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Terrorists sexually Humiliated guests before killing them

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I dont know why so many members of this forum getting so emotional when some terrorists are reported of committing sexual humiliation as if sinners are angels

I think you should go back and read all the posts, who's getting emotional besides Mumbai Mirror? No evidence yet pure emotions.
Probably they feel that they might be from Pakistan and that they couldn't have done this.

Wrong. Your crummy papers are the ones that feel that they may be from Pakistan. We are just pointing out the lack of evidence yet sensationalist stories being written to rouse Indian emotions, I personally don't care either way.
What happened to those hostages among whom 179 dead & some 300 injured....

I never said that it didn’t happen…I concur with the casualty figures…

All I am saying is that your media is turning those 10 terrorists into some kind of God.
….While 10 people crippled one of the largest cities of world for 3 days at 7 locations, against thousands of armed men; the sexual assault will be the last thing on anybody’s mind in those conditions…
What I conclude from this article is that those 10 horny pervert terrorists first made it to all the way to Mumbai undetected, walked (or wheeled) to their location, occupied multiple spots, while on a killing spree and dodging bullets from the army of police and special forces for almost 3 consecutive days, and during all this they also had the time to satisfy their libido and sexual urges …..:undecided:

What’s next? We will perhaps get a headline in few days that Ajmal Kasab was also caught surfing the **** sites on hotel computer and he made a long distance call to Jenna Jameson too ….

While Indian media is going overboard with their dismal aftermath coverage of the incidents, they are not realising that they are disrespecting the dead and making things more difficult for the grieving families…..:tsk:

Such low grade pathetic articles only depict the desperation of the media to twist the actual events and play with the emotion of masses ….:tdown:

It is never mentioned anywhere in the reports earlier and now that any rape took or horny terrorist went on sadistic raping spree, Terrorist killed few innocent people including Israelis and guests after humulating them.
The reports were out then only images were kept out of public keeping sensitivites of people and investigations.
But Visuals speak louder than words let the perpetrator nation be in denial mode but rest of the world could at least view them and know the seriousness of attacks.
It is never mentioned anywhere in the reports earlier and now that any rape took or horny terrorist went on sadistic raping spree, Terrorist killed few innocent people including Israelis and guests after humulating them.
The reports were out then only images were kept out of public keeping sensitivites of people and investigations.
But Visuals speak louder than words let the perpetrator nation be in denial mode but rest of the world could at least view them and know the seriousness of attacks.

If you guys want to critique and discuss pictures of the dead while disrespecting them without any evidence, please open a thread in the Indian military section of this forum.
I think you should go back and read all the posts, who's getting emotional besides Mumbai Mirror? No evidence yet pure emotions.

I dont know why some people are defending persons like these mass murderers..Why so much soft corner ?even if evidence was not provided I havent had any difficulty in accepting this ..after seeing their gruesome activity through my naked eyes
Torture news was doing rounds in Local media for long only now limited morphed images are published seeing the sensitiveness. You can see news in "Captured CST Terrorist" Thread or I will provide one link just check the dates.
Nov 30, 2008
Doctors shocked at hostages's torture

Dec 1, 2008
Warning: Graphic Photos of Mumbai Chabad House Massacre - Photo Essays - Temp Storage - Israel News - Israel National News

REdiff The most trusted indian news site on the planet they have never been known to print BULL S H I T against pakistan nahhhhhhhh :rofl:

Some one is Sinking and looking for some thing to hold on to:pop:how much of a credibility will be left of india after this stunt ohh wait they will join GW BUSH .

More from the same Indian website for every body else to have a laugh.

Re: if india attacks....
by JAGDISH KAMATH on Dec 25, 2008 02:21 PM Permalink
It is foolish to underestimate the capacity of the Indian Army, whatever the state of mind of the politicians. We are well equipped and in the right frame of mind unlike the Pakistani Army who have talibans closer to them than their civilians.

India can fight and succeed in war and can completely decimate Pakistan 4 times over(you see guys thats why they say drugs are bad for you)y built economy to prove that we are superior this not to burn your house so that you kill a *** hidden in some corner of the house?

I think the Government is on the right track. Can u imagine the ignominy of being called a rogue wherever you go? Who would try to get closer to Pak if the whole world calls them names? Isolated Pakistan and suspect Pakistan can never survive for long. People would prefer Afghanistan to Pakistan.

(there its indias wet dream)
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Re: if india attacks....
by brookie on Dec 25, 2008 01:35 PM Permalink
Well said.... instead india should start internal cleansing activity.

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Re: Re: if india attacks....
by AnilkumarchowdharyV on Dec 25, 2008 04:17 PM Permalink
Brookie...wat do u mean by internal cleansing? you sound like hitler...is it like the jews holocaust

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Indian govt today anounced an irresistible offer .....
by fastrack on Dec 25, 2008 01:23 PM Permalink | Hide replies

Indian govt today anounced an irresistible offer to its (non)countrymen - to move permanently to pakistan / bangladesh at their will and not to return ever.

It is recommended more so to indian muslim community some of whom are residing in india but are anti india at heart. Offer is extended till march 2009 there after it will throw such elements out into indian ocean.

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I love the above the most

Re: Indian govt today anounced an irresistible offer .....
by brookie on Dec 25, 2008 01:37 PM Permalink
hahahah...... UPA can never wish to loose those valuable votes.... it can possibly dump all majority in indian ocean...LOL

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Re: Re: Indian govt today anounced an irresistible offer .....
by Jasad Dusty on Dec 25, 2008 02:24 PM Permalink

We, Muslims of India reject this offer and wait for the day the Indian government to take what ever action they wish to take.

The Hindu fascist will surely go to hell with this one one dream unfilled.

rediff.com: India can strike Lashkar-e-Tayiba camps

I dont know why so many members of this forum getting so emotional when some terrorists are reported of committing sexual humiliation as if sinners are angels

sir never trying to symphatise with the terrorist acts.
they are the worst possible menace to the civilized world and the world collectively needs to get rid of them.
but the aim of the world is to be able to get the people to raise against the acts of terrorism and defeat their aims, fighting amongst ourselves and blaming each other is not going to lead us nowhere.in that way media plays a very important role so they they must refrain from fueling human minds as this will lead to irresponsible and acts on the part of the civilized world
these kind of articles only helps to fulfill the aim of the terrorists whose only aim is to spred hatred and divide the people.
I dont know why some people are defending persons like these mass murderers..Why so much soft corner ?even if evidence was not provided I havent had any difficulty in accepting this ..after seeing their gruesome activity through my naked eyes

Then also accept the fact that these guys were and are RAW agents india creating terrorist attacks to blame pakistan isnt some thing new.
Then also accept the fact that these guys were and are RAW agents india creating terrorist attacks to blame pakistan isnt some thing new.

The thread is about gruesome killing of Israelis and guests, Scotland Yard, MOSSAD and FBI are Investigating FBI concluded its investigations.
The nations whose citizens were killed are doing Independent investigations and receiving full cooperation.
Since no innocent Pakistanis were killed its investigation agency is not taking part.
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