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Tesla shares set to skid into the red for the year

Space X is a separate company from Tesla. If Elon merged them then that company would surpass a trillion dollar market value.
SpaceX's current valuation is 74 billion so even if it merged with Tesla (which it never will for security and operational reasons), it would not surpass the 1 trillion dollar market cap given the current price of Tesla stock.
Oh Boy !!!! from $900 to $600
So much for Mr Elon Musk plans to build Rockets to Mars

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Musk gambled 1 Billion into Bitcoin to Hide his Company's shortfalls but many people seems have caught on
Tesla makes no Money unless it Gambles

Remember Ford Sells for 11 Bucks
In Doubt go with Ford or GM

Common Sense we have Oil on planet for 1000 years
Stock prices are always highly liquid. It does not make any sense to judge the fundamentals of Tesla given the recent slide in share price. Everyone knew a correction was due at some point (remember this is a stock that has gained almost 1000% since last year), but the fall was much swifter and more brutal than a lot expected. Having said this, the days of oil reigning the world is practically over. There is literally zero reason for anybody to buy an ICE car over an electric vehicle these days.

Better sell off your Tesla shares now while it still values. :enjoy: While BYD shares price now looks attractive. :lol:

If I read that right, Tesla invested into BITCOIN? Not its core business of making cars (which is still in the red), marketing or even into executive compensation (which would at least drive demand for yachts and Swiss banking) but bitcoin???

anyhow, in the car market, the biggest problem of Tesla is that it's not actually a good car. Many people admire the idea of Tesla but don't actually want to drive it, hence high stock prices with very low sales.
It is still at 700 dollars. What other auto company is at 700? I agree that Tesla is overvalued but now way is it doomed. Business is booming.
Many people admire the idea of Tesla but don't actually want to drive it, hence high stock prices with very low sales.

The Tesla Model 3 was #16 in the US in sales for 2020 (out of well over 100 vehicles)

It was #11 in 2019 because the model Y wasn't out.

Even with the pandemic their total sales were up
2019: 192,250
2020: 235,000

I think you are mistaken....
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Once China ban Tesla due to national security reasons, without access to China's yuuuge manufacturing capability and market, the price of this shittly over-hyped piece of shit will go down to where it belong, toilet level.

The reception of stock hype success of american company nowadays is to built and sell things in China, and telling bullshit hype to investors.

Just like Jobs, Musk is hype promoter (just like the Chinese fraud businessmen Jie Yueting, but obviously he is not so lucky since Chinese dont love hype that much so he is now hide in the hype-heaven american from his debt-collectors now).

American investors love to invest into hype and promote hype, with their FED inject another dozen of trillions fiat money into market, and with all the buy-back, you cannot really judge how good the company is by its stock price, you can only judge how hyped-up the company is by the its trading price instead.

So you should use P/H (Price/Hype) ratio instead of P/E ratio, in terms of P/H ratio, I believe Tesla is still a solid buy.
Once China ban Tesla due to national security reasons,

This is why foreign made self-driving tech requiring highly detailed maps isn't going to be acceptable in many countries and another reason why Tesla will easily win world markets. Users are even beta testing it with dirt roads in the woods. People simply don't realize how Tesla will be cornering the "hands free" world market very very very soon...and sheer fear is going to overwhelm other car makers when they can't offer a similar solution. People will look at that missing feature similar to how people react to a car without air-conditioning.

Nobody is thinking ahead like Tesla.
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You do realize the entire tech sector is getting hammered right? Chinese EV companies are seeing similar declines.

This is a buying opportunity on Tesla. Massive discount. Fundamentals haven’t changed, and massive exponential growth is intact. I focus on Tesla’s share price in 2025 and 2030. Not day to day fluctuations. Valleys are inevitable. It’s their innovation and execution that matter.

by 2030 you'd be lucky if you can find Tesla on charts

Tesla up 6% today. Investors realize these are super cheap prices. Just a matter of time until new record highs.
EV has a great future and yet the market is far from being competitive. ICE vehicles are still ruling the American auto market. We have to wait for other big players to bring in their inputs into the dealerships.
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