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#TerrorMata , How you explain these?

How can you lie so blatantly when the history is known to all ????

If it was just a local uprising as you are claiming, what was Kurram Militia, Frontier Corps,
Swat Levies and Furqan Force
doing inside the valley ????? Any answer's for that ???

Regarding 1971, we just took a page or two out of Pakistan's 1947 text book, nothing else.

If Indian intervention in East Pakistan back in 1971 was wrong then you will have to accept that Pakistan's interference in Kashmir back in 1947-48 was also very much wrong, else we were well within our rights to do a humanitarian interference in Bangladesh. :p:

It was exactly same what happened in East Pakistan aka Bangladesh. And still if you think Pakistan was right while interfering in J&K in 1947, then India is also right by interfering in East Pakistan. If India is wrong by interfering in East Pakistan so is Pakistan when you interfered in J&K. Period. :p:
They came here to help us. What was your forces doing in J&K when Maharaja's own forces were present there?
They came here to help us. What was your forces doing in J&K when Maharaja's own forces were present there?

We also came to help and protect Kingdom of Kashmir and her citizens from outside intruders, that too on the request of their government. :p:
There is nothing to explain for terrormatta. Neither they deny it. All they do is to divert the issue.
There is nothing to explain, everyone knows the reality of India and Pakistan conundrum.

Clearly one can see that Pakistani origin people committing terrorism in far away lands such as America, Europe and even Australia.

The popular view around the globe links Pakistan with the word terror more than India.
The frequent bomb blasts in Pakistan don't help either.

In reality Pakistan is a victim of terror and also a source of terror. Global perception for both nations is drastically different.
71 is a unpaid debt and by God you will pay for it ...
And Kashmir is an integral part of Pakistan .
A hindutwa brainless /brain pissed indiot is not suppose to lecture us on facts and history.
Jay terror mata:woot:
We also came to help and protect Kingdom of Kashmir and her citizens from outside intruders, that too on the request of their government. :p:
That means you came here on temporary basis and you recognize it as a autonomous kingdom. Then how on earth it became your integral part?
No, both are exactly the same. Only difference is that one was under a Maharaja rule and other was under a military dictator and military actions in Kashmir didn't created any mass exodus unlike what happened with the Bengali's in East Pakistan. :(
It was an Indian conspiracy to divide Pakistan which succeeded unfortunately for us. Mukti Bahini was first terrorist organization in South Asia so we can say that India started terrorism in this part of the world.

So who gave you the right to send Army into Pakistan? You though Pakistan is sufficiently weak to be invaded and divided. You took full advantage of our weakness. we developed nuclear weapons just to make sure you are not able to repeat this performance for the West Pakistan. This time you will be nuked.
Very different. Kashmiris did not pour into Pakistan as refugees in 1947-48. Kashmir was an independent free state like Nepal and Bhutan which was unilaterally invaded by Pakistan. East Pakistanis on the other hand poured into India as refugees - about 10 million.

I think we should nuke India to get rid of this extremist country.
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