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Terrorist Attack in Peshawar Market


This writing was on the wall eight years ago---everybody could read it---but no one wanted to comprehend it---actually no one wanted to believe in it, that it could happen to them---.

They were our brothers---muslim brothers---arab-uzbek-afghan-chechen-somali-egyptian-we though of them as our brothers---but they never considered us as their brothers---.

Why does it take so long for a nation to wake up and smell the smoke of the charred remains of their dear loved ones.

Is the intellect and understanding of my countrymen is so un-real, that untill and unless their own house doesnot catch on fire---they don't realize the actual threat---unless they don't see their own dear ones die in bomb blasts---they don't think that there is any real threat around.

What good is it to wake up and come out of the slumber after losing everything---.
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Rest in peace all 91+ innocent people.

I think this is related to the recent CIA-MOSSAD-Blackwater-MI5 infiltration of Pakistan. Whenever there is a "suicide" car bombing we should consider them the prime perpetrators! Just like the bomb in Kabul and Iraq recent days. Did you guys know that the British where caught setting off car bombs in Iraq, caught by Iraqi police but only subsequently "rescued" by armed US/British soldiers?!! I still keep that evidence (as much other intelligence data).....

If you guys want to PROTECT your country and people, always carry around a mobile with a camera, or a camera to take photos/videos. Make it a habit, document you life, make it a hobby to photograph/video and share! That is a main reason why these (fake) "suicide" bombings are rare/difficult in China, because these "suicidal" bombers are NOT martyrs --- and because they are not martyrs but terrorists they fear for their lives/livelihoods and cameras all over the place catch their movements and faces!

Please contemplate what I just said, it will save lives of people you love. The FOREIGN TERRORISTS fear their faces and movements being recorded and distributed on the Internet for the world to see. "By way of deception, thou shall wage war!!!"
Taliban, al-Qaeda disown blast
Thursday, October 29, 2009
News Desk

RAWALPINDI: The Taliban and al-Qaeda have denied involvement in the Peshawar bomb blast and said they do not explode bombs in bazaars and mosques. According to a statement of al-Qaeda, they are not involved in the killing of innocent people. According to al-Qaeda sources, the elements, who want to defame Jehad and refugees, are behind the Peshawar bomb blast. The al-Qaeda sources say they would continue Jehad against America and its agents across the world. The banned Tehrik-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) in an email sent to the media also condemned the Peshawar blast and denied its involvement in the Meena Bazaar explosion.

Taliban, al-Qaeda disown blast

yeah, that email was sent by the ttp member on this forum named javed. The fuckin terrorist bastard hiding in the UK. Can't wait to hear about him getting captured by the british authorities.
yeah, that email was sent by the ttp member on this forum named javed. The fuckin terrorist bastard hiding in the UK. Can't wait to hear about him getting captured by the british authorities.

The problem is that most likely the British authorities were the perpetrators (or at least hired / provided funding) of the terror attack. British does the same False Flag "suicide" bomb blasts in Iraq. Keep that in mind! :pakistan::china::pakistan:
Coming back to the topic as requested by Bezerk, the CPO Peshawar and PDMA: Provincial Disaster Management Authority have requested a revised plan for community preparedness.

Also if Pakistani members wish we are going to be publishing a guide on self protection "Safety & Security" for dealing with terrorism in the community. I would rather not spam this document so if anyone wishes to use it please PM me and i will give you a link to the attachment.

If any member is concerned about personal security, the internet has a plethora of resource on safety and security, in my personal opinion the best sources are:

FEMA: Federal Emergency Management Agency
Pakistan's Disaster Management Authority also has some documentation but most of it is highly academic: Books & Publications of NDMA

If you live in vulnerable communities DPART Rescue Volunteers and Rescue 1122 are running community rescue volunteer trainings in the major cities especially lahore and rawalpindi. If you are interested visit a Rescue 1122 station or call my office 051-5858580 and someone will fill you in.

All the best.
The latest death toll reached 107 as of this morning, with still many buried under the rubble & many in critical condition.:frown:
Donors throng blood bank after Peshawar blast

PESHAWAR: Unprecedented rush of donors in Lady Reading Hospital’s blood bank after the deadly car bombing showed Peshawarites’ love and respect for the humanity.

People from all walks of life, even women, were seen waiting in front of the blood bank offering themselves for donation of blood.

Volunteers closed their businesses in Saddar bazaar and other parts of the city and rushed to the hospital to give blood to seriously-wounded people.

Tariq Gul, a blood bank technician, said over 90 bags were collected in less than two hours. ‘We are short of space and facing difficulties to create space for donors,’ he said.

Due to lack of facilities and space in the blood bank, two donors had to share one bed.

Technicians confronted hard time in accommodating donors waiting patiently in long queues for their turn. Others also played their roles by offering juices and milk to the donors.

Mohammad Bilal and his brother Mohammad Akbar who reached the hospital for donating blood said: ‘We are here just for the sack of humanity. Soon after the blast we pulled shutter down and reached the hospital.’

It was a rare occasion when a number of women reached the bank and donated blood. In normal circumstances, women stay away from donating blood.

The problem of space has been continuously haunting the people, staff as well as blood donors in the province’s biggest 1200-bed hospital, which has not only been receiving victims of every blast taking place in Peshawar but also in other cities.

‘Donating blood by the local community is not a problem as it used to be in the past. Most of the people earlier hesitated from donating blood but now things have changed for the better,’ said an official, adding after every bomb blast donors immediately thronged the blood bank for donation of blood.

He said blood donation had become a culture and that was why hospitals had no problem in blood collection.

Participation of the common people in rescue work and shifting of the wounded from the blast site to the hospital also showcased the increasing spirit of voluntarism among the masses.

Local people shifted wounded people on motorbikes and in rickshaws to the Lady Reading Hospital as ambulances could not be promptly utilised due to narrowness of the streets and roads at the blast site.

Terrorists this time selected a more congested locality for the fulfilment of their evil plan. Charwi Koban, where the blast occurred, is a confluence of Meena and Kochi bazaars and is one of the most populated areas of the city.

It was the worst man-made disaster in the history of Peshawar that left nearly 90 people, including women and children, dead and over 160 wounded. Most of the shops in these two bazaars deal in female-related items. That is why a majority of the victims were women and children.

Innocent civilians always bear the brunt of terrorist activities. But this time terrorists showed their ugliest faces by targeting women and children in Peshawar. Doctors said around 70 women and children were killed and 25 suffered injuries.

Meena and Kochi are considered most favourite bazaars for women across the region where they can move and shop in a relax mood.

These places were considered shopping paradise for people from urban and rural areas, but they may not be that attractive for shoppers after Wednesday’s blast.
Why does it take so long for a nation to wake up and smell the smoke of the charred remains of their dear loved ones.
Perhaps if you told your countrymen more about your own awakening that would help?
Pakistan needs more 'eyes' on the ground.

Before people asked how can a few thousand NATO soldiers and Blackwater-xe mercenaries take over Pakistan and its nukes. That was wrong thinking.... their job was to 'plant' terror acts first to 'destabilize' the country. Look back in history, same thing happened with CIA's Pol Pot regime (those involved testified that it was CIA who ordered them). Same thing happened in Viet Nam. Same thing "tried" to happen in Tiananmen in 1989. Deng was right to crush these terror attacks disguised as "demonocarcy" movements.....

..... learn history by friends. Learn history.
Taliban, al-Qaeda disown blast
Thursday, October 29, 2009
News Desk

RAWALPINDI: The Taliban and al-Qaeda have denied involvement in the Peshawar bomb blast and said they do not explode bombs in bazaars and mosques. According to a statement of al-Qaeda, they are not involved in the killing of innocent people. According to al-Qaeda sources, the elements, who want to defame Jehad and refugees, are behind the Peshawar bomb blast. The al-Qaeda sources say they would continue Jehad against America and its agents across the world. The banned Tehrik-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) in an email sent to the media also condemned the Peshawar blast and denied its involvement in the Meena Bazaar explosion.

Taliban, al-Qaeda disown blast

Anyone who actually believes this nonsense is the stupidest person on the planet.

The Al Qaeda Nazis just blew away 150 Iraqis last week and this week they killed over 100 women and children.

They are the true incarnation of evil. The heir apparent to the Nazis and the Khymer Rogue.
I haven't seen any denouncements / condemnation from the opposition in Pk on any of such acts.

.. or have I missed them ?
Just look at the barbarity, its just one pic of a few months old baby, God knows how many more of this age & younger or elder aged children would have perished or made orphans.

Whenever i go to market with my wife or family, we pray to Allah that if You have to take us, take us all at once, so that neither my wife or child are left to this miserable & barbaric world to live in. In today's world how will a widow live with no bread earner or how & what will happen to orphaned children, this world is very inhuman & barbaric. :(

http://img233.imageshack.us/i/scenes608.jpg/ http://g.imageshack.us/img233/scenes608.jpg/1/
this Picture must be Clean & Care

Living hell of trapped people

PESHAWAR: As the wounded tried to flee, they were engulfed in flames and buried alive by falling masonry.

With one deafening boom, a congested Pakistan street full of women and children was transformed into hell.

‘It was like a massive earthquake. Everything in my shop fell on me. There was so much smoke. When everything fell on me I passed out,’ clothes shop owner Ali Akbar told AFP from his hospital bed in the city of Peshawar.

Rescue workers fished out charred bodies from the debris where a woman was buried in the rubble near a mosque, three buildings and five cars that were destroyed in scenes of armageddon, an AFP reporter said.

Bodies were trapped under huge slabs of concrete and crumbling bricks, the slow rescue heavily constrained by the collapsed buildings, pushing the death toll ever higher as cranes were mobilised to pluck survivors to safety.

The smouldering wreckage was devastating testament to a routine shopping trip or a pleasurable day out turned into bloody carnage for scores of ordinary families in the historic city of Peshawar and the largest northwest.

‘I saw a flash of blue and white light and I was thrown to the other side of the street. I’m surprised I’m alive,’ said Shahid Khan, 15, who was standing with a popcorn cart on the side of the road when the bomb went off.

‘My entire shop fell on me. Smoke filled my face,’ said Raza Ali, 30, a grocery store owner whose face was badly burnt.

Crowds ran screaming down alleys in the market place, desperate to get away from the congested Meena Bazaar, fearing that a second bomb could explode.

Others lifted out the casualties, their clothes splattered with blood.

‘I was inside my shop. All of a sudden, there was a huge blast. It was dark everywhere. The roof of my shop fell on me, trapping me in the debris. Then I don’t know what happened,’ said another survivor in hospital.

Television footage showed harrowing images. A young man was seen biting his fingers in disgust watching his shop and livelihood go up in flames.

Another person in the crowd repeatedly shouted out name of a loved one, his panic rising with the passing silence. Some were seen rushing out with bundles of their belongings loaded on their backs.

The agony of loss was overwhelming at the hospital, where survivors wept over dead loved ones, crying into mobile phones, with staff struggling to cope with each new consignment of casualties as a state of emergency was declared
Whenever an American dignitary visits Pakistan, our government offers a KALI MATA KI BALLI.

In the past it used to US drone strikes, or anti-terrorist operations, or the arrest of Al-Quaida second in command!

Now it is the same Balli system at work; to garner US praise for the valiant SW opertion. Its the same sickening ISI system at work that propelled Shia-Sunni riots for a decade.

Honestly Javed3, even in such tragic times when we should all be unanimously condemning the TTP to hell, you are displaying utmost stubbornness in giving them alibis and pinning the blame on your own agencies...i find this attitude very disturbing and shocking to be honest...i would have thought that at least this time round you would have openly condemned the TTP but i now know that you will never do it despite anything and everything the TTP does...you think their cause is valid...a cause cannot be detached from the means with which it is fought with...never before in the history of Islam did any people kill civilians and terrorize people so openly citing Islam as their reason...yet there are people who are willing to support it...as long as the blood being spilled is not their own....

TTP has to openly claim responsibility in order for you to accept it as their doing?
So whoever does not claim responsibility cannot be accused?
The only other option is to trust your agencies but you actually are blaming them for this nefarious act...in short you are covering TTP from all angles...very unreasonable of you to do...very disturbing to see this behavior from someone who calls himself a Pakistani.

There is no evidence of any other organization in Pakistan currently carrying out such high intensity bombings except TTP and AL Qaeda...this i speak after my interaction with many respectable and relevant people and also after following up via the media and scanning all actual names and organizations being implicated with direct evidence.
The TTP and Al Qaeda have claimed responsibility of many terrorist acts before but it does not mean they shall claim responsibility all the time...it is very stupid to assume this...they thrive on anti US sentiments and have always said that they are against US presence, however in reality they have been targeting all sorts of Places in Pakistan without showing any refrain...what is their action against US forces?
They have butchered thousands of Pakistanis but how many soldiers of their claimed enemy have they managed to engage in combat and kill in a man to man fight?
They are bloody cowards who are using the people as tools and shields...whereas as their army they have the services of mercenaries, criminals and ex Jihadis who are willing to kill innocents...for the suicide bombing they are literally buying the children by giving post martyrdom financial aid to the unlucky family whose child is being used as the cannon fodder...the bomber is usually a teenager who is brainwashed to do the bombing...an innocent mind is perverted and made to kill many more innocents...yet many fail to condemn it...
What does killing Pakistanis achieve in the way of the claimed TTP Jihad against US?

Seeing 100s of your countrymen butchered in a day will make any man emotional but you are calmly defending the terrorists and their cause as valid and their means a bit crude but similar to what PA is doing.
Actually you are pinning the entire blame on PA, ISI and GOP in this post...ridiculous and very sad.

Whatever the cause does Islam justify killing innocents deliberately?
Jihad is against combatants and not against civilians...that is the main principle of Jihad...it cannot be used to kill civilians.
Pakistan Army is attacking the terrorists and their armed protectors and not intentionally killing civilians in cold blood like TTP...they are fighting man to man and not butchering blindly. Had they wanted to butcher badly, they had the firepower to do so and would not have taken any prisoners...you are drawing parallels despite the huge difference in the intent of two groups and on top of that you are protecting the group which is absolutely a farce and is openly abusing the name of Islam to a degree i have never seen before...
What TTP has done to date, i would have been 100% supportive of the GOP had they decided to hang all the TTP fighters...8000 or so of them in captivity are a big burden on security...however the PA and ISI which you so foolishly blame are still human enough, Muslim enough and Pakistani enough to keep the rebels alive in captivity since they surrendered...many great caliphs and kings of past have treated even minor rebels with much more severity...still you compare the TTP with PA and it makes my blood boil...

Do you have direct evidence of the many things you accuse others of including the ISI which you have blamed quite shamelessly here?
Yet you choose to accuse all anti TTP parties with 100% confidence...
Same thing you are always unable to do when it is regarding TTP even though they are at war with us and are using suicide attacks since years against all sorts of targets...and openly threatening the people of consequences...

I will tell you one thing though, your illusion that majority of people do not support the Army action is wrong, a few years ago it was different but now things are clear to most.
Reason is obvious, TTP are not fighting a Jihad...they are terrorists and are targeting innocents in Pakistan while minting money via crime, drugs and forcing the people to give them money and supplies for the claimed Jihad...they are a threat which cannot be ignored and can be used by anyone against Pakistan.
There is a sanctuary for all sorts of extremists and blood spillers which has to be eliminated...otherwise this can and shall be used by any and all enemies of our people, internal and external.
Now, most of the people want TTP to be eliminated...whether US stays or leaves it has no bearing on what the TTP has become and what needs to be done to it...
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These TTP supporters won't understand it, They are Sitting in UK & doing their Jehad thru their Key Boards...

These people Wont Live in Pakistan, We will
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