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Terrorism: An Ideology or a Conspiracy

No doubt Al Qaeda agenda is based on extremisim but 60 Million Pushtoon tribes living on both side Pakistan and Afghanistan will never accept western democractic life style ,they have their own life style and culture and traditions.

Basically war in Afghanistan is clash between two different civilization and resistance against the US big game to capture the sea and land trade routes.

How can you expect from GOP to form policies and laws in favour of general public which is fully dependent on IMF and World Bank .

I think after Pakistan's nuke tests in 1998 , neocons and jew zoinist planned to destablize Pakistan , Afghanistan and Middle East.

Muhammad Yahya
Do yo support the notion that the laws as vested by the Constitution of Pakistan 1973 should be extended into these lawless areas of Pakistani territory.Everybody was onboard in support of that constitution even the Religious Establishment.
Further i think that the laws practiced by Talibans are merely meant to protect there fiefdoms. In the cover of sharia law they butchered so many innocent civilians and dangerous thing is that, they hold elements which conspire against the state of Pakistan. No dough it holds some good but you know 5 bads blanket 2 very goods.
Talking about Terrorism
Its not an ideology neither a consipericy. its a phenomena caused by discrimination and unjust international economic and political phenomena. extreme religious ideology only play as a catalyst to intensify it.
Really, that is not your father of nation (Pakistan) have said...

Western techonlogy and idelogy, Stop using those Rocket Launchers then, they are against your belief afterall. The bottom line is, You and your kind have no ideology besides living in poverty and Religious following, that is your only goal..

Please dont mix idealogy of Pakistan with technology , Western nation enjoying the technology initially developed by muslim scientists.

It is responsibility of every muslim to deliver the message of Quran to every corner of world .

Islam provide full protection from natural calamities and prosperity for both poor and rich but in western imperial economy , the flow of money is from poor to rich.
Muhammad Yahya
Do yo support the notion that the laws as vested by the Constitution of Pakistan 1973 should be extended into these lawless areas of Pakistani territory.Everybody was onboard in support of that constitution even the Religious Establishment.
Further i think that the laws practiced by Talibans are merely meant to protect there fiefdoms. In the cover of sharia law they butchered so many innocent civilians and dangerous thing is that, they hold elements which conspire against the state of Pakistan. No dough it holds some good but you know 5 bads blanket 2 very goods.

Agreed with you but in last sixty years we could not implement shariah law for which we got independence.

Nation should understand the need to implement shariah law otherwise every mullah become contractor of Islam and start implementing his own version of Islam.

Our assembly is doing nothing just eating Tax money and looting national assets and army is busy in fighting insurgency which is due to absence of shariah law .

If this war continue for next few years , dollar will become our currency just like Afghanistan.
Please dont mix idealogy of Pakistan with technology , Western nation enjoying the technology initially developed by muslim scientists.

This is simple false pride which can satisfy present day dormant Muslims. You very easily say that western nations enjoying technology initially developed by Muslims. Why don't you feel uncomfortable that you are only enjoying western technology. And you only can enjoy! or ... bear!
The issue of technology in Muslim world should be heeded in depths. Below I am sharing my article on this issue:

Scientific Revolution and the Muslim World
By: Khuram

It had been a great misfortune to Muslim Nation when they themselves denied the permissibility of any kind of freethinking (ijtihad etc.) for their own self and preferred the way of blind ‘taqleed’.

Early Islamic history had been characterized by free and open discussions and of making of new and new ijtihads. The existence of four separate and comprehensive schools of Muslim Fiqh is the clear evidence that early Muslim scholars could freely interpret the teachings of Islam and in such way that their interpretations could be different from those of others.

Originally there was no any such concept as ‘blind taqleed’ in Islam. The concept of ‘blind taqleed’ was actually emerged as a reaction to growing number of different Islamic schools of thought. The time when famous four fiqahs had been completed, the leading scholars then made another ‘ijtihad’ and imposed ban on any further ijtihad. So blind taqleed in this way became the destiny of Muslim nation.

The glorious period of Muslim intellectual achievements was due to a well-known early Muslim school of thought known as ‘Al-Mutazillah’. This school of thought flourished during the early Abbasid era. Al-Mutazilities adopted the method of applying rationality in the process of making interpretations of code of religion. They emphasized that humans were free in making choices for their actions. In this way, actually they denied the notion of any pre-determined fate. The belief in pre-determined fate had not emerged in the early history of Islam, but actually had been emerged during the period of Umayyad Caliphate. Umayyad rulers were not popular among the populace and so they used to persecute the masses with the intention to prolong their rule. In order to put a cover on their acts of massive persecutions. They, with the help of ‘political Muslim scholars’ promoted the belief in pre-determined fate. They, in this way, tried to legitimize their rule and acts of persecutions by saying that all what was happening was because it was already so decided by the Will of God. They asked people to not to protest against their rule, as it would be equivalent to the protest against the Will of God because Umayyad rulers had the claim that their rule was due to the Will of God.

With the fall of Umayyad rule, and with the emergence of Al-Mutazillah school of thought, belief on free human will got popularity among the highly educated class of Muslims. Caliph Mamoon Rashid also adopted this Al-Mutazillah faith. It was Caliph Mamoon who established Bait-ul-Hikmah in Baghdad and appointed many learned Jewish, Sabi and Christian scholars to translate the work of Greek and Indian scholars on vast scale. Now ground was ready to produce great intellectual scholars. So first-ever Muslim philosopher Abu Ishaq Yaqoob Al-Kindi was Mutazilie in faith. Later giant Muslim philosophers i.e. Al-Farabi and Ibn-e-Sina just adopted the same approach and extended the views of Al-Kindi into further depths. With the passage of time, the political control shifted in the hands of Al-Asherites (present day Ahl-e-Sunnat Wal-Jamaat) school of thought. Al-Ashrites were against the views of Al-Mutazillah. The leading scholars of Al-Ashrites faith i.e. Imam Abu-Al-Hassan Al-Ashary and Imam Ghazali favored the notion of pre-determined fate and so they rejected the idea of free human will. Imam Ghazali particularly denied the validity of cause-effect principle by saying that events happen not because of any physical underlying cause but because God Himself directs the events to happen in that way.

As Al-Ashrities assumed political power, they forcefully eliminated the views of Al-Mutazillah by adopting such means as torturing Mutazilities scholars as well as burning up their books in fire. Every kind of intellectual activity was openly disregarded and the long era of faith in blind taqleed initiated.

After the time of Imam Ghazali, only two great Muslim scholars came in Muslim History. First was Spanish Ibn-e-Rushd. This person drew profound influence over the intellectual environment of the West. Actually it was Ibn-e-Rushd who has served the role of connecting bridge between the Muslim enlightenment and Western enlightenment. The light of rationality and wisdom has been transferred from Muslim world to Western world via this great Muslim intellectual – Ibn-e-Rushd. But Muslim society disregarded him and he could not get any popularity in Muslim world. Second great scholar was Ibn-e-Khuldun. Muslim society again ignored the work of their last intellectual scholar and it has been the Western Scholars of eighteenth century who eventually ‘discovered’ the great work of Ibn-e-Khuldun and realized the importance of his work.

A Western Scholar Dr. Sakhaw has written that if there were no Ashary and Ghazali in Muslim world, then many Galileos and Newtons would have come from Muslim societies.

Followers of Hanabilites school of thought like Ibn-e-Hazm, Ibn-e-Tammiyah and the Imam Abdul Wahab etc. all were great anti-rationalists, basically. To them, even any new scientific theory would have been another ‘biddat’, which would deserve forceful rejection or elimination.

The time when West started to accept the importance of rational inquiry into the theoretical matters corresponds to the time when the light of rationality and wisdom had been completely turned off by the combined efforts of Al-Asharites, Hanabilitis and Muslim Sufis.

Role of Al-Asharities and Hanabalies has been discussed. Sufis were also against the method of rational inquiry because they preferred ‘wajad’ to rational thought.

So over-all Muslim intellectual environment had been complete anti-rational in nature throughout the time, which corresponds to the period of renaissance in Western world.

For as long period of time as about 500 years (after the death of Ibn-e-Khuldun in 13th century AD to 18th century AD) Muslim societies either had been stuck in complete blind taqleed or at the most had been trying to figure out or resolve the differences between Sufism and Shriah; where Sufism related to inner aspects (batan) of spiritual life and Shariah related to external compliance (zahir) to the commands of religion as to prayers etc.

In the eighteenth century, Shah Wali Ullah, a prominent Indian Muslim Scholar, after a very long period, accepted the positive role of ijtihad in the modern times and also emphasized the need of presenting Islamic teachings in the shape of rational arguments. Muslim society gave him respect but did not understand his point of view. A century later, Sir Syed Ahmed Khan launched a campaign of introducing rationality in the interpretations of teachings of religion. But mainstream Muslim society rejected his view on religious matters. He however got success in introducing modern Western education in Muslim society.

Allama Iqbal, then, got popularity in Muslims of India but basically he was another anti-rationalist and he did not like that Muslims may study philosophy or literature. After independence, Pakistan produced a Nobel Prize winner scientist Dr. Abdul Salam but he also was disregarded by Pakistani society just because he belonged to a sect, which is considered Kafir by rest of Muslims. A Pakistani writer Mr. Sheikh Ikram writes that we should adopt Western technology but we should not introduce the study of theoretical sciences in the country. What would be its implication? We shall just be a ‘user’ of technology and we shall not be able to invent any technology at our own because of being unfamiliar to theoretical sciences.

There is another poor trend in Muslim societies. This is keeping false pride in the achievements of ancient Muslims in the field of science and technology. There is nothing wrong in keeping this pride, but the wrong element is that contemporary Muslims feel this pride not with any such purpose as to get positive inspirations from their ancestors, but just to get a sort of poor justification for their backwardness in comparison with the Western world. They do not justify their backwardness. They only “justify” the progress of Western world by wrongfully (and passively) thinking that all what West knows today was actually told to them by the ancient Muslim scientists. So contemporary Muslims do not find their happiness in any of their positive achievement, but just in this type of false passive ideas. Another still existing passive attitude of Muslims is that they believe that there is no need to learn about any man made ‘ism’. What they believe is something like that all the possible scientific knowledge is already contained in Muslim sacred books. So the practical meaning of doing ‘scientific research’ for them is that whenever Western scientists shall discover any new scientific truth, they (Muslims) then just again interpret their sacred books in such way as to become able to say that the said new scientific fact was already contained in those books.

Secondly our education system is also incapable of producing any real scientific achievement. It is also worthy to point out that all our education policies are ‘quantity’ oriented and our governments have been just unable to introduce any qualitative policy capable to bring about any intellectual revolution in our education sector. I have my own views over the qualitative aspects of education system and in my work; I have classified our existing education system as ‘static’ understanding improvement model. By the term ‘static’, I mean that maximum goal before our education system is just to convey already existing knowledge to students. This model is ‘static’ because there is no any such goal as to get any intellectual achievement in the form of lets say, formulation of any new theory etc. So under this ‘static’ education system, we cannot expect that any real scientist shall come from it. Only huge number of degree holders shall come from this type of education system. Actually there is need of a comprehensive progressive oriented education philosophy for our education system. But unfortunately there is no awareness, at any level, about this need. There should be ‘ground’ capable enough to produce real intellectual achievements. Our existing education system does not provide this type of ground.
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Hon khuramonline,

I would like to add that greatest critic of Mutazalite movement was Imam Ahmad ibne Hanbal. Al Mamun and Imam Hanbal were contemporaries. Imam Al Ghazali was born in 1058, more than 200 years later.

This is however true that Imam Ghazali rejected rationality and denounced Greek philosophers such as Socrates and Aristotle. His influence on contemporary Islamic thought was profound and he was primarily responsible for the elimination of Ijtehad from the four original principals “Quran, Sunnah, Qiyas and Ijtehad”.

In my humble opinion, Imam Ghazali's ideas were a reaction to the philosophers such as Allama Al Razi (865-925), who questioned the very basis of religion and theorized that religion led to violence.

I beg to differ with your comments on Iqbal. If you happen to do research on Iqbal' life; you will find that he had a very inquisitive mind. Iqbal even briefly flirted with Mirza Ahmad of Qadian. He also wrote a letter to Attaullah Shah Bukhari (chosen as Amir e Shariat in 1930) inquiring whether the Amir (Hazrat Omar R.A.) had the authority to include ‘Assalata khairum min an noam’ in the morning azaan and formalize the Traveeh prayers during Ramadan. These practices did not exist during the life of the prophet (PBUH).

My view is that religion doesn’t lead to violence but “Dogma” does. I would define dogma as any set of principles; whether religious or secular; who's adherents believe that all others are totally wrong.

Would one call terrorism an ideology? Possibly but a conspiracy? Not in my view.
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The issue of technology in Muslim world should be heeded in depths. Below I am sharing my article on this issue:

Scientific Revolution and the Muslim World
By: Khuram

It had been a great misfortune to Muslim Nation when they themselves denied the permissibility of any kind of freethinking (ijtihad etc.) for their own self and preferred the way of blind ‘taqleed’.

Early Islamic history had been characterized by free and open discussions and of making of new and new ijtihads. The existence of four separate and comprehensive schools of Muslim Fiqh is the clear evidence that early Muslim scholars could freely interpret the teachings of Islam and in such way that their interpretations could be different from those of others.

Originally there was no any such concept as ‘blind taqleed’ in Islam. The concept of ‘blind taqleed’ was actually emerged as a reaction to growing number of different Islamic schools of thought. The time when famous four fiqahs had been completed, the leading scholars then made another ‘ijtihad’ and imposed ban on any further ijtihad. So blind taqleed in this way became the destiny of Muslim nation.

The glorious period of Muslim intellectual achievements was due to a well-known early Muslim school of thought known as ‘Al-Mutazillah’. This school of thought flourished during the early Abbasid era. Al-Mutazilities adopted the method of applying rationality in the process of making interpretations of code of religion. They emphasized that humans were free in making choices for their actions. In this way, actually they denied the notion of any pre-determined fate. The belief in pre-determined fate had not emerged in the early history of Islam, but actually had been emerged during the period of Umayyad Caliphate. Umayyad rulers were not popular among the populace and so they used to persecute the masses with the intention to prolong their rule. In order to put a cover on their acts of massive persecutions. They, with the help of ‘political Muslim scholars’ promoted the belief in pre-determined fate. They, in this way, tried to legitimize their rule and acts of persecutions by saying that all what was happening was because it was already so decided by the Will of God. They asked people to not to protest against their rule, as it would be equivalent to the protest against the Will of God because Umayyad rulers had the claim that their rule was due to the Will of God.

With the fall of Umayyad rule, and with the emergence of Al-Mutazillah school of thought, belief on free human will got popularity among the highly educated class of Muslims. Caliph Mamoon Rashid also adopted this Al-Mutazillah faith. It was Caliph Mamoon who established Bait-ul-Hikmah in Baghdad and appointed many learned Jewish, Sabi and Christian scholars to translate the work of Greek and Indian scholars on vast scale. Now ground was ready to produce great intellectual scholars. So first-ever Muslim philosopher Abu Ishaq Yaqoob Al-Kindi was Mutazilie in faith. Later giant Muslim philosophers i.e. Al-Farabi and Ibn-e-Sina just adopted the same approach and extended the views of Al-Kindi into further depths. With the passage of time, the political control shifted in the hands of Al-Asherites (present day Ahl-e-Sunnat Wal-Jamaat) school of thought. Al-Ashrites were against the views of Al-Mutazillah. The leading scholars of Al-Ashrites faith i.e. Imam Abu-Al-Hassan Al-Ashary and Imam Ghazali favored the notion of pre-determined fate and so they rejected the idea of free human will. Imam Ghazali particularly denied the validity of cause-effect principle by saying that events happen not because of any physical underlying cause but because God Himself directs the events to happen in that way.

As Al-Ashrities assumed political power, they forcefully eliminated the views of Al-Mutazillah by adopting such means as torturing Mutazilities scholars as well as burning up their books in fire. Every kind of intellectual activity was openly disregarded and the long era of faith in blind taqleed initiated.

After the time of Imam Ghazali, only two great Muslim scholars came in Muslim History. First was Spanish Ibn-e-Rushd. This person drew profound influence over the intellectual environment of the West. Actually it was Ibn-e-Rushd who has served the role of connecting bridge between the Muslim enlightenment and Western enlightenment. The light of rationality and wisdom has been transferred from Muslim world to Western world via this great Muslim intellectual – Ibn-e-Rushd. But Muslim society disregarded him and he could not get any popularity in Muslim world. Second great scholar was Ibn-e-Khuldun. Muslim society again ignored the work of their last intellectual scholar and it has been the Western Scholars of eighteenth century who eventually ‘discovered’ the great work of Ibn-e-Khuldun and realized the importance of his work.

A Western Scholar Dr. Sakhaw has written that if there were no Ashary and Ghazali in Muslim world, then many Galileos and Newtons would have come from Muslim societies.

Followers of Hanabilites school of thought like Ibn-e-Hazm, Ibn-e-Tammiyah and the Imam Abdul Wahab etc. all were great anti-rationalists, basically. To them, even any new scientific theory would have been another ‘biddat’, which would deserve forceful rejection or elimination.

The time when West started to accept the importance of rational inquiry into the theoretical matters corresponds to the time when the light of rationality and wisdom had been completely turned off by the combined efforts of Al-Asharites, Hanabilitis and Muslim Sufis.

Role of Al-Asharities and Hanabalies has been discussed. Sufis were also against the method of rational inquiry because they preferred ‘wajad’ to rational thought.

So over-all Muslim intellectual environment had been complete anti-rational in nature throughout the time, which corresponds to the period of renaissance in Western world.

For as long period of time as about 500 years (after the death of Ibn-e-Khuldun in 13th century AD to 18th century AD) Muslim societies either had been stuck in complete blind taqleed or at the most had been trying to figure out or resolve the differences between Sufism and Shriah; where Sufism related to inner aspects (batan) of spiritual life and Shariah related to external compliance (zahir) to the commands of religion as to prayers etc.

In the eighteenth century, Shah Wali Ullah, a prominent Indian Muslim Scholar, after a very long period, accepted the positive role of ijtihad in the modern times and also emphasized the need of presenting Islamic teachings in the shape of rational arguments. Muslim society gave him respect but did not understand his point of view. A century later, Sir Syed Ahmed Khan launched a campaign of introducing rationality in the interpretations of teachings of religion. But mainstream Muslim society rejected his view on religious matters. He however got success in introducing modern Western education in Muslim society.

Allama Iqbal, then, got popularity in Muslims of India but basically he was another anti-rationalist and he did not like that Muslims may study philosophy or literature. After independence, Pakistan produced a Nobel Prize winner scientist Dr. Abdul Salam but he also was disregarded by Pakistani society just because he belonged to a sect, which is considered Kafir by rest of Muslims. A Pakistani writer Mr. Sheikh Ikram writes that we should adopt Western technology but we should not introduce the study of theoretical sciences in the country. What would be its implication? We shall just be a ‘user’ of technology and we shall not be able to invent any technology at our own because of being unfamiliar to theoretical sciences.

There is another poor trend in Muslim societies. This is keeping false pride in the achievements of ancient Muslims in the field of science and technology. There is nothing wrong in keeping this pride, but the wrong element is that contemporary Muslims feel this pride not with any such purpose as to get positive inspirations from their ancestors, but just to get a sort of poor justification for their backwardness in comparison with the Western world. They do not justify their backwardness. They only “justify” the progress of Western world by wrongfully (and passively) thinking that all what West knows today was actually told to them by the ancient Muslim scientists. So contemporary Muslims do not find their happiness in any of their positive achievement, but just in this type of false passive ideas. Another still existing passive attitude of Muslims is that they believe that there is no need to learn about any man made ‘ism’. What they believe is something like that all the possible scientific knowledge is already contained in Muslim sacred books. So the practical meaning of doing ‘scientific research’ for them is that whenever Western scientists shall discover any new scientific truth, they (Muslims) then just again interpret their sacred books in such way as to become able to say that the said new scientific fact was already contained in those books.

Secondly our education system is also incapable of producing any real scientific achievement. It is also worthy to point out that all our education policies are ‘quantity’ oriented and our governments have been just unable to introduce any qualitative policy capable to bring about any intellectual revolution in our education sector. I have my own views over the qualitative aspects of education system and in my work; I have classified our existing education system as ‘static’ understanding improvement model. By the term ‘static’, I mean that maximum goal before our education system is just to convey already existing knowledge to students. This model is ‘static’ because there is no any such goal as to get any intellectual achievement in the form of lets say, formulation of any new theory etc. So under this ‘static’ education system, we cannot expect that any real scientist shall come from it. Only huge number of degree holders shall come from this type of education system. Actually there is need of a comprehensive progressive oriented education philosophy for our education system. But unfortunately there is no awareness, at any level, about this need. There should be ‘ground’ capable enough to produce real intellectual achievements. Our existing education system does not provide this type of ground.

Please be informed that darse nazame is complete education system sucessfully working from last 400 years, which include mathematics,muntaq,medicine,fiqa,tafseer ,Hadees etc .

These graduates dont need to wait for job and million of students are studing in these Islamic schools .

Graduate from government institution could not have job ,even professionals doctors and engineers could not fullfill their expenses with present government salary structure but they are eligible of zakat.

Setting the Record Straight: The Non-Miracle of Islamic Science - WikiIslam

There was no known european scientist uptill 15 century.:lol:

Quran is source of all beneficial knowledge and Islam encourage to seek knowledge the first word of Quran is Iqra ( meaning read).For example 1400 years ago Quran told us the process of Birth of Child .

Islam discourage matrialism
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some people here have really hidden thier heads in the cocoon of lies.(khuramonline)

anyways.Terrorism is not an ideology, it is a tool; but the terrorists kill for an ideology. They call that ideology Islam.

The entire world, both Muslims and non-Muslims claim that the terrorists have hijacked the religion of peace and Islam does not condone violence.

Who is right? Do the terrorists understand Islam better, or do those who decry them?
some people here have really hidden thier heads in the cocoon of lies.(khuramonline)

anyways.Terrorism is not an ideology, it is a tool; but the terrorists kill for an ideology. They call that ideology Islam.

The entire world, both Muslims and non-Muslims claim that the terrorists have hijacked the religion of peace and Islam does not condone violence.

Who is right? Do the terrorists understand Islam better, or do those who decry them?

No religion allow terrorism .

Darkness is due absence of Light
some people here have really hidden thier heads in the cocoon of lies.(khuramonline)

anyways.Terrorism is not an ideology, it is a tool; but the terrorists kill for an ideology. They call that ideology Islam.

The entire world, both Muslims and non-Muslims claim that the terrorists have hijacked the religion of peace and Islam does not condone violence.

Who is right? Do the terrorists understand Islam better, or do those who decry them?

You are right. Terrorism is only a tool designed for the maximum outcome. It is like throwing a dice on the board in a hope to get six. People do not like to associate themselves with the terrorists until there is some concrete results projecting the success of the terror campaign. The French and Bolshevik revolution along with the Islamic revolution in Iran are some example. On the other hand, failure makes the terrorists like abandoned children.
The most important thing that we should keep in mind while analysing terrorism is that, Terrorism is in fact a PsyOps tactic under military science. As Carl von Clausewitz once pointed out that the war is an extended form of politics , I have no doubt about it.
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No religion allow terrorism .

Darkness is due absence of Light

i think the biggest culprits are those who give emotional support to terrorists.
religion and politics should not be mixed.
and unfortunately , this is whats happening in all the islamic countries today.
i think the biggest culprits are those who give emotional support to terrorists.
religion and politics should not be mixed.
and unfortunately , this is whats happening in all the islamic countries today.

Prime responsibility of Muslim is to seek knowledge and spread all over the world for benefit of humanity .

But Muslims forget their responsibility that is reason they are facing problems all over the world.

They are divided into different sects and blaming and fighting with each other .

When cow stop giving milk , the owner sell it to bucher:agree:
Prime responsibility of Muslim is to seek knowledge and spread all over the world for benefit of humanity .

i disagree.
infact i think this is main reason for all the chaos in the world.
becoz every tom dick n harry thinks he is perfectly entitled to spread the knowledge.
and howcome its only the responsibilty of a muslim..??
every christian jew or hindu can do it too..becoz they all feel their religion is best.
if u want to seek knowledge through islam , its fine , but dont think its ure responsibilty to spread this.

like i said earlier there is no need to cry over the rooftops that my religion is better than yours , muslim youth should start focussing on science and moral values instead of religious teachings.
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