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Terrorist Attack in Peshawar Market

This attack will have consequences and this time india and their new found afghan slaves are gonna get it up their collective rumps.
I just got off the phone with my uncle in Peshawar and he told me that his neighbor, a woman with her child, got killed in the same bomb blast.
may God give them and all those who suffered in this incident his blessings.
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May Allah bless the souls lost in this atrocity, I could have wrote something along time ago when this incident happen but for some reason my brain was not giving me any thing and I just could not accept it for a while was too shocked by it. just imagine the kids losing their mothers and vice versa. And the poor souls that survived how many of them will live normally after this, how many will be physically fit to carry on with their lives. May Allah give the survivors of the dead and the injured and the victims them selves strength to come to terms with life and live normally.
I am willing to forgive Zardaris every sin every miss deed every mistake if he gets serious now and all the other politicians they all come together and sort it out. The Ulama will have to stop worrying about the sect wars and come stand as one and condemn these B@$T@rds not only condemn them but start educating people.
And as of that video of that F Uck that bomber he should really be lucky that he was not in front of me, and i was not the one interviewing him. H reminded me of another idiot I met in Houston, we went to the mosque all of us and during the jamat he didn't pray with us and sat it out when asked he said I cant pray behind any other Imam who don't belong to my school of though as he does not love the Prophet as we do. When asked to clarify and explain he didn't have an answer and kept saying that my Imam told me that. This guy was the same, who are these amirs did they get any wahi. How can they tell these pigs that you do this and if any one else is dead its not on you. And for todays attack who were the target. How can this B@$T@rd say that the small children are not innocent. How can they. I think the PA should grant all these f UCK ERS their wish. Who ever they catch kick their @$$ drain the info out and then strap all the pigs together and send them to the 72 devils that will be waiting for them in hell.

We are one we are here to stay, we are Muslims and proud to be Muslims.
We have lived out India and Russia, we will live you out you terrorist scums.
We are the Ummah, we are Pakistan.
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In wake of these attacks , the indian presence in Afghanistan cannot be just left on its own , the afghans are busy kissing hindus and singing praises of india all the while these two are busy making trouble in Pakistan.

I tell you we cant leave those consulate alone now! We will HAVE to hit them.

Along with the slaughtering of TTP we need also need to cut off the hands that are helping them

“”Neh, Javed3 will Explain me TTP CAUSE””.

Everybody is entitled to have his or her cause; TTP included. Actually they have a pretty strong commitment to their cause and willingly take enormous casualties. You and I may or may not agree with what they stand for; but outright dehumanizing them as sub-species do not help at all. They just could not have survived for a day without a certain level of support from the heavily armed local population.

I am not a TTP spokesman, regardless of the honorable titles conferred on me at this forum.

But in a cursory way this is what I understand about them:
 TTP does not have a central command center or a unified ideology. They are a lose confederation of at least 30 groups. Only some groups have Extremist views or a draconian definition of Islam.
 Essentially a proletariat movement that appeals to the downtrodden segments of population groaning under the unholy nexus of the Feudal Chieftains, political agents, and paramilitary militias.
 Formally launched in August 2007. Became a rallying point for the tribal people incensed by the Lal Masjid tragedy.

Musharraf Govt in its eagerness to prove its efficiency to the US, and following the “Do More” paradigm launched repeated operations in tribal areas since late 2001, followed by aiding / abetting US drone strikes. That created a wave of revenge and hatred that became the constituency of TTP. Our present government and Army has added more fuel to the fire.

In simple words, if we really become true Pakistanis and stop acting hired mules for the US, and get some sense of national dignity, and stop waging wars to earn a few brownies, TTP and other menaces will simply wither away.
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In one of the saddest stories of this bombing, a family lost 8 of its members including the father, mother & their 4 children. 3 other family members were also with them, all had gone for shopping. Out of the other 3 family members, only one girl survived who was found in the hospital.

I couldn't stop crying seeing the story being shown on TV, 4 members nimaz e janaza took place at 10 and were buried, 4 other members bodies are yet to be found or recognized, as 68 bodies are lying in the hospital which can not be identified due to their decomposed nature.

Many other similar stories are being heard, where father & son or sons, brothers & families have been lost.

May Allah give peace to their souls & courage to the families, Peshawar & its people are suffering a lot.
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and here comes another sellout.

With a country that has nuclear warheads you couldnt convince your leaders to stay nuetral like the iranians? Instead you left it to malnourished men living in the tribal areas with WW2 and soviet era weapons to teach the enemy (which you crumbled at the sight off) a lesson?

Shame on you!

Sorry about it all...leaving it all to malnourished men with WW2 vintage Stingers and loads of funding from all over the world...

Now leave us in our shame and misery and go to your humble masters who have been given a holy mandate to spill the blood of innocents on a daily basis.

TTP4Life, by taking innocent life...no shame and no regrets...
No - TTP had no involvement.

There's stories of punjabi looking men being in koochi bazaar before the blast happend, could have been pakistani ISI staff.

Who are you now? Official spokesman for WaliurRehman or Hakimullah?

Why would ISI blow such a mindless bomb in the middle of its own people? Stop being an idiot and try to see things as they are and not as every Tom Dick and Harry with a two cent conspiracy theory would like to project.

TTP is a killer of innocent men, women and children and today's event shows that very vividly. If at all India or anyone else was behind this bomb (some kind of a response to the Kabul bomb blast near the Indian HC) then they should also know better as their backyard is quite large and not very well monitored I must say!
CLOWN4LIFE you can find many 'panjabi looking' men and women in peshawar. Taunting your fellow city mates as hinko/hindko is not unheard of is it ?

animals like you are driven by foolish ill placed ethnic loyalties mixed with religon which will sooner of later come to bite you in your rear.
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