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Terrorist attack in Islamabad | 17 dead 41 injured, rescue underway.

Still no governance is any justification for bombing people in a fruit market.
Prosecute the bombers AND alleviate the situation that drove them to violence. Don't let whack-a-mole be your only game.
Prosecute the bombers AND alleviate the situation that drove them to violence. Don't let whack-a-mole be your only game.

Nothing to argue their. Expect I would prefer eliminate than prosecute.
You don't deny anything I wrote about the people of Swat. Why don't you contest that, providing some examples?

Well people of swat were/are enjoying like us in the other cities of Pakistan. Specially their Tax free zone. Taking advantages of that . They accepted taliban bcoz of fear not bvcoz they (taliban) were good or they will make swat a heaven for them. But they were quite bcoz of fear.
Nothing to argue their. Expect I would prefer eliminate than prosecute.
An argument I've heard from Pakistanis before. The justice process exists for a reason: to assure people that justice was done, rather than more wickedness. Nevertheless, if you wait until it's obvious that killing the suspect is the right thing to do (because everyone in the neighborhood considers him guilty), it's still a worse solution than prompt prosecution, as such murderers will get to kill many people before they themselves are targeted for extra-judicial killing by the police - and still the police may get it wrong, if the person was set up by personal enemies.
An argument I've heard from Pakistanis before. The justice process exists for a reason: to assure people that justice was done, rather than more wickedness. Nevertheless, if you wait until it's obvious that killing the suspect is the right thing to do (because everyone in the neighborhood considers him guilty), it's still a worse solution than prompt prosecution, as such murderers will get to kill many people before they themselves are targeted for extra-judicial killing by the police - and still the police may get it wrong, if the person was set up by personal enemies.

With the weak judicial system backed by even worst political system we have elimination is a much better option than prosecution.
Well people of swat were/are enjoying like us in the other cities of Pakistan. Specially their Tax free zone. Taking advantages of that .
Oh, like Malala & family are free from fear to enjoy all that. Riighhht.

With the weak judicial system backed by even worst political system we have elimination is a much better option than prosecution.
Which is why the judicial system needs strengthening. The Pakistani military could do with one or two less F-16s and Pakistan could spend the $20 million saved on improving courts and forensics. But without political will - which has to rely on people - the politicians aren't going to do that, rather than divert funds into their own pockets; you know what they are like.
Oh, like Malala & family are free from fear to enjoy all that. Riighhht.

Exceptional case !! Other then Malala ? And btw they are free from fear and enjoying rite now coz they got what they want.
Oh, like Malala & family are free from fear to enjoy all that. Riighhht.

Which is why the judicial system needs strengthening. The Pakistani military could do with one or two less F-16s and Pakistan could spend the $20 million saved on improving courts and forensics. But without political will - which has to rely on people - the politicians aren't going to do that, rather than divert funds into their own pockets; you know what they are like.

Or even better. Curb corruption in civilian government affairs and spend the saved money on the judicial system.
It’s high time the terrorists learn that once they kill an innocent civilian who is going about buying fruit for his family at a bazaar, they forfeit their right to tell us their heart-wrenching daastans and dismal origin stories. I have no interest in making it appear as if the terrorists had diminished responsibility to act humanely, because they themselves had been wronged at some point.

I am, however, eagerly waiting to see how the supporters of the peace process with the TTP will be responding to the UBA.

How about getting them to stop the aggression in exchange for us relinquishing control of Kalat?

How about releasing 16 Baloch separatists from imprisonment as a goodwill gesture?

How about information on missing persons to placate the UBA, and negotiate a cessation of attacks on trains and gas pipelines by them and their allied groups?

I’m sincerely hoping this is not how things play out, for I doubt we can afford to give enough away to keep two terrorist groups happy at the same time.

Should we negotiate with the UBA too? - DAWN.COM

Or even better. Curb corruption in civilian government affairs and spend the saved money on the judicial system.

To lay out tea and biscuits at the negotiation table for one terrorist organisation, and pretend you’re not home when the other rings your doorbell, is indicative of either unequal significance, or unequal lobbying.
so, here they go, looking for equal treatment?
& then what, some other day, some other organization killing more pakistanis?

terrorism will never be gone, how much billions we spend on judiciary, or anyother stupid , affraid, & cowrad & croupt civilian govt?
which is sheltering TTp, through peace talks?
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Islamabad blast brings Balochistan issue to limelight - DAWN.COM

For the first time, a Baloch separatist militant group has claimed responsibility for an attack inside Islamabad.

The claim on the part of the separatist militant group United Baloch Army (UBA) has once again brought the issue of turmoil in Balochistan into the limelight.

On the other hand, different Baloch militant groups have in the past claimed responsibility for bomb explosions in Lahore and Karachi.

"We carried out the Islamabad blast in retaliation to an operation in Balochistan," Mureed Baloch, the spokesman for UBA told reporters in Quetta.

In recent days the UBA has intensified attacks in Quetta and other troubled parts of Balochistan.

An uneasy calm in Balochistan ended last month on March 14, when a blast ripped through a bus and other vehicles near Science College area of Quetta.

The UBA claimed responsibility for the attack, which left 12 people dead, and said that the target was a vehicle of paramilitary troops in the area.

The group had also claimed responsibility for the attack on Jaffar Express in Sibi on Tuesday.

The blast ripped through a passenger train, which left 17 passengers dead and 50 dead.

For the most part, the UBA has been claiming responsibility for bomb explosions and rocket attacks in Quetta.

These violent incidents on the part of militants have come at a time when the nationalist-led government has been making strides towards convening a multiparty conference on Balochistan.

Chief Minister Balochistan, Dr Malik Baloch had repeatedly announced to call an All Parties Conference (APC) comprising of the political leadership of the troubled province.

The chief minister stated that by calling for an APC, the goal was to find ways and means towards an amicable solution of issues related to the province.

"The use of force has not produced results in Balochistan," Dr Malik Baloch told Dawn.com.

The chief minister said that his government was determined to find a negotiated settlement to the problems affecting Balochistan.

Similarly, President Mamnoon Hussain during his visit to Quetta underlined the need for initiating dialogue with disgruntled Baloch leaders.

"The use of force would be the last option in Balochistan," the president assured a delegation of political parties on Tuesday.

However, the Kalat incident where Frontier Corps claimed to have killed 40 militants, along with the recent blasts, have overshadowed peace efforts in province.

Political analysts fear that there may be a further rise in violence in the province.

"I fear more violence," Shehzad Zulfiqar, a Quetta based senior journalist told Dawn.com.

He said such incidents would further prolong the holding of proposed APC in Balochistan.

Zulfiqar also said that people were also questioning the silence of Dr Malik Baloch over the recent incident in Kalat.

"The CM has to be clear on his position as to whether he is powerless or in full control of things," Zulfiqar added.

Balochistan has been under the grip of violence for more than a decade.

Violent acts in this sparsely populated and impoverished province has claimed thousands of lives.
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