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Terrorists Attack Police HQ in Karachi

Four people — including two police officers and one Rangers personnel — also lost their lives, and 18 people — including Rangers personnel — were been injured, officials confirmed to Geo News.

At least three militants blew themselves, while two were gunned down in the shootout, officials confirmed, as they swept the office situated on the main artery of Sharea Faisal.

@hussain0216 His nickname was encounter specialist and he racked over 400 bodies 💀💀


This is the only practical and effective way to deal with the criminals that are ruining the cities to be honest. Liberals will complain about human rights BS but there's no such thing in our region.

Brute force gets the job done.
Not a difficult concept to grasp but Pakistanis sucking up to everyone has no limits, beghairat log, and the establishment couldn't care less about what happens as long as bank account stays filled.

Who knew that bringing primitive tribal people who only know how to have tribal fueds would destroy an organised city, that too one that barely has a proper functioning police system.

And the retards literally went out of their way to invite foreign ones in, which is not our responsibility to begin with and on top ruined the small thing which was doing fine 🤣

We need undercover kill squads, forget court trials there's too many, would take forever and become political, any of them act out of line just boink them.

Pair that with stricter laws on foreigners and actually implement them, as well as a deportation force.

Notice how they passed a law against criticising the army but they have no such laws for people that openly support terrorist groups or separatist narratives. Priorities are not in the right place clearly.

Exactly, we can't allow human rights bullshit to get in the way of protecting hundreds of millions of people

The afghani are a backwards tribal people, if sensible arguments worked they would have had peace generations ago, you need the police to get rid of them not laws and society to protect them
@hussain0216 His nickname was encounter specialist and he racked over 400 bodies 💀💀

View attachment 916808

This is the only practical and effective way to deal with the criminals that are ruining the cities to be honest. Liberals will complain about human rights BS but there's no such thing in our region.

Brute force gets the job done.
You could literally pay him to kill someone

Pretty much the reason people hate Sindh police so much.... Like tf...
Exactly, we can't allow human rights bullshit to get in the way of protecting hundreds of millions of people

The afghani are a backwards tribal people, if sensible arguments worked they would have had peace generations ago, you need the police to get rid of them not laws and society to protect them
Afghanistan is a prime example, hardly ever seen peace, diplomacy, civilised negotiations have never worked. Civil wars and civil wars, only might is right in this region.

You could literally pay him to kill someone

Pretty much the reason people hate Sindh police so much.... Like tf...

He was targeting people with terror links and criminal activities to clean up Karachi and Sindh. No evidence of him being an assassin for hire.

I like Sindhis, they have gheirat and don't take any shit if there's a problem.

Sindh police had Afghanis chained up for misbehaving and the Sindhis were kicking them out from their cities and ending their businesses when they killed a local.

Punjabis should grow some balls and do the same
@hussain0216 His nickname was encounter specialist and he racked over 400 bodies 💀💀

View attachment 916808

This is the only practical and effective way to deal with the criminals that are ruining the cities to be honest. Liberals will complain about human rights BS but there's no such thing in our region.

Brute force gets the job done.

Our judicial system is a joke

If we go for arrest and prosecution we will be here forever whilst we get hit with the terrorists/human rights saviours bullshit

We need to go the encounter route, they will cry on the street and jalsas but we will but by bit wipe them out

Look at Balochistan its going through a quite period because, we cleansing operations and encounters just got rid of so many terrorists

Local police need to take the lead, identify the individuals, groups, villages and tribes guilty and out unprecedented pressure on them
What's the controversy around Rao Anwar about?

Bro he was involved in extrajudicial killings for bribes and happened to disproportionately target Pashtuns. He was the guy behind Naqeebullah’s murder.
Option C: Our enemy is exploiting our fault lines...

Just look at this thread.. Sectarian (Shia vs Sunni), ethnic (Pashtun vs the rest), political (PTI vs Army) ... all kinds of accusations are being thrown around casually

we will always have enemies and they will always exploit, refer to Option B
My best advice to Pakistanis is to buy some lube and apply some to your behind, since your army has shown for the past decade it's not going to defend you in any real capacity from foreign terrorism and instead make it much worse by flooding your cities with the perpetrators and giving them room to grow and operate.

So apply lube to your hole so the *** fucking doesn't hurt too much, because you're in for a ride as it's only going to get worse... :D

Afghan Talibaan is just getting started
You fool there is a difference between Afghan taliban and ttp ttp created by iran northern alliance india that used to do terrorism in Pakistan while Afghan taliban were hitting the same irani indian imposed regime of northern alliance that used to do terrorism in Pakistan. Why don't you name amrullah saleh that used to badmouth Pakistan on daily basis northern alliance intelligence chief or karzai
Put the Khorosanis in charge of Kabul and warn them that any failure to comply with Pakistan's concerns will mean the Taliban being brought back.

Khorosani Tajiks will cooperate and not interfere, they are more pragmatic thinkers, don't want unnecessary conflicts. Taliban is too primitive and tribal, they don't follow logic, they'd rather kill their entire race fighting.

@Signalian @PanzerKiel

Pehle pakistani to banday ke puttar ban jaen!!

They'll turn any pro-pakistani into anti-pakistani, inside or outside.
Bro he was involved in extrajudicial killings for bribes and happened to disproportionately target Pashtuns. He was the guy behind Naqeebullah’s murder.
I have no issues with extrajudicial killings, concept of judiciary is useless in active insurgencies and literally wastes time, it's an utter failure in Pakistan anyway

If the targets were valid and not random innocents then it's fine, I have no clue who Naqeebullah is though

You fool there is a difference between Afghan taliban and ttp ttp created by iran northern alliance india that used to do terrorism in Pakistan while Afghan taliban were hitting the same irani indian imposed regime of northern alliance that used to do terrorism in Pakistan. Why don't you name amrullah saleh that used to badmouth Pakistan on daily basis northern alliance intelligence chief or karzai
Afghan Taliban and TTP are ideological and ethnic brothers, linked by tribal affiliation.

There is no difference apart from the territories they operate in. The quicker you accept this is the quicker you find a solution.

Northern Alliance were simply Indian allies I do not deny that. But that doesn't automatically make Afghan Taliban an ally.

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