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Terrorists Attack Police HQ in Karachi

they brought in everything from ethnicity to ISI to politics but at the end of the day, it was the wall and there unmanned check posts
Thread 'Sindh Police Commando arrested in connection with SRA' https://defence.pk/pdf/threads/sindh-police-commando-arrested-in-connection-with-sra.744900/


Why ISI dont want to be answerable to Ministry of defence? They are not Military Intelligence are they?. There operational core are civilian officers. Why are they answerable to Military?.

If they claim they are exclusively a wing of Armed forces, Why they dont allow developement of a civilian based intelligence agency with real powers like FBI of USA and RAW of oir neighbor?

Why exclusively hold to power? If they claim what they are then they should be answerable to Head of state and MOD not GHQ. Otherwise sadly their motives are not to serve our country but an institution only.

There are more than 2 dozen different intelligence agencies that work in tandem with different institutions. ISI is just one of them and considered most ill equipped to undertake intelligence based operations.
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Thread 'Sindh Police Commando arrested in connection with SRA' https://defence.pk/pdf/threads/sindh-police-commando-arrested-in-connection-with-sra.744900/


There are more than 2 dozen different intelligence agencies that work in tandem with different institutions. ISI is just one of them and considered most ill equipped to undertake intelligence based operations.
You really thought this would end without at least one conspiracy theory ?

In Twitter we trust, ahem
You really thought this would end without at least one conspiracy theory ?

In Twitter we trust, ahem

To suggest that recruitment processes are fool proof against human error is a bigger conspiracy.
Indeed, Tribal areas need a lot of attention and have been neglected since 1947 for long, but we acknowledge Pakistan has sadly suffered a lot in this war to. Truth is, local Pashtuns peoples want normal life and peace and progress to …. Girls education is increasing here day by day and local people from these areas are very patriotic towards Pakistan you wouldn’t believe this reading a few idiots posters on here writing absolute none sense on all tribal Pashtuns tarring them all with the same brush totally stupid
Difference is mumbai police ran around like chickens for more than 4 days. There army was no where to be seen and completely clueless.

Where by Karachi police taught these terrorist jahil lessons and sent them straight to hell within 2 hours. No hostages taken. No terrorist left alive
What a great achievement.

Smarter and more capable nations don’t allow superior fighting skills of police being tested to its limits.

Mumbai happened in 2008. How many times police was tested in India under similar attack since then?
I hope you get the idea. Please keep celebrating if you still want to.
1. Is ISI the sole intelligence agency?
2. Is she supposed to meddle in everyone`s domain and be on everyone`s turf?
3. Then why not disband or merge the rest of the agencies into ISI?

Frankly speaking all of the above findings are true one way or the other .bloated egos.
Why are you guys blaming ISI/GHQ for the attack.

Sure there might be intelligence lapses, but the way terrorists came in says alot about the police.

There will be more attacks. These dogs from hell will employ every tactic from asymmetric warfare. The ISI needs to be vigilant and take the fight to them. Their heads need to continue being decapitated.
It still baffles me to see that army brats are supporting their daddy's profession. Army has FAILED. Didnt security and terror elimination comes under army perview? And still we suffer alot from terrorist actions.
This is the only organization i know which we pay to do nothing but to make common Pakistani lives miserable.
What a great achievement.

Smarter and more capable nations don’t allow superior fighting skills of police being tested to its limits.

Mumbai happened in 2008. How many times police was tested in India under similar attack since then?
I hope you get the idea. Please keep celebrating if you still want to.

We are all just relieved and glad the brave men and girls of Karachi police quickly ended it. Moving on from Mumbai clowns , in the recent standoff was it very smart of your million trained army in IOK to have shot down their own helicopter in brought day light?
This attack was done by ISI, Dirty harry upto his dirty tricks
We are all just relieved and glad the brave men and girls of Karachi police quickly ended it. Moving on from Mumbai clowns , in the recent standoff was it very smart of your million trained army in IOK to have shot down their own helicopter in brought day light?
The parallels you tried to create was completely apples to oranges type.
Mumbai attack was much bigger and carried out at multiple locations, while this one was as a point location that too at the police HQ.

Shameful that so many terrorist entered the most guarded building of the police. And here you are trying to feel happy by saying so and so was worse than us hence we are the gold medal winners.

The operation to contain them was well executed. But comparing it to Mumbai? Come on man?

Self praise has its limits and context.
I have an adopted sister who is a Pathan and her family is as dear to my Urdu Speaker family as my blood relatives are to us. But there needs to be an awakening in Pakistan about tribalism which is rampant in some regions of Pakistan. Until people in those regions do some introspection and fix problems then no good is going to come out of cosmetic measures. Unless people discuss issues with sincerity and honesty then the issues won't ever resolve.

So please be careful in what you ban. PDF is generally a free space and should keep that tradition and not let 'patriotism' blind us from having open discussion which could well be seeds for positive change.
You used the word tribalism and i think it's very important. What has Pakistan done for any tribal community in any corner of Pakistan? The correlation between disenfranchisement with the state and tribal people, also aligns very accurately with the lack of engagement by the state and tribal people. For most tribal people in Pakistan, be it Sindh, Balochistan, KPK, the only thing they know of the state is security forces and the states political goons.

You also mentioned you are from an Urdu speaking family. It wasn't long ago your community was blamed for supporting the violence of the MQM in Karachi. Does everything thrown at the pukhtuns also apply to your people? Or was it more nuanced when it is closer to home?
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