system for various types of hardware, with faster inter-process communication than QNX
Let's see if Huawei takes the risk and ends dependence on Android and begins usage of HarmonyOS.
Good. Still need create the infrastructure for charging. There was some news that Tata Motors might tie up with Tesla for batteries.
Tata Motors stock since October -

But people around the world learnt from China's rocketry and designed things from scratch like liquid fuel rockets.

The same way I will commend China ( and India ) if they used learnings from Western processors and operating systems and self-designed new OS' and processors. And it seems that there is a proposed / in-design Chinese OS ( from Huawei ) called HarmonyOS which is supposedly a microkernel-based thing. I find the below interesting thing from its Wiki page :

Let's see if Huawei takes the risk and ends dependence on Android and begins usage of HarmonyOS.

They built on top of the existing gunpowder, which is the technological origin. Unfortunately, due to compatibility requirements, it is hard to make a new OS from scratch that can achieve commerical success.

The innovation will come from new applications such as IoT, machine learning, etc. using open source OS that cannot have their ownership taken away. In this field, I see China moving fast. Is India moving fast too?
They built on top of the existing gunpowder, which is the technological origin. Unfortunately, due to compatibility requirements, it is hard to make a new OS from scratch that can achieve commerical success.

AFAIK there are two approaches to enable compatibility with current applications :

1. The QNX way for example. QNX OS has its own system calls but provides standard POSIX application programming interfaces ( APIs ) so that you as a customer will recompile old applications and make them usable under QNX OS environment.

2. The OS provides a VM ( Virtual Machine ) which is an application that provides the environment of a certain processor or computer. For example there is the Bochs VM that is run on Linux and MS Windows and provides the environment of an IBM PC. Another VM is Xen. So you can design an entirely new OS and provide a VM application to support existing application ecosystems ( for example, Android ).

The second approach is the one I will be using when I am able to write my OS ( ongoing design concurrent to my processor design ).

The innovation will come from new applications such as IoT, machine learning, etc.

Yes, that type of innovation but alongside the traditional ones like a new OS. As I said, Huawei is speaking about a new OS called HarmonyOS.

using open source OS that cannot have their ownership taken away. In this field, I see China moving fast. Is India moving fast too?

Well, two Indian implementations of RISC-V called Vega and Shakti are open source.

My processor project and OS project I am putting out as open source.
You brother are speaking from a position of practicality and well-grounded reality.

These bhakts have no idea on how these Indian geniuses in US got to where they are today (I'd say definitely to some extent by own talent but also to a large measure by the opportunity given by Western education and infra).

What Bhakts don't really get is why that success could not happen from sitting in India. Why couldn't Vinod Khosla or the Sabeer Bhatia, inventor of hotmail - sit in India and accomplish the same?

I think we all know the answer, so chest thumping does not mean anything, really.

This chest thumping is for political reasons, and one which I abhor with a vengeance.
The Indian Origin successful individuals may have contributed virtually nothing to India (compared to what they could have and possibly they wanted to too but got frustrated with the bureaucracy & politicians).

But that has got nothing to do with the prices of cars running on India roads. In Delhi, cars from across the spectrum can be running - priced from few lakhs to few crores. Jaguar-Land Rover now belongs to Tatas. That is indication enough that Indian roads have the most premium cars of the globe running on them.

(I am a "Bhakt" myself. A Hindu, a patriotic Indian, a Modi/BJP supporter. So dont have high hopes from me even if I am grounded & speak the truth.)
HarmonyOS as of now is an Android ripoff. I don't mean it in a oh it's all based on Linux way. It's literally repackaged Android. Rest is marketing talk.

Yes, that is indicated by its Wikipedia page though they speak of a possible release ( when ? ) which will be based on microkernel arch and whose interprocess communication will be faster than QNX's.

Your favourite What aboutery and Butery.

Sure, but what I wrote has reality basis.
But people around the world learnt from China's rocketry and designed things from scratch like liquid fuel rockets.

The same way I will commend China ( and India ) if they used learnings from Western processors and operating systems and self-designed new OS' and processors. And it seems that there is a proposed / in-design Chinese OS ( from Huawei ) called HarmonyOS which is supposedly a microkernel-based thing. I find the below interesting thing from its Wiki page :

Let's see if Huawei takes the risk and ends dependence on Android and begins usage of HarmonyOS.
oye, did you read this ??
This thread is about Tesla opening factory in India, either stick to the topic or p!ss off marxist.

Below is what I wrote in post# 65. You didn't read :

As for Tesla cars coming to India, Tesla should stop producing expensive and silly sports cars and start producing electric taxis and buses.

The idea should be to ban all privately-owned personal transport vehicles.
While the butthurt by lungis is lovely to see, I would.not want to jump too much on this. Tesla did not announce this but Karnataka CM did. Which means some discussion has been happening but the same has been happening with Gujarat, Maharashtra and TN too.

Moreover India has unveiled National Hydrogen Mission trying Hydrogen based cars for our roads and we are trying to diversify from battery cars? Lots of questions but I don't see Tesla not taking an decision for the next 2-3 years atleast. But the R&D center is Bangalore is welcome. Most companies have their R&D companies in India even when their own companies don't sell anything here.
Moreover India has unveiled National Hydrogen Mission trying Hydrogen based cars for our roads

But how safe are hydrogen cars ? Has there been any development in the field of safe and stable hydrogen storage in vehicles ?

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