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terror attack in china. 01.24


Dec 29, 2010
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  天山网讯(记者田山报道)公安机关在处置 新和县1月24日发生的暴恐案件过程中,遭到暴徒投掷爆燃装置袭击,击毙暴徒6名,抓获5名,6名暴徒在实施犯罪时发生自爆死亡。一名公安民警受轻伤,群众无伤亡,缴获一批爆燃装置和作案工具。

6 teroristen killed by police.
6 terrorist killed by themselves with explosives.
5 been arrested
One policeman slightly injured
Explosions, clashes with police in China's restive Xinjiang region leave 12 dead | Fox News

BEIJING – Chinese state media say six people have died in explosions and another six were shot dead by police in fresh violence in the far west region of Xinjiang, home to the restive ethnic minority Uighurs.

The Tianshan news portal, run by the regional Communist Party, said that assailants threw explosives at police Friday in Xinhe county in the Aksu prefecture. It says police killed six and captured five suspects.

The official Xinhua News Agency said another six people died in three blasts that hit a hair salon, a produce market and a vehicle.

The case is under investigation. Xinjiang is home to low-intensity insurgency by native Uighurs against what they see as discrimination and religious suppression by China's majority Han people.

Triple explosions in China’s Xinjiang kill three | South China Morning Post

Triple explosions in China’s Xinjiang have killed three people and wounded two others, authorities said on Friday, in what appears to be the latest incident of unrest in the largely Muslim region.

One person was killed after two blasts in a hairdressing salon and market, while two others died inside a car which “self exploded” when surrounded by police, said the Tianshan web portal, a local government-run mouthpiece.

The explosions happened at about 6.40pm in Xinhe in the Aksu prefecture, the report said, an area located at China’s extreme west on its border with Kyrgyzstan.

Police have detained three people, the newspaper added.

“Explosions occurred in a hairdressers and a market, which resulted in one dead and two injured,” it said.

“The police caught three suspects and when they tried to surround a suspect vehicle, it self exploded, resulting in two deaths in the vehicle.”

No further details were available.

The vast western region has for years seen sporadic unrest by predominantly Muslim Uygurs, which rights groups say is driven by cultural oppression, intrusive security measures and immigration by Han Chinese.

In recent months it has seen more regular violent incidents, usually involving men armed with knives and explosives, according to official media.

However bomb blasts have been relatively rare.

Beijing attributes the unrest to religious extremists and separatism.

The most serious recent violent incident took place in the Turpan area of Xinjiang, leaving at least 35 people dead in June.

Last month, eight “attackers” armed with knives and explosives were killed during what officials said was a “terrorist attack” on a police station.

Earlier in December, 16 people, including two police officers, died in a clash near the Silk Road city of Kashgar. The authorities said “thugs” armed with explosive devices and knives attacked police as they attempted to detain them.

But the World Uyghur Congress, an exiled group that campaigns for Uygur rights, described that incident as a “massacre” of a family preparing for a wedding.

In late October, police said three Uygurs drove a vehicle into crowds of tourists opposite Beijing’s Tiananmen Square -- the symbolic heart of the Chinese state -- killing two people and injuring 40, before crashing outside the Forbidden City and setting their vehicle ablaze.

All three attackers, described as a man, his wife and his mother, died in the attack.

Beijing described the assault as “terrorism” and said separatists backed by the militant East Turkestan Islamic Movement were responsible

Xinjiang saw 190 “terrorist” incidents in 2012, according to the state-run magazine Outlook.

Information in the area is tightly controlled and difficult to independently verify.

Government economic policies aimed at developing the region have raised Uygur living standards, though Han dominance of the economy has helped foster continued resentment.

In the worst outbreak of sectarian violence in recent years in China, around 200 people died and more than 1,600 were injured while hundreds were arrested in riots in the Xinjiang regional capital Urumqi in July 2009.
This region is so hard to control, I m not optimistic about the future. there are so many of them and hard to target individual terrorists. there is a fine line between terrorists and some discontent vandalists.
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Raela Tosh 3rd daughter of Rabiya Kadeer. She is pretty and look 50% white and 50% mongoloid.


(L to R) Akida, Kekenos, Raela and Rouxian, the four daughters of Rebiya Kadeer (pictured below), Feb. 22, 2002.
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India can learn a lesson or two from China here .
and there were another 11 uygur terrorist killed near Kyrgyz-Chinese border just one day before.
Thank to Kyrgyz policeforce
The problem is not with Islam but with political Islam. This problems occurs when there is a population that has more Muslims than other religions ex: Xinjiang and Kashmir Valley. This is when they want Islamic rule, resulting in related terrorism.
The problem is not with Islam but with political Islam. This problems occurs when there is a population that has more Muslims than other religions ex: Xinjiang and Kashmir Valley
In the most problem area in xingjiang , the uygurs musilm were majority. But the uygurs procentage are reducing since decades
In the most problem area in xingjiang , the uygurs musilm were majority. But the uygurs procentage are reducing since decades

Excellent strategy by China. :tup:

By relocating Hans Chinese into Xingjiang, China is reducing the Muslim majority. India should do the same in Kashmir.
Just like what I have said many times, we China cannot guarantee such terrorist activities won't happen. However, we do guarantee that those terrorists will be sent to hell asap.
[quogoodhaidian, post: 5179456, member: 35474"]This region is so hard to control, I m not optimistic about the future. there are so many of them and hard to target individual terrorists. there is a fine line between terrorists and some discontent vandalists.
Its good training for Chinese police and military if called for
Excellent strategy by China. :tup:

By relocating Hans Chinese into Xingjiang, China is reducing the Muslim majority. India should do the same in Kashmir.
from 1952 till 2004. han chinese in xingjiang increasing 24.5 times. uygures 2.5 times. but not enough. the uygurs increasing fast cause they not follow one child policy. and recent years very infected with external extrem wahabis ideologie.

xingjiang is our internal matter.
but kashimir is diffrent matter.
kashmir is diputed area. if you do the same , It can cause bigger problem.
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