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Terrorists destroy Mosque, kill Namazis during Jumaah Prayers

I do too. but for that they need to crack these cases and do justice. too much talk of revenge by hot headed / emotional members, too little of justice. take them to court, make an example of them. claim the authority of the land. thats the way ahead.

Of course nobody can be ruled out, i just said unlikely based on the knowledge i have. i mean culturally the place is so different, some hindu group carrying out something like this as a 'start', what are the odds?

i actually got pretty upset by the allegations against india, but i understand too that people must be emotional after something horrific like this. I may have been harsh to you too, apologies.

Its all right,I would have probably done the same if I were at your place.
You make no insult of the Pakistani forces' heart.

You suggest, I believe, that a conquered Pakistan under an Indian thumb might likely have suffered this mosque attack just as easily.

Good thing that President Obama is establishing a tri-lateral discussion group between GoA, GoP, and ourselves. We should be the first to read or hear of Indian duplicity just as soon as the evidence is gathered.

No doubt the GoP will be hot on the GoA and America to run down these culprits. Our reaction to Pakistan's evidence, if any, will prove interesting.

This is not the first terror attack in Pakistan. And like thousands in the past, this too doesnt bore the seeds of Indian involvement. Neither do we promote terror, nor do we tolerate terror.

Its foolish, that you know where these terrorists are, you know who are their masterminds but you dont want to kill them? Why? Does it not speak loud of Pakistan's duplicity? Its as if the ISI and the army are defending another state. Did striking a deal with Taliban work? Did denying the cancer cure it?
Go ahead accuse us, who on this planet is going to believe you except Zaid Hamid?

It is just mind boggling, how a nuclear armed Pakistan threatens us against any aggression, when you have the real aggressor occupying 45% of your territory and you cant stop them. Why doesnt your "brave" Army take them on and not sign peace deals?
Don't be ridiculous. You sound just like the Arabs who see "the Jew" behind every bad thing that is going on in their countries. Not only has suicide bombing been an exclusively Muslim tactic so far, but the evidence actually suggest that the bombing was targeting a radical group who is an enemy of Pakistani Taliban leader Baitullah Mehsud. Both sides have committed several attacks and bombings against each other in the past. (for those who can read German one possible source: Pakistan: Dutzende Tote bei Bombenanschlag in Moschee - Nachrichten Politik - WELT ONLINE)

This is what happens when you let the death worshipers take over part of your country. Instead of pointing fingers, examine what is going wrong in your own country.

Suicide bombing was re-invented in the modern Era by Tamil Tiger rebels, most of whom are Hindus or some Christians. The INdian Prime Minister Rajiv Gandhi was killed by a Tamil suicide bomber, and there have been countless suicide attacks in Sri Lanka for the past two decades.

This tactic was then replicated by the Hamas movement in Palestine, and has gained notoriety ever since.

To say that suicide bombing is an exclusively Musilm tactic betrays a lack of knowledge and awareness.

I'm not sure if you've ever been to Bharatia (read INdian) forums, or watched their TV news channels, seen their movies. Every thing that goes wrong there is blamed on Pakistan. In fact, the blame starts even before an anti terrorist operation is resolved.
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Condemnable and outrageous attack. Condolences for victims and their families.

I hope there will be no accusations and innuendos without evidence.
I don't believe we've met.

"Its foolish, that you know where these terrorists are, you know who are their masterminds but you dont want to kill them? Why?"

Yeah. Foolish me. And such an accurate observation to boot.

I'm impressed.:tsk:

Hello to you too.
The concept of suicide bombing was used by the Japanese Kamikaze pilots. So I would not credit the LTTE for inventing it.
"Islamic extremists" dont want us to pray in a Mosque on Friday prayers?

Western media must stop using the word "Islamists" and "Islamic Extremists" because this act is the total opposite of Islam. Its required for every Muslim man to pray in a Mosque every Friday. Its obvious the people behind this terrorist act are not Muslims. The people behind this terrorist act have hatred towards Islam.
So you are now proposing that any Mosque bombing done in Iraq and Pakistan is done by either Nato forces and India, huh? It is bit surprising 99% of all mosque bombing is based on sectarian violence between Sunnis and Shiites. here is one example of many: Iraq mosque bombings raise pressure on U.S.: The Swamp

This is one of my main argument in this forum, that majority Pakistanies are in great denial based on talibs takeover. One just has to see signs, like the incident today to understand true motivation behind the incident. Instead the first reactions is outsiders.

Not all the mosque bombings in Iraq, but the first bombing, of the tomb of Hasan Askari, in Samarrah, was very suspicious.

It must be remembered, that this bombing was the main instigator for the subsequent sectarian bloodshed that followed it.
The concept of suicide bombing was used by the Japanese Kamikaze pilots. So I would not credit the LTTE for inventing it.

I understand the kamikaze pilots, although those were suicide missions they were not suicide bombing as such, and anyway I'm talking about recent times.

There was even a suicide mission performed by a Companion of the Prophet, wherein he volunteered to be catapulted over the ramparts of a fortification, in order to quickly open teh gate for the muslims. It was known that he would not survive, and he subsequently did not.

We also know how the PA jawans tied belts to their vests, and lay underneath advancing Bharati tanks, and destoryed them, while sacrificing their lives, during the 65 war.

Suicide bombing as a political/guerilla tactic in modern times was largely introduced by the Tamil Tiger rebels, that is undeniable.
Not all the mosque bombings in Iraq, but the first bombing, of the tomb of Hasan Askari, in Samarrah, was very suspicious.

It must be remembered, that this bombing was the main instigator for the subsequent sectarian bloodshed that followed it.

Correct, it started the sectarian violence, but ones common sense would tell you that it could have not been United States atleast, since there plan from the beginning was to democratise the iraqie society.

And I do remember this incident very well and succession that followed, and in the hind site it would have benefitted Saddam very well for this one act. Since he knew and control the population very well, he had a keen sence to hit the heart for the sectarian bloodshed
"We also know how the PA jawans tied belts to their vests, and lay underneath advancing Bharati tanks, and destoryed them, while sacrificing their lives, during the 65 war."

Your fathers and those Indian tanker fathers may have seen much the same from the Japanese. I don't know. Still, I do know we saw that in the Pacific a lot-not like that though.

Usually rage charges of a tank with a satchel charge but often killed by exposing themselves.

Here with your jawans is far worse. What if you're outside the track width? You must roll in front of the co-axial or bow machine gun to become aligned-and likely shot, all for the sake of immolating a tank and yourself.

AMAZING self-sacrificing bravery :-)smitten::pakistan:) and I can only hope that circumstances were so desperate as to require such.

Dark Star, if you wouldn't mind, I'd love a link to such so that I can understand a bit of the background behind these acts of incredible bravery.
None would simple as that!

This has India written all over it. Afghan border town, no American army/Pakistani army target.

The timing was particularly well chosen. As soon as the Imam said "Allahu Akbar" the bomb went off.

America sleeps while its trusted partner in the war on terror wreaks havoc upon us from American controlled soil!

indeed, it is a work of CIA and India, no muslim can think of doing this, even insane wouldt do that.

Amercians now using our own people aginst us:taz:
Am I the only one here who thinks the ISI did it so as to provoke Pakistan into war?

this is the sickest thing u can ever heard of, but if u see the nationality u realise, ISI or RAW + CIA, becz they can drive benefits, not ISI, and war against whom??? brov let the smoke wear off n come back to forum when u r in senses
Personally, I suspect some Hindu terror group (not necessarily Indian) is more likely to have done the deed. But to assert Pakistan is not insane is uncalled-for. The sanity of Pakistan has been in doubt several times, including today. After all, how many people would have deemed it sane five years ago that the Pakistani government would yield Swat to terrorists? And if some rogue in the ISI wanted to arrange - or even acquiesce - to such a bombing, who could stop him?

Swat was a secret deal, we only came to know once it had much extremism written all over it, but dude u r insane becz u did not understand the root cause of that problem, for ur information the problem was injustice which had been thrier demand for last 15 years n more,

secondly we r insane, becz u r insane to look at this way, the mental state of urs can easliy be understood once we see, under the waepon of mass destruction u launch attack, kill thousands of people, u people clap of winning a war on innocent blood, yet ur soilders come back crying, but u keep ur eyes shut or dont let ur self see. :yahoo:

other include, Lebana, Gaza mascare, Osama bin laden n Mula omer, all are prove of ur intelligence, n here we r talking abt public not incompetent goverment, becz goverments are alway empowered by its people

do u wht u do best, drink n sleep

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