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Terrorist Attack On PAF camp Badaber : 29 people massacred, 13 terrorists killed.

Have our own ppl been with us thru out?
How many pakistanis stopped supporting extremist ideologies after aps?

Why cant we take down lal masjid mullah yet? There is a fear of strong public and political opposition. Yes our armed forces and isi have been lax on all those ocassions when we suffered attacks at sensitive installations but ucant ignore the support provided to such terrorists by our own ppl.

And if in todays case the terrorists had brought the weapons and explosives from another town city then tahts also our major security failure.

Support or no support. It is the duty of ISI and army and the whole military to safe themselves and this country. That's what they are paid for. TTP ha support. Yes. But that doesn't mean that a bunch of yahoos can travel to a military installation in an open truck and our military would be found sleeping sucking its thumb. Did you see that picture of that truck those rats used for this attack? It was an open truck. And they all used it to travel to a military installation like they are going on a public.

Military has failed. And it should answer a lot of question. But it won't since then answering questions of Pakistani awaam was never a habit of this military.
PAF Badaber camp attack was planned, controlled from Afghanistan: DG ISPR


Director-General Inter-Services Public Relations (ISPR) Major-General Asim Bajwa. -DawnNews screengrab
PESHAWAR: Director General Inter-Services Public Relations (ISPR) Major-General Asim Bajwa on Friday said that the attack on Pakistan Air Force (PAF) Badaber camp earlier in the day was planned and controlled from Afghanistan.

The DG ISPR held a press conference following the attack on PAF Badaber camp earlier in the day and provided details of the attack and follow-up actions by security forces.

According to the details given by ISPR in its press conference, the attack on the PAF installation started at around 5am, when the terrorists arrived on Inqalab road, and dismounted from their vehicle near the gates of the base.

“After dismounting, the terrorists used rocket-propelled grenades (RPG) and automatic rifle fire to breach the gates and gain entry into the PAF base,” said Bajwa.

He elaborated by adding that as soon as the terrorists entered the facility, they met stiff resistance from the PAF guards who were stationed to guard the base.

“The terrorists then split in to two groups, with one group heading towards the administrative area of the base while the other group headed towards technical area,” added the ISPR head.

Major-General Bajwa said that the terrorists were under continuous fire from security forces, and the Quick Reaction Force (QRF) reached within ten minutes and managed to contain the attackers in a relatively small area of the base.

“Once the terrorists entered the facility, they were contained within 50 metres of either side of the gate, and were not able to advance towards their objectives.”

The head of the ISPR confirmed that the ensuing firefight took place within the small area which also housed the base’s mosque, which “unfortunately became a target for the attackers, and they rushed in and opened fire on the people present for morning prayers.”

“At least 29 people have been martyred -- 23 from air force, three from army and three civilians,” AFP quoted Bajwa as saying. The ISPR spokesperson said that 29 people were also wounded during the attack

The DG ISPR explained to the media personnel present that the ensuing attack on those present in the mosque and a barracks building next to the mosque caused the most casualties during the attack.

Maj Gen Bajwa also praised the media for its objective reporting and informing the people regarding the developments announced by the ISPR in a timely manner.

That is something serious......hope Army don't find RAW at the tail of this dog.....
there is no security improvement. the terrorists only went in slumber and hiding due to the operation. they need to be pursued constantly in the cities and tribal areas and eliminated. their icon of terror and defiance Red Mosque administration still exists in the capital and the controversial cleric openly mocks the army and the state but no action is taken against him

I beg to differ. Just a year ago, TTP controlled almost 5000 sq.km of land in Northwaziristan alone .Not to mention , major tribal population centers like miranshah and mirali , where they were running their terror economy. All that land has been taken away from them and with khyber1&2 so has their ability to regroup . Many people forget that before Op rahe nijat in south waziristan , TTP were on the cusp of expanding their territory to GB and also carried out suicide attacks in AJK. But that all changed , from a fighting force on the ground they have been transformed into a low intensity insurgency , who can only wage a war of attrition.

The stats speak for themselves , a couple of years ago the total number of causalities were between 2800-3500 per year .Not only the number of terrorist incidents have decreased but the causalities this year are now at the 2004 level which was prior to the foundation of ttp.

People often undermine the fact that there isnt any magic wand that would make Pakistan terror free overnight . It took Algeria 12 years to get rid of FIS and FIDA ,islamits groups its that are quite similar to TTP . Infact Pakistan tops the list of countries where terrorism is declining. There is still work to be done.I believe that Op-Zea isnt the last anti-terror op , i think we will see a few more ops.
Suddenly the COAS claims of rooting out terrorists and their network from the the tribal regions and the success of zarb e azb seem quite hollow. This wasnt a poor misguided SOB blowing himself in a crowded market. But a military style assault launched on the military target.
Suddenly the COAS claims of rooting out terrorists and their network from the the tribal regions and the success of zarb e azb seem quite hollow. This wasnt a poor misguided SOB blowing himself in a crowded market. But a military style assault launched on the military target.

Here comes another one!

Don't you Indians have anywhere else to go?
Our aircrafts in a war will be used against India or America in case of a war. These terroristic monkeys do not understand that they are destroying the very force (the airforce) which may one day fight with nations that stand against.us.

It is our duty to kill terrorists wherever they hide and as mercilessly as we can. By massacring worshippers in a mosque the terrorists show their true and dirty face to the public of Pakistan. We must so brutally massacre the taliban that they never raise their dirty head against Pakistan ever again.
i agree but a better way would be to know why are the taliban supporting indian aims? and how do we counter it.
Suddenly the COAS claims of rooting out terrorists and their network from the the tribal regions and the success of zarb e azb seem quite hollow. This wasnt a poor misguided SOB blowing himself in a crowded market. But a military style assault launched on the military target.
Pathetic! just pathetic. people like you will get what you deserve.
i agree but a better way would be to know why are the taliban supporting indian aims?

I think the answer should be quite obvious....You guys already believe that India sponsors TTP. With that belief this question is quite redundant. Dont you think ?
Suddenly the COAS claims of rooting out terrorists and their network from the the tribal regions and the success of zarb e azb seem quite hollow. This wasnt a poor misguided SOB blowing himself in a crowded market. But a military style assault launched on the military target.

A military style assault against the living quarters, yeah, that must have taken nerves of steel.
USA is begging because they know they lost war every USA General comes to meet COAS RAHEEL SHAREEF to request that we put pressure on Afghan Taliban so they talk. Yes as for nuclear attacks USA can't nuke entire world because their stupid actions have made sure every one considers them enemy.Brazul hosted with Army deployed in cities and continuous operation going on they still loose thousands every year. USA won't collapse neither do we but still lives are lost. As for Brazil they still loose several every second day . These wars are never easy they have to be fought for decades.

US is begging no one. It is asking since you are a neighbor of this sh!t country Afghanistan. Brazil hosted with military support or not. It hosted one of the biggest events of sport. Something Pakistan can't do with or without military support.

US can nuke Afghanistan. And nobody can stop them. In fact nobody would bother to stop them. After all Afghanistan is a shithole of this world. World would consider nuking Afghanistan like draining your shithole. Khas kam jahan pak.
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