Please evaluate your efforts on the basis of your intentions, and not on the basis of their magnitude. "This", and twitter activism, both are no less. I too am on twitter and have made some big differences too (not that I was expecting anything), despite having barely a dozen dormant followers. You will find it weird that I am taking a leaf out of my religious book here, but you do your work, and fruits will come by in their own time and in their own forms - even when you are not noticing. After you shoot an arrow, do not wait to see where it hits, rather, forget about it and get busy fixing the next arrow. But if you expect to bring a drastic change in a single day, well, that is a bit too far fetched.
Just now I sent a tweet to Tony Abbot requesting him to eliminate Hizb ut Tehrir from Australia. I do not know whether he is even going read it. But I should have done that, so I did. And who knows, some others too may have written something similar, and he may be forced to think over it seriously. My job was to write, I did, and then moved on.
You may not even be aware where your twitter activism may have hit, or how it may have snowballed into greater effects. So do not put your work to a scale, just keep doing it and things will begin to change, after all, labor never goes in vain.