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Terrorist attacks decrease in Pakistan

Jab bhi niwaz shareef aya hy mulk taraqi ki taraf giya hy :) i am not taking side , but you cant change the facts.
The peace that is being witnessed is because of the efforts of our armed forces not because of Mr. PM.
Tell this to Imran Khan. Unless he learns what the muscle of the Pakistani state can do, he's unfit to weild it!
I dont really support imran khan ,but do agree with certain of his views.
I do admit he had a ridiculous pov on zarb e azab and i wanted to smack him hard for that. Magar since the beginning of wot and our army going in fata operations in 2004 ,his stance wasnt wrong.
Musharraf had allowed drone strikes,carried out illmanaged fata ops under usa pressure which led to what? brutal massacre of many of our own civilians too. Usa has butchered somany pakistanis senselessly through drone strikes. Imran used to say these sufferers are out of revenge, of what has been done to their families are joining terrorists and he wasnt wrong. And that, if these ops and drones arent stopped we will face civil war, again not wrong, thanx to musharraf it could have happened. For the first time in pakistans history some strong hate for army was seen and that was in musharraf rule. Some army officer walking down the street in islamabad was caught and beaten up common ppl for what was happening. Imran had said in a parliament session that i myself have relatives from both parents side working as brigadier etc who lost their lives in this WoT. Imran is a very misunderstood person in this regard. I came upon this conclusion after i heard his speeches.
Anyways i could be wrong and anyone could correct me. After all forums are to learn from eachother.
InshaAllah Pakistan would become Peaceful once again :-)

Although I'm not a fan of PMLN but atleast the country is moving forward under Nawaz Leadership, it was just going backwards & backwards under PPP & Zardari.
And to the civilian leadership whose firm determination and support is making this possible
Yes civilian leaderships and public also but the game is not finished yet as there are still some elements in political, religious and media section who has sympathy with the terrorists outfit. These are the people who spread lies in public that there will be blood shed in the streets and city if we touch these terrorists. So better apologies them and accept all demands
Kiyani did not do it because of the following reasons:-
1- Bad relations with US.
2- Pressure of US to launch the operation which would have given an impression that PA is following the "orders" of US.
3- Political issues like memogate scandal.
4- Questionable prepadeness of troops and intel agencies for another large scale operation.If unprepared then time was needed to make them ready.
5- Lack of cooperation with Afghan govt.
6- Mistrust with US.
Kiyani's era was more tough as compared to Raheel Sharif. Morale of millitary was low, public support was lacking, popularity of TTP was high and large chunks of Pakistani territory were under TTP control at the time he assumed comand.
Let's not forget Swat operation under leadership of Kiyani and let's blame ground realities of that time instead of blaming Kiyani.
Now we read the reports that is great news.

US was continued to pressure Pakistan to act on North Waziristan but ex-COAS Kiyani was refused to do it. A huge numbers of terrorists were arrested or attacked while our economy is today much improved bigger than we expect.

Why Kiyani didn't do it at first place ???
Cradit must be given to the Political leadership of Pakistan and specially to PM Nawaz sharif for its full support to the Army and rangers specially in Karachi.His govt is doing well in terms of Anti terrorism operations.

Nawaz had no choice. He deserves no credit.

Kiyani did not do it because of the following reasons:-
1- Bad relations with US.
2- Pressure of US to launch the operation which would have given an impression that PA is following the "orders" of US.
3- Political issues like memogate scandal.
4- Questionable prepadeness of troops and intel agencies for another large scale operation.If unprepared then time was needed to make them ready.
5- Lack of cooperation with Afghan govt.
6- Mistrust with US.
Kiyani's era was more tough as compared to Raheel Sharif. Morale of millitary was low, public support was lacking, popularity of TTP was high and large chunks of Pakistani territory were under TTP control at the time he assumed comand.
Let's not forget Swat operation under leadership of Kiyani and let's blame ground realities of that time instead of blaming Kiyani.

What a BS post. Kiyani was a coward. All the problems increased due to his cowardice.

When he became the c in c the relstionship during his tenure got worst with the u s.
Nawaz had no choice. He deserves no credit.

What a BS post. Kiyani was a coward. All the problems increased due to his cowardice.

When he became the c in c the relstionship during his tenure got worst with the u s.
You are free to have your opinion and I will keep mine at the time being.

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