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Terrorists sexually Humiliated guests before killing them

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why so late??

any such confirmation from the native country of these citizens.??

First of all this news didnt break out today.This has been reported weeks back in the local mumbai news papers quoting anonymous cop & doctors who did the autopsy.Its only some pics were released today.

Also how the Rabbi couple were turtured were widely reported weeks ago in Israel it self.

Below are URL links...

FOXNews.com - Mourners Bury Israelis Tortured Before Mumbai Executions - International News | News of the World | Middle East News | Europe News

Doctors: Terrorist Torture of Jewish Victims 'Beyond Words' - Jewish World - Israel News - Israel National News

Jews Tortured Before Being Executed During Mumbai Attacks

want more???:undecided:

Go Google it urself,u'll get scores of pages.

I dont know why so many members of this forum getting so emotional when some terrorists are reported of committing sexual humiliation as if sinners are angels
I think, the reasons have been explained in earlier posts. If you want to believe your unscrupulous and schizoid media, feel free to bask in the morbid atmosphere of indian media. However, don't expect reasonable and thinking people to believe what they say.... First, it was torture, then it was sexual abuse and now you have made it sexual humiliation????? do you even understand the difference between these?????? do you understand the ramifications of each????? and can you imagine the pain suffered by the near ones of the victims just because you like to have some masala in this serious affair. Next time, you make such comments about why people are having problems, just consider yourself at the place of victims or their near ones.

Probably they feel that they might be from Pakistan and that they couldn't have done this.

If they were Hindu/Zionists they shouldn't be worried.
For all we know yet, they could be anyone of the category mentioned by you. Infact, the indian frustration at trying to give new dimensions to the story and bring out new well crafted angles, raises more serious doubts about the veracity of such stories...... now the world has also begun to realise that... thanks to indian media, true face of india is exposed to the world which hitherto was unkonwn.
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You missed reading this Part from FoxNews.
"The condition of bodies recovered from the Nariman Building, which housed the Orthodox Chabad-Lubavitch retreat, horrified doctors, the Telegraph reported."

Other two links talk about the news reports published immediately after attacks as some members wondered why the Images are published after a month. Moreover you can Google it yourself as suggested in the post.
But Visuals speak louder than words let the perpetrator nation be in denial mode but rest of the world could at least view them and know the seriousness of attacks.

Mr goodperson, before you proceed any further with your innuendo and insinuations, may i remind you that uptill now, it is india which is the perpetrator because they failed to protect people on their soil and it is india which is in denial mode regarding how such attacks could come entirely from outside without internal support. Only if you come out of the denial mode, will then you realize that India is equally responsible for the misery of the victims by its botched rescue, intel failure to stop the attack despite clear warnings about imminent attack and even the targets.
Rest of the world is more civilizes than India and i'm sure they will be equally disgusted at what they see as raw and crude attempt to divert attention from own shortcomings by India. they will also realize that indians are playing their political game on the dead bodies of their citizens. Dismissed
^ Indeed...using the victims of this tragedy for national leverage and inciting negative sentiments in the public is as disgusting as rape. Anyways, the article clearly mentioned that foreigners were the targets who were sexually humiliated...wouldn't foreign governments bring this up if they cared or if it happened at all?
Mr goodperson, before you proceed any further with your innuendo and insinuations, may i remind you that uptill now, it is india which is the perpetrator because they failed to protect people on their soil and it is india which is in denial mode regarding how such attacks could come entirely from outside without internal support. Only if you come out of the denial mode, will then you realize that India is equally responsible for the misery of the victims by its botched rescue, intel failure to stop the attack despite clear warnings about imminent attack and even the targets.
Rest of the world is more civilizes than India and i'm sure they will be equally disgusted at what they see as raw and crude attempt to divert attention from own shortcomings by India. they will also realize that indians are playing their political game on the dead bodies of their citizens. Dismissed

Amen, I understand and its for the world to see India could not prevent such attacks it was setback for India's security agencies Agree these gory images reflect bad on India too.
But the nations whose citizens were killed already received the bodies and are aware of facts and carrying out their own investigations, India's investigations are in progress and accusations are arising based on leads and eyewitness and forensic and other means. India has to get perpetrators before the courts .
But Visuals speak louder than words let the perpetrator nation be in denial mode but rest of the world could at least view them and know the seriousness of attacks.

Such images will definitely help diverting the world’s attention from India’s false accusations, failure to provide proofs, mishandling of the whole situation, bogus / emotional media coverage, phony stories, denial of home grown terrorism and threats to wage strikes on neighbour….

Go ahead…..Produce more gruesome images…whatever suits you guys…
I think, the reasons have been explained in earlier posts. If you want to believe your unscrupulous and schizoid media, feel free to bask in the morbid atmosphere of indian media. However, don't expect reasonable and thinking people to believe what they say.... First, it was torture, then it was sexual abuse and now you have made it sexual humiliation????? do you even understand the difference between these?????? do you understand the ramifications of each????? and can you imagine the pain suffered by the near ones of the victims just because you like to have some masala in this serious affair. Next time, you make such comments about why people are having problems, just consider yourself at the place

For all we know yet, they could be anyone of the category mentioned by you. Infact, the indian frustration at trying to give new dimensions to the story and bring out new well crafted angles, raises more serious doubts about the veracity of such stories...... now the world has also begun to realise that... thanks to indian media, true face of india is exposed to the world which hitherto was unkonwn.

What do you think sir ..media is a free bulley and it can play with national sentiments without any control.?..twenty four hour they think about masala news and will construct their own story and broadcast it on national channel..? This is too sensitive issue to play with..anyway we have allready lost so many to terrorist and cant hear somebody glorifying them..
sorry If I hurted your sentiments
anyway we have allready lost so many to terrorist and cant hear somebody glorifying them..
sorry If I hurted your sentiments

Unfortunately you don't know what losing so many to terrorists actually means. Not only have we lost more innocents to terrorists on our side, we are actually engaged in getting rid of them, while India festers like a bad wound, filled to the brim with terrorists who operate openly.
Such images will definitely help diverting the world’s attention from India’s false accusations, failure to provide proofs, mishandling of the whole situation, bogus / emotional media coverage, phony stories, denial of home grown terrorism and threats to wage strikes on neighbour….

Go ahead…..Produce more gruesome images…whatever suits you guys…

Some Images are made public only now, But about innocents who suffered and whose tortured bodies were handed over? do you think those nations do not have visuals of them ?

Who stops Pakistan from acquiring evidence gathered by other Investigating nations if it needs more evidence than what India has already shared ? Pakistan has good relations with US and UK it enjoys MNNA status.

Visuals will raise anger against the perpetrators.
Unfortunately you don't know what losing so many to terrorists actually means. Not only have we lost more innocents to terrorists on our side, we are actually engaged in getting rid of them, while India festers like a bad wound, filled to the brim with terrorists who operate openly.
Kharian sir
if you have that image of India in your mind then I invite you to India and you will see the difference between truth and unbounded imagination...
Unfortunately you don't know what losing so many to terrorists actually means. Not only have we lost more innocents to terrorists on our side, we are actually engaged in getting rid of them, while India festers like a bad wound, filled to the brim with terrorists who operate openly.

You are suffering because of your own making while we are also suffering because of you. It is like the difference between poking one's own eye and poking opposite guy's eye.
You are suffering because of your own making while we are also suffering because of you. It is like the difference between poking one's own eye and poking opposite guy's eye.

Get rid of the unwavering bias and debating you might actually be productive for once, just once.
Oops...I think that RAW forgot to mention this very important ''SEXUAL ASSAULT'' aspect in Kasab's letter to Pakistan HC. The GoI has asked for the copy of the letter back so that they could include this aspect and a few others which have just cooked up!
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