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Terrorist capture fallujah

Guys The Anbar province is allready in the hand of the Iraqi Army and Sahwa Forces now the Fallujah city is 75% in the Iraqi Army hand so few days will tell us what exactly going on but so far The Army has the upper hand.

Iraqi army <<<<<<< US army. Very unprofessional.
No the Iraqi Army can finish it soon but the Iraqis not like you Iraqis situation so sensitive it can turn to a sectarian war especially there are lots of states around Iraq work hard to make a civil war in it.
Guys The Anbar province is allready in the hand of the Iraqi Army and Sahwa Forces now the Fallujah city is 75% in the Iraqi Army hand so few days will tell us what exactly going on but so far The Army has the upper hand.

Iraqi army <<<<<<< US army. Very unprofessional.
although I'm not saying the Iraqi Army is a professional but it don't take professionalism to fight gangs it needs morality.
No the Iraqi Army can finish it soon but the Iraqis not like you Iraqis situation so sensitive it can turn to a sectarian war especially there are lots of states around Iraq work hard to make a civil war in it.
Guys The Anbar province is allready in the hand of the Iraqi Army and Sahwa Forces now the Fallujah city is 75% in the Iraqi Army hand so few days will tell us what exactly going on but so far The Army has the upper hand.

No the Iraqi Army can finish it soon but the Iraqis not like you Iraqis situation so sensitive it can turn to a sectarian war especially there are lots of states around Iraq work hard to make a civil war in it.

Iraq will defeat all the AQ terrorists and sectarian plots.
FALLUJA, Iraq — Islamist militants stormed police stations in several cities of Iraq’s western province of Anbar on Wednesday, seizing weapon caches and freeing prisoners after security forces dismantled a Sunni Muslim protest camp on Monday.

The attacks on three police stations in Falluja, Ramadi and Tarmiya represent a serious escalation in the confrontation between Iraqi Sunni groups and the Shi’ite-led government of Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki.

Sunni anger at the government’s crushing of a protest movement has inflamed Iraq’s already deeply rooted sectarian tensions. The camp dismantled on Monday has been seen as an irritant to Maliki since it was set up to protest against perceived Sunni marginalization a year ago.

"Gunmen in large numbers surrounded the three police stations in Falluja and forced all policemen to leave without their weapons if they wanted to spare their lives. All of us left, we didn’t want to die for nothing," a policeman stationed at one of the three stations told Reuters.

The gunmen then took control of a local government building nearby, deploying snipers on its roof to prevent the security forces from retaking command of the police stations in Falluja, 50 kilometers west of Baghdad.

Clashes between gunmen and security officials in Ramadi, another city in Anbar, continued for a third day on Wednesday, and also involved assaults on police stations by militants driving vehicles mounted with machine guns.

In a separate attack, at least four policemen were killed and 12 more wounded when gunmen attacked a police headquarters in the mainly Sunni town of Tarmiya, north of Baghdad, police reported.

Dozens of trucks loaded with gunmen were roaming the streets in Falluja and Anbar, and three police vehicles were set ablaze near one police station in Ramadi, a police source said.
Strategic blunder on the part of the Iraqi security forces. The chain of command should have seen it coming - certainly, personnel on the ground in these areas at least.

I'll wager that half the men who were Iraqi police the day before are now insurgents.
find the people who were celebrating the collapse of Sadam hussain statue and make them suck the sand he walked on.
Actualy 75% now in the hand of the army supported tribes

Bro do you think Iraq will go through a division of the country as many have predicted - a predominantly Sunni Iraq on one side & a predominantly Shia Iraq on the other; mind you not separate countries but separate autonomous regions within the same country ?
Bro do you think Iraq will go through a division of the country as many have predicted - a predominantly Sunni Iraq on one side & a predominantly Shia Iraq on the other; mind you not separate countries but separate autonomous regions within the same country ?
No Iraq can't be separated because the ethnicity is so overlapping.
Terrorism is only legal under government umbrella !
that is what Iraqi government is best at ;)
Terrorism is only legal under government umbrella !
that is what Iraqi government is best at ;)
You mean under the gulf monarch who support them.....by the way the Iraqi tribes stand with the government against the terrorism so no wonder why you hate the Iraqi gov since it discomfit your hope of rip apart the country.
You mean under the gulf monarch who support them.....by the way the Iraqi tribes stand with the government against the terrorism so no wonder why you hate the Iraqi gov since it discomfit your hope of rip apart the country.

Gypsy, you know nothing as usual. Your country is already partitioned. Just like it was drawn on a map by Englishmen. Ever heard about Iraqi Kurdistan? You, as people not from Iraqi Kurdistan, need a visa to visit it.:lol:

The Arab countries on the beautiful Arabian Peninsula are not that worried about your country to waste time on it. Don't you worry.

Besides Iraqi Sunni Arabs will never trust your Shia Islamist led government. Read what they say about you on Facebook, Twitter or just in real life, LOL.
Either you turn into a secular state that includes every group in the country and treat them all fairly or you will have 25-30% of your population (Sunni Arabs) that are hostile to you by large and over half of the Iraqi territory (Al-Anbar, Salah ad-Din, Diyala, Ninawa provinces).
Those Iraqi Sunni Arab tribes in Al-Anbar that are fighting against ISIS are only fighting against ISIS because they view them as a even worse group than Al-Maliki's regime. Also because they challenge their own authority. Not because they like Al-Maliki. The exact same thing happened 4-5 years ago. At the same time you have many tribes that are neutral or against the Al-Maliki regime.
ISIS is completely irrelevant here. Nor will any new additions to your unprofessional army change the basic problem here. You think that this issue is just about a few hundred ISIS peasants armed with light weapons? Think again but you will learn it the hard way as usual.
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ISIL was created and supported by Bashar and Iran. Few years ago Al-Maliki himself accused Bashar of arming and sending them to Iraq. Furthermore, Iranian-made arms were caught with them. And now, those scum back-stab FSA in Syria.

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