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Tension in Kerala village as school serves pork

2 questions, to you.

1) where you basically from or where do you live?
2) Ever visited Kerala ? or ever spoken to some one who visited kerala

1. Delhi Delhi
2. No, Parents, cousins go for ayurveda stuff twice a year. Parents are in old age and require special treatment.
You are twisting the context. You were posting pictures, as If as though you were advocating the pork dishes. I am a strict Muslim, but I am all about personal freedom. If someone was eating shit in front of me, I wouldn't dictate my views on a person. My job as a Muslim would be to advise why eating the shit is not good for you. You on the other hand, were posting pictures that it is an acceptable practice. I'm all about live and let live, but I'd also try to help and better my community.

Cultural and religious sensitivities also play a part. I wouldn't have a picnic on Holi hindu religious festival and serve cow If I invited Hindus. I also wouldn't burn Jesus posters on Easter and invite Christian friends. That's called a dick move. These people served pork curry during the end of Ramdan, and it might have been considered a dick move by the community.

Common sense plays a role here.

In the past few weeks, there have been threads where Hindus were fasting along side Muslims to show solidarity, and that was a postive thing, but regarding this episode, we'd call serving pork curry a dick move. You may say that Muslims were offered alternative options. Well what If the function was not set after Iftaari?
Had they haven't warned those students about pork it would've been a dick move. Had there been no alternate food for those who don't eat pork it would have been a dick move,but that isn't the case here. The food wasn't prepared for those in a single religion,but for a mix. There is no reason for hurt religious sentiments.
Had they haven't warned those students about pork it would've been a dick move. Had there been no alternate food for those who don't eat pork it would have been a dick move,but that isn't the case here. The food wasn't prepared for those in a single religion,but for a mix. There is no reason for hurt religious sentiments.

Did you not read my point about whether the food was served before or after Iftaari?
2. No, Parents, cousins go for ayurveda stuff twice a year. Parents are in old age and require special treatment.

Now that says your parents visit Kerala often for treatment, Now you must ask them what did they see in Kerala, Just ask them to compare Delhi people with kerala people ( You will get the answer for all the posts you made in this thread)
Now that says your parents visit Kerala often for treatment, Now you must ask them what did they see in Kerala, Just ask them to compare Delhi people with kerala people ( You will get the answer for all the posts you made in this thread)

Pretty rude especially taxi drivers. They stay in 4 star so i don't think they will be exposed to nefarious activities.
Hotel to treatment centre and back.
Not much to see or rather experience thankfully.

Additionaly i would still trust a NCRB which takes in data for all states and all police co-operate with NCRB.
Can you explain to me why educated people riot so much?

Only other state with more riots is Bihar because it has a larger population.

Kerala per capita riot is more than double of bihar.

Biharis are mostly not educated.
Keralites seem to be educated yet riot more than biharis?

Can you show me proof that Kerala police records riots better than other states?

Again, that rioting thing goes down to two things (mainly):

First, the people of Kerala are highly politicized. Strikes for example happen on regular basis. Even families get torn into factions because of political ideologies.

Secondly, if something happens, like a broken glass during a strike, people here waste no time in reporting them. And if it was done (if they think it was done) by somebody of a party they dont like, they wont even lose a second in reporting them.

AS I said earlier, people with better education and living standards use the judiciary more often.
1. Delhi Delhi
2. No, Parents, cousins go for ayurveda stuff twice a year. Parents are in old age and require special treatment.
Please you too visit Kerala.............and if you need any Help your Visit PM me...............
LOL....you "secular" bunch sound angry. Looks like the emperor has no clothes. :devil:

I do not know why they find chaddi so offensive. One would think their mom never bought them one and all their life they let it all hang out.
Again, that rioting thing goes down to two things (mainly):

First, the people of Kerala are highly politicized. Strikes for example happen on regular basis. Even families get torn into factions because of political ideologies.

Secondly, if something happens, like a broken glass during a strike, people here waste no time in reporting them. And if it was done (if they think it was done) by somebody of a party they dont like, they wont even lose a second in reporting them.

AS I said earlier, people with better education and living standards use the judiciary more often.

So you assume if someone breaks a glass in Mumbai in a strike people will not file a report with the police?

Politics is played all over India. Strikes happen all over India. People are educated all over India.

Living standards higher in Maharastra, Delhi and Gujarat than Kerala.

People riot most in Kerala.

Can you explain why?
Now that says your parents visit Kerala often for treatment, Now you must ask them what did they see in Kerala, Just ask them to compare Delhi people with kerala people ( You will get the answer for all the posts you made in this thread)

I actually like South Indians more than North Indians, and Pakistanis are supposedly 'supposed' to be close to North Indians.

In my experience in the states, South Indians are pretty level headed, educated, have a bit of class and not anti Pakistani or Islam-o-phobic. Whether they are Hindus, Christians, or Muslims. Just a personal observation.
I think i was involved in 1 of those riots, when i had an argument with my apartment security staff and we shouted at each other........ Yes you are absolutely right, Kerala has highest riots in India...... I am ashamed of myself being part of one of such riots......

Maybe you should post in Quora, here is what I found.
What is it like for a Hindu to live in a Muslim dominated area? - Quora

Sreeraj Alakkassery
I live in Ponnani, a Muslim dominated city in Kerala.Though there were no communal riots, there is:
  • Vigraha nimanjan, main part of Vinayaka Chathurdhi was not allowed by Muslims in 2011. They attacked Hindus with stones and a serious communal situation created. Then Malappuram collector didn't allow Hindus to immerse Ganpathi vigraha in Arebian sea. Instead it was brought to police station and after a few days, it was immersed in a nearby river.
  • Hindus are not safe in some Muslim pockets in coastal area at night. They can not walk freely in beach after evening.
  • Hindus are threatened by Muslims when they eat anything in public during Ramzan. Its not a Islamic nation yet!
  • No Hindu celebration or gathering is allowed in Muslim dominated coastal area.
  • There were no RSS routemarch in 50 years in roads of Ponnani.
I actually like South Indians more than North Indians, and Pakistanis are supposedly 'supposed' to be close to North Indians.

In my experience in the states, South Indians are pretty level headed, educated, have a bit of class and not anti Pakistani or Islam-o-phobic. Whether they are Hindus, Christians, or Muslims. Just a personal observation.

I am agreeing with you here :)
Now that says your parents visit Kerala often for treatment, Now you must ask them what did they see in Kerala, Just ask them to compare Delhi people with kerala people ( You will get the answer for all the posts you made in this thread)
So you think the report of the crime, riots etc which showed Kerala leading is some kind of conspiracy of Delhites.
Just FYI, Delhi rarely if at all sees any religious riots. Delhites got no time for such a things. There has been a rise of rapes in the city lately due to people moving in from all over the country. But reports tells Kerala leads in that as well. I guess all the reports are rubbish just to show Kerala in bad light.
anything that goes against RSS really.

Too many egos tied up with religion here. We want all the material comforts of a secular society, but don't want the philosophical baggage.

That goes not just for Hindus before I get accused of being 'Sickular'

What material comforts does a secular society have which religious societies did not have, bozo? You mean to say religious societies were not doing maths, geometry, science, sculpture, carpentry, masonry, or any of that stuff before you duffs were born?
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