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Tenth Crusade?

@topic: Typical paranoia, some muslim still live in mediveal age, europe is so strong now that they can crush So called islamic countries in days.

but they will not, coz they are civilized. crusade was over long ago.

this is the age of nation state, which is driven by economy. Thelogical state concept end with french revolutions.

All nations are going forward, making tjemself better nation, whereas our neighboring state going in reverse gear. No one today talk about ummat and Islam except pakistan .ummat
Jihadi mentality
1. you blew bomb at NY and talking bout crusade?
2. Iraq war was unnecessary.
3. lebmon no idea.
4. Sudan:Two nation theory, same theory which made pakistan.
5. Israel: same two nation theory.

why you guys become greedy? What belong to you is yours, what belongs to other is also your. You are happy when you got 30% of indian landmass for no reason, when Israel got 1% of arab land you guys are crying like w*****.
SUdan i can agree but not israel, we were lviign in the subcontinent for around a thousand years, but isrealis HAD LIVED there 5000 years ago - so that's just fcked up logic
Spartacus_Σπάρτακο;2815067 said:
:rofl: stop complaining u r like 5th grader
like it or not India will be under the Khalifa Leadership
Please...refrain from making such funny comments....:rofl:
Who will bring it??? Will it be Pakistan & Bangladesh??:azn:or will it be Iran, whose biggest customers are Indians?:lol:Saudi Arabia and Jordan won't support any war with India, for god's sake the endorse India's security council permanent membership!!:azn:
I dont agree with a caliphate now, unless you can say you are better muslim than Abu bakr RA no caliphate
Dear Indian, Please go back and mind your own business. Yes we are muslims and we are savage animals, we over ran India for 1000 years and broke it into 2 muslim majority countries. And we will back again with Ghazwa-e-hind after a short commercial break. Please go and prepare your defenses.


Even combined power of whole of muslim world today is less than that of India.

You muslims act like all weather a$$holes and cry mommy when people show you mirror.
Please...refrain from making such funny comments....:rofl:
Who will bring it??? Will it be Pakistan & Bangladesh??:azn:or will it be Iran, whose biggest customers are Indians?:lol:Saudi Arabia and Jordan won't support any war with India, for god's sake the endorse India's security council permanent membership!!:azn:

It can be u also if u get the understanding of what it is and what all we are missing
wouldn't u like a world where Indians and Pakistanis live like brothers be more tolerant and successful
no body will force any one all will join willingly there wont be a war for this it will be selecting the right from wrong
You can not appreciate beauty until u have experienced it.
SUdan i can agree but not israel, we were lviign in the subcontinent for around a thousand years, but isrealis HAD LIVED there 5000 years ago - so that's just fcked up logic

You have right to disagree. and i respect your view. That area was control by brits, after WW2 jews were promised to get home land. there were many place chosen and finaly current location was chosen.

News were living there , but very few number. when that land was given it was not based on proportion like pakistan, but it was given so that jew from world can have there home.

you can argue who were brits to share that land, I can counter argue, who were brits to give 30% indian land to muslims?

argument is endless , truth is truth. today we can not deny existance of pakistan nor existance of Israel. Either we can live peacefully or die like dogs.

choice is ours......
do you even know why those wars began when muslims preachers and traders were sent there they were prosecuted just like in sindh for preaching islam to save those muslims raids were made and thus wars began. sindh was attacked for the same reason persia was attacked too spain Byzantium all of these empires were attacked for the same reasons. prosecuting muslims started those without a doubt those empires didnt attack arabia they just didnt want any other religion coming in their power bcz they knew thats how Christianity began they were allowed to thrive and then they took over rome.

Probably, all this prosecution of preachers was a lie told as an excuse of invading.If an excuse is being given repeatedly and in different circumstances,it is usually a lie.
Spartacus_Σπάρτακο;2815306 said:
It can be u also if u get the understanding of what it is and what all we are missing
wouldn't u like a world where Indians and Pakistanis live like brothers be more tolerant and successful
no body will force any one all will join willingly there wont be a war for this it will be selecting the right from wrong
You can not appreciate beauty until u have experienced it.


We have selected right from wrong and we have selected secularism and separation from pakistan.

If you need to experience something to appreciate it, you are worse than a lowlife insect.Even animals know the power of observational learning and ummah is played out on the streets of this world everyday.
The level of education, the understanding of religion and the personal commitment towards deen-i-Islam and justice plus their finest conduct were unprecedented among the people of their time and the muslims still lack that commitment and attitude.

Further division in different sects /nations and the ruthless burial of the concept of umma, made us lose our standing.

Follow the teachings of Islam, bring in a change with in yourself and progress towards peaceful educated society are the pioneer steps towards regaining that momentum again.

That's the only way to whip the crusaders out along with all their sophisticated & democratically elected clowns governing the characterless muslim world to which we belong.

Any thoughts about how history and the coming generations will remember us?
Thats where the Indians come to the scene.

Europe gets exhausted under economic and demographic pressure.

USA loses its hyper power status.

Then India takes the role of Crusaders.

Thats mind opening.

India does not have any design on larger muslim world except pakistan.It looks like you people are itching for a fight.

ok i am sorry i cant take you a 1300 years back and have you meet the generals themselves so you could ask them. dammit then why are you over here derailing the thread if you what to stick to those believes i told you what we think now either talk on the topic or leave..... oh an incase you didnt get the topic is is there a 10th crusade against muslims deal with it and answer

Point is that you people are paranoid and have inflated sense of worth.

There is no 10th crusade.Governance today is based on secular morality and to be straight "West has bigger fish to fry than muslims, something like china"

Even combined power of whole of muslim world today is less than that of India.

You muslims act like all weather a$$holes and cry mommy when people show you mirror.
let me show you what you are in the mirror
the west has put you in front of the cannon (china) and you think you are a rising superpower but it is just you are a giant bait nothing more and when the time comes you will know it
only Pakistani's are capable of saying this!:cheesy::rofl::rofl:


Even combined power of whole of muslim world today is less than that of India.

You muslims act like all weather a$$holes and cry mommy when people show you mirror.

Yep, Just like it was in the first crusade..40,000 Muslim army vs 250,000 strong forces of Christendom.

Remember what happened when the last crusade failed at the hands of Salahuddin Ayyubi, Richard returned to England and full out tensions broke out between French and English. Richard was killed in a Franco-English war at the same allies he made to launch the Crusade few years earlier. And the entire europe plunged into anarchy and economic disasters.

The current situation of Europe isnt much different and if the crusade fails then we are looking for total collapse of many European countries especially France, Britain, Greece etc.
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Yep, Just like it was in the first crusade..40,000 Muslim army vs 250,000 strong forces of Christendom.
and it was the egyptian army who stopped the mongols and crusades let him talk all he wants we dont need to defend ourselfs to people like him
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