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Terrorist attacks decrease in Pakistan

Nawaz had no choice. He deserves no credit.

What a BS post. Kiyani was a coward. All the problems increased due to his cowardice.

When he became the c in c the relstionship during his tenure got worst with the u s.
u r suffring with "Militery generals sindrom".What ever bad happen our mullas blame america.u r same like them whatever good happen u start praising Army Gen.Mark my worda Militery General cannot rule the country specially country like Pakistan and they alone cannot clean the mess in Pakistan.If u think they r doing every think or they have the capability to do these things then u r living in a fool paradise.U must read the history of Pakistan!!
Keep the pressure don't let them breath .
And to the civilian leadership whose firm determination and support is making this possible
Cradit must be given to the Political leadership of Pakistan and specially to PM Nawaz sharif for its full support to the Army and rangers specially in Karachi.His govt is doing well in terms of Anti terrorism operations.
Why isnt the civilian govt taking the blame for the shit about Yemen that they are spitting out? The day govt learns to take their own shit too they can have the credit for the good that PAKISTAN progress towards!

u r suffring with "Militery generals sindrom".What ever bad happen our mullas blame america.u r same like them whatever good happen u start praising Army Gen.Mark my worda Militery General cannot rule the country specially country like Pakistan and they alone cannot clean the mess in Pakistan.If u think they r doing every think or they have the capability to do these things then u r living in a fool paradise.U must read the history of Pakistan!!
And you forgot that without the Army NS would be found under the bed or in a body bag and not as a PM! MARK MY WORDS!
Plural? Did Kayani do something other than make excuses for refusing to attack terrorists in N. Waz?
Kayani worked under difficult situation. He did what was required under that circumstances. It was him who made this job easy and gave a favorable environment to his successor in order to take big decisions.
40% decrease is good archivement. But I think 2015 will be even better year.
Kiyani did not do it because of the following reasons:-
1- Bad relations with US.
2- Pressure of US to launch the operation which would have given an impression that PA is following the "orders" of US.
3- Political issues like memogate scandal.
4- Questionable prepadeness of troops and intel agencies for another large scale operation.If unprepared then time was needed to make them ready.
5- Lack of cooperation with Afghan govt.
6- Mistrust with US.
Kiyani's era was more tough as compared to Raheel Sharif. Morale of millitary was low, public support was lacking, popularity of TTP was high and large chunks of Pakistani territory were under TTP control at the time he assumed comand.
Let's not forget Swat operation under leadership of Kiyani and let's blame ground realities of that time instead of blaming Kiyani.

7. 80,000+ Pakistani citizens were killed, ignore it
9. Suicide bombing blasts every day and increase attacks
10. Zardari government & no coup
11. India's Al Qaeda/TTP terrorists groups and funding connection in Afghanistan
12. Never heard of Drones in Pakistan soil before
13. Full of international medias' full attention on Pakistan 24/7 (no Syria, Yemen, Iraq, Middle East crisis and Ukraine)
14. Only hope to use aging F-16 jets/ poor cobras
15. No helicopters and no JF-17 supports.

....Oh man, that's many bad things.

No doubt ex-COAS Kiyani was heavily silent and he was unable to overcome of these many problems in the difficult years of 2009-2012. I think he was worried of his own life than many Pakistani citizens or army. When Raheel Sharif became COAS, everything problems were solved and our economy is progressively better, everyone are surprised and now realize.
Many of the key hard-core militants such as Ilyas Kashmiri, Bin Laden, al-Libi and likes have been killed but a new front is opening up in the middle east which is attracting western recruits and that is a serious threat to south asia also in it's poisonous ideology.
u r suffring with "Militery generals sindrom".What ever bad happen our mullas blame america.u r same like them whatever good happen u start praising Army Gen.Mark my worda Militery General cannot rule the country specially country like Pakistan and they alone cannot clean the mess in Pakistan.If u think they r doing every think or they have the capability to do these things then u r living in a fool paradise.U must read the history of Pakistan!!


I have lived the history of pakistan less 10 years. The issue at hand was credit being given to Nawaz and Kiyani. None desreves it and Kiyani the coward ruined pakistan.

My brother told Musharaf not go promote him. He is a son of a "Ranker" he will not show a backbone in time of crisis. Mush replied Mian sahib aap ki zamindaron wali soach nahin gai ( you are thinking like a feudal ) My brother told him you will pay for it because i know what i am talking about.

Plural? Did Kayani do something other than make excuses for refusing to attack terrorists in N. Waz?

Yes---he refused to talk about pakistan army's involvement in the OBL strike mission out of fear of retaliation from al qaeda and taliban against him family.

Many of the key hard-core militants such as Ilyas Kashmiri, Bin Laden, al-Libi and likes have been killed but a new front is opening up in the middle east which is attracting western recruits and that is a serious threat to south asia also in it's poisonous ideology.

Hi, and for that very reason successful generals and rulers in history have struck hard struck deep and relentlessy Within the first 72 hours of an in s urgency and never released the pressure till it was crushed brutally within the shortest possible time.
Now we read the reports that is great news.

US was continued to pressure Pakistan to act on North Waziristan but ex-COAS Kiyani was refused to do it. A huge numbers of terrorists were arrested or attacked while our economy is today much improved bigger than we expect.

'Kayani was reluctant to launch N Waziristan operation three years ago'

Why Kiyani didn't do it at first place ???
its been discussed to death on this forum. too many factors counting in. political, social, economic instability to sum it up.
General Raheel Sharif is doing a fine job and he has stated the job will done until reaches the logical conclusion but that would mean a focus not just in the NWFP but in the cities of Lahore, Karachi which might invite a bite back.
its been discussed to death on this forum. too many factors counting in. political, social, economic instability to sum it up.

Oh I apologize and didn't know previous discussions. Thanks.
General Raheel Sharif is doing a fine job and he has stated the job will done until reaches the logical conclusion but that would mean a focus not just in the NWFP but in the cities of Lahore, Karachi which might invite a bite back.
Its called Khyber Pakhtunkhwa now the NWFP name has been removed
7. 80,000+ Pakistani citizens were killed, ignore it
9. Suicide bombing blasts every day and increase attacks
10. Zardari government & no coup
11. India's Al Qaeda/TTP terrorists groups and funding connection in Afghanistan
12. Never heard of Drones in Pakistan soil before
13. Full of international medias' full attention on Pakistan 24/7 (no Syria, Yemen, Iraq, Middle East crisis and Ukraine)
14. Only hope to use aging F-16 jets/ poor cobras
15. No helicopters and no JF-17 supports.

....Oh man, that's many bad things.

No doubt ex-COAS Kiyani was heavily silent and he was unable to overcome of these many problems in the difficult years of 2009-2012. I think he was worried of his own life than many Pakistani citizens or army. When Raheel Sharif became COAS, everything problems were solved and our economy is progressively better, everyone are surprised and now realize.
As I said earlier despite the differences between Raheel Sharif and Kiyani, Raheel Sharif would have done more or less the same things which Kiyani did. Change of face doesn't mean much.
When Kiyani assumed command of the army, that time period was the worst time period in Pakistani history after 1971.
Lets say it that way "Kiyani initiated a decisive war on TTP by starting Swat Op and hopefully Raheel will end it with operation Zarb-e-Azab".
You do understand that it is a "Long war".Don't you?
Meaning that it is a slow and gradual war.
Kiyani had not only the headache of NWA. Kiyani had to clear most of FATA as well. Swat and Bajur operations set up the required standards in COIN history. It is easy to point out the negatives of someone, but don't forget the positives.
The challanges that he faced were of that magnitude which you couldn't imagine. Put some solid arguments instead of rants that Kiyani was a coward.
And for your points 13 to 15 they have nothing to do with Kiyani.

Yes---he refused to talk about pakistan army's involvement in the OBL strike mission out of fear of retaliation from al qaeda and taliban against him family.
Any proof to back up this allegation?

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