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Terrorists destroy Mosque, kill Namazis during Jumaah Prayers

No i can not vouch for anyone, how can i?

i don't know how some radical hindu group can easily infilterate pakistan, no indian hindu group to my knowledge has done it in the past, or carried out suicide attacks. nothing is impossible but there has to be some reason to believe its them (who again?).

There is always a first time.And how do you know no Hindu terror group has never done it before.Point to be noted is that I am not blaming RAW,but I am blaming Hindu terrorists who are equally a pain in *** as the muslim terrorists.

It is hard to believe a muslim can bomb a mosque especially when he is fighting so called "Holy war".Bit hard to digest for me you see.Its like RSS bombing hindu temples.
THIS particular mosque bombing had an absolutely corrosive effect upon sunni-shia relations that haven't been repaired to this day.

Sadly, despite the increased general security, mosques remain a preferred target-

Mosque Bombing Kills At Least 12-CBS Nov. 29, 2008

Of course, sunni mosques have hardly proved invulnerable too-

At Least 40 Die In Sunni Mosque Bombing-WAPO Feb. 25, 2007

This is my first post on this incident and I find the reactions unsurprising.

My sincere sympathy to the surviving families and friends and may the victims rest in God's good grace.
You try to come across as a dispassionate thinker when in reality your capabilities can be best described as below average and transparently biased with an ''axe to grind'' approach.

I know that they did not invent the tactic, but I was referring to the usage of such tactics in recent decades. But granted "exclusively" was a wrong choice of words. Let me rephrase that and say "predominately".
The hundreds of suicide attacks in Afghanistan and Iraq were all performed by Muslims in addition to the grand terrorist attack in Spain, GB, USA and many in Egypt, Turkey etc.
This justifies saying that they were predominately performed by Muslims and is not refuted by a few isolated cases.

I certainly didn't want to say only Muslims can be terrorist or anything along those lines but would you not agree that suicide bombing and martyrdom is a tactic and a concept mostly employed by Muslims these days?

Well I might not be a "dispassionate thinker" but I certainly do not use an axe to grind approach. I am open to correction and discussion. I am not save from making false assumptions but who is?
We are all captives to our history, environments and influences to a certain extent, but I am trying to "see beyond my own nose" if you know what I mean.
We shouldn't have chosen any sides. Instead, we should have fought our own war on our own terms against the Communists. How sorely mistaken we were to join these backstabbing Yanks.
A Pakistan deprived of comparable armament would surely have been totally defeated by India in a conflict. So do you believe the citizens of an ex-Pakistan would have been better off?
The attack has quite clearly got the hallmarks of Indian RAW. Such an attack on a mosque would never have been carried out by any religious outfit. No matter how extreme. It doesn't make any sense.

BABUR, i can understand anti india sentiments. But some soul searching will help all. If blaming india can bring back the dead, please do so. Else wait for the truth.

Maybe you can jog your memory to the Shah-i-Najaf Mosque massacre in 2002. or the Imambarghah Ali Raza mosque bombing in 2004.

Thought u might want to read this back dated article's pertaining to terror attacks on place of worship's :

Karachi bomb attack leaves at least 45 Sunni worshippers dead | World news | The Guardian

Death toll in mosque attack rises to 11 -DAWN - National; February 28, 2002

Two injured in Faisalabad mosque attack -DAWN - National; March 10, 2003

Daily Times - Leading News Resource of Pakistan

Daily Times - Leading News Resource of Pakistan

BBC NEWS | South Asia | Pakistan shrine clashes kill 17

Dozens killed in holy day violence - International Herald Tribune
You mean the one where British SAS agents were caught red handed dressed in disguise? later to be freed by tanks breaking through the walls of holding cells?

So you are now proposing that any Mosque bombing done in Iraq and Pakistan is done by either Nato forces and India, huh? It is bit surprising 99% of all mosque bombing is based on sectarian violence between Sunnis and Shiites. here is one example of many: Iraq mosque bombings raise pressure on U.S.: The Swamp

This is one of my main argument in this forum, that majority Pakistanies are in great denial based on talibs takeover. One just has to see signs, like the incident today to understand true motivation behind the incident. Instead the first reactions is outsiders.
There is always a first time.And how do you know no Hindu terror group has never done it before.Point to be noted is that I am not blaming RAW,but I am blaming Hindu terrorists who are equally a pain in *** as the muslim terrorists.

It is hard to believe a muslim can bomb a mosque especially when he is fighting so called "Holy war".Bit hard to digest for me you see.Its like RSS bombing hindu temples.

Sir, I said 'to my knowledge' they have not done it, if u have any knowledge then pls share the information.

Yes all terrorists are a pain in the *** but that does not mean hindu groups from india did it, does it?

And its rather childiish to believe a muslim terrorist will not bomb a mosque. u mean because of religion? and religion allows killing muslims on pakistani roads? or killing muslims in mumbai? or even killing kafirs in mumbai? common. as if anything else they do makes sense or is religion.
A Pakistan deprived of comparable armament would surely have been totally defeated by India in a conflict. So do you believe the citizens of an ex-Pakistan would have been better off?

Are you Nostradamus making such predictions? This is coming from a Yank whose own army got humiliated in Iraq and Vietnam... Now, get ready to get your rear end kicked in Afghanistan. You know nothing about Pakistan. We have fought three wars with India and are still breathing. An enemy five times bigger with a population of almost 9 times of Pakistan. Keep your anti-rhetoric to yourself. We will do whatever is necessary. You will have to live with that I'm afraid. Get used to it...
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Sir, I said 'to my knowledge' they have not done it, if u have any knowledge then pls share the information.

Yes all terrorists are a pain in the *** but that does not mean hindu groups from india did it, does it?

It does not but they certainly can be on the suspicion list,can't they?

And its rather childiish to believe a muslim terrorist will not bomb a mosque. u mean because of religion? and religion allows killing muslims on pakistani roads? or killing muslims in mumbai? or even killing kafirs in mumbai? common. as if anything else they do makes sense or is religion.

Not because they are fond of humanity but because they would lose their support base,that's why they might not chose to bomb a mosque, sir.If a person can shoot an innocent being,he can also bomb a mosque,no big deal.But what could be the motive behind it?That's important to know.

At last if it really is a case of sectarian violence,then these issues needs to be resolved peacefully,after the masterminds are found and executed.As I said before,I do not have much knowledge on this sectarian issue.

I pray Pakistan gets over these issues.
We have fought three wars with India and are still breathing. Keep your anti-rhetoric to yourself.
In battle one first needs a strong heart, then a suitable weapon. I don't think a Pakistan without battlefield weaponry could have fought even one war with India and remain breathing as a viable state.
In battle one first needs a strong heart, then a suitable weapon. I don't think a Pakistan without battlefield weaponry could have fought even one war with India and remain breathing as a viable state.

Are you somehow questioning our faith and morale? Well, you clearly know nothing about the PA.
I see a lot of finger pointing at India. Could India have had a hand in this barbaric act? Maybe.....
These are Pakistanis. We need to get out of this denial mode. It's time we acknowledged the "elephant in the room" and get it out.

Look at the hands..except for non-official Pakistan accusation there is nobody saying so...not even the Paksitan Govt.....why so....its repeat of Lahore incidence....everybody from ZA to member balme India...and then later when it come to walk the talk...puff....nothing...If its India then why don't show proof to world and put pressure on India....Why not Pakistan tackle the menace rather then finding the excuse......

You make no insult of the Pakistani forces' heart.

You suggest, I believe, that a conquered Pakistan under an Indian thumb might likely have suffered this mosque attack just as easily.

Good thing that President Obama is establishing a tri-lateral discussion group between GoA, GoP, and ourselves. We should be the first to read or hear of Indian duplicity just as soon as the evidence is gathered.

No doubt the GoP will be hot on the GoA and America to run down these culprits. Our reaction to Pakistan's evidence, if any, will prove interesting.
It does not but they certainly can be on the suspicion list,can't they?

Not because they are fond of humanity but because they would lose their support base,that's why they might not chose to bomb a mosque, sir.If a person can shoot an innocent being,he can also bomb a mosque,no big deal.But what could be the motive behind it?That's important to know.

At last if it really is a case of sectarian violence,then these issues needs to be resolved peacefully,after the masterminds are found and executed.As I said before,I do not have much knowledge on this sectarian issue.

I pray Pakistan gets over these issues.

I do too. but for that they need to crack these cases and do justice. too much talk of revenge by hot headed / emotional members, too little of justice. take them to court, make an example of them. claim the authority of the land. thats the way ahead.

Of course nobody can be ruled out, i just said unlikely based on the knowledge i have. i mean culturally the place is so different, some hindu group carrying out something like this as a 'start', what are the odds?

i actually got pretty upset by the allegations against india, but i understand too that people must be emotional after something horrific like this. I may have been harsh to you too, apologies.
A very sad news indeed. I will request all the members of this form. Please make awareness’ among your community about the so called Taliban thinking. Why I am saying that Taliban thinking because now they are bringing this idea by the name of Taliban we saw before this idea in the name of Laskire Jangvi, Sipha e Sahaba and many others.
The more critical situation in this regard is that media and most of the political parties are not condemning these acts plus putting this that we have to talk to terrorist. I am sick of that what about the justice about those whom these terrorist kills.
I was doing a thesis and it shows that since Islamic parties in Serhad (NWFP) and Balochistan came in to power in 2002. They gave free hand to these Terrorist on the name of Islam. A man who Beg for his whole life for a meal house to house living in madras’s become the ameer of a party on the name of Islam. Which they even don’t know the basic of Islam.
I will say here that we are seeing those day again when Hafiz e Quran in 60 Higri saying in their Friday prayers that To kill Imam Hussein as he is doing things against Islam and the peoples did not reply back or say any thing and when one of Hafez e Quran Sit on the back of Imam Hussein when Imam Hussein was praying and Took His (Imam Hussein AS.) head they believe they won the world crown and battle but you all knows Imam Hussein name live in peoples heart and these peoples known as God Enemies.
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