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Tension escalate as IRGC shoots down US Spy Drone

You make it sound as if it is Iran trampling on the middle east and creating problems.
Yes, it is. It's also causing problems for Pakistan in Balochistan.
It's the US, under instructions from its' Zionist master, that is the rogue state. It is the US that has destroyed Libya, Iraq and Syria. Now it's Iran's turn?
Yep, nothing you or anyone can do anything about. It's better to stay low and wait for everything to subside, like Pakistan did. Seeing how Pakistan has nuclear weapons and survived two superpowers breathing down its neck while playing dangerous games with them until they withdrew or are about to withdraw, I am starting to see now that the Pakistan "establishment" have really ended up being the best strategic player in the region. Looks like the "boys" really turned out to be smarter than their IRGC counterparts.
Let's see what happens.
Whatever it's going to be, it's probably not good for Iran. Let me be clear, it doesn't matter who is wrong or right in this situation. What matters is that this move by IRGC, was the wrong move at the wrong time.
This i
Yes, it is. It's also causing problems for Pakistan in Balochistan.

Yep, nothing you or anyone can do anything about. It's better to stay low and wait for everything to subside, like Pakistan did. Seeing how Pakistan has nuclear weapons and survived two superpowers breathing down its neck while playing dangerous games with them until they withdrew or are about to withdraw, I am starting to see now that the Pakistan "establishment" have really ended up being the best strategic player in the region. Looks like the "boys" really turned out to be smarter than their IRGC counterparts.

Whatever it's going to be, it's probably not good for Iran. Let me be clear, it doesn't matter who is wrong or right in this situation. What matters is that this move by IRGC, was the wrong move at the wrong time.
s the right time to show force to USA. It’s a bad time for Trump as he withdrawn from JCPOA and created the current crisis and USA is the most isolated country in the world and threatening everyone. Iranians are successor of an empire. They will not behave like Pakistan or any other country. USA can start the war but Iran will feel Nishi it in its term. Look at Saudi Attack on Yemen. 5 years on and Houthis are using evermore advanced weapon. If Trump starts the war and loose the election, he might end up in the jail. I would suggest you to avoid suggesting strategy to Iranian. You or any nation is not in a position to offer them advice. They are not regional player but world power as they can influence world events and strategic calculation. They are in the forefront of resistance to USA bullying. All other countries which were subjected to 25% tariffs surrendered to the USA wish within months, even China agreed to the USA demands but retreated in the last minutes. I think China also draws strength to resist USA bullying from Iran.

Correct. All you have to do is compare the military budgets of the various countries to understand the situation here.
What is the budget of Taliban or Houthi?
Yes, it is. It's also causing problems for Pakistan in Balochistan.

Yep, nothing you or anyone can do anything about. It's better to stay low and wait for everything to subside, like Pakistan did. Seeing how Pakistan has nuclear weapons and survived two superpowers breathing down its neck while playing dangerous games with them until they withdrew or are about to withdraw, I am starting to see now that the Pakistan "establishment" have really ended up being the best strategic player in the region. Looks like the "boys" really turned out to be smarter than their IRGC counterparts.

Whatever it's going to be, it's probably not good for Iran. Let me be clear, it doesn't matter who is wrong or right in this situation. What matters is that this move by IRGC, was the wrong move at the wrong time.

There is a lot I disagree with you on, such Iran spreading religious ideology in Syria and Yemen, because those countries were already Muslim countries. Also the reason we had ISIS marauding through Iraq and Syria was because the Wahhabi sheiks in SA and UAE bankrolled them (And the US's ineptitude gave them rise in the first place). Don't forget Iraq and Syria were Iranian allies so with that move Iran was compelled to intervene because it was clear what they were trying to do, they were trying to neutralize iran's proxy force and at the same time cutoff supply route to Hezbollah. I don't have to explain in detail but this cannot be left unanswered by Iran. Second, Iran was playing dead, for the past year, but they kept ratcheting up the sanctions....do you understand we cannot get parts for civilian airliners, we cannot buy medicine, we could not even get aid from other countries during the recent disaster.....if U.S. was doing this to any country in Europe it would be considered an act of war. Now, on the point that I agree with you is that it was a foolish move at the foolish time. Why? because the next 30 days Iran stockpile of Uranium will exceed the JCPOA limit, Europe will have to make a decision on what to do....it could mean more sanctions or it could be an agreement with Trump who they despise. Translations this shootdown could effectively deliver the EU to Trump's arms..........and that is just stupid.
Shooting down drones is not that big of an achievement. The only thing this entire episode accomplished was to heighten tensions between the two nations.
No, When its American drones getting shot out of the sky, it IS a big deal. Sorry. Most countries cant and dont try to shoot US drones down.
There is a lot I disagree with you on, such Iran spreading religious ideology in Syria and Yemen, because those countries were already Muslim countries.
Iran is trying to create corridor in the region, that falls under the grip of their state-sponsored ideology.
Don't forget Iraq and Syria were Iranian allies so with that move Iran was compelled to intervene because it was clear what they were trying to do, they were trying to neutralize iran's proxy force and at the same time cutoff supply route to Hezbollah. I don't have to explain in detail but this cannot be left unanswered by Iran. Second, Iran was playing dead, for the past year, but they kept ratcheting up the sanctions....do you understand we cannot get parts for civilian airliners, we cannot buy medicine, we could not even get aid from other countries during the recent disaster.....if U.S. was doing this to any country in Europe it would be considered an act of war.
This is exactly the contradiction I'm talking about. You openly admit to sponsoring proxies, not even Pakistan does or anyone for that matter does this openly. The question is why are you wasting valuable resources sponsoring proxies abroad when your people are economically suffering? You have not "been playing dead" for the past year, the Middle East only gone further into chaos. Your spy network has also been fomenting trouble in Balochistan in cahoots with India.

There are reports that Iran has indirectly targeted 600 US personnel in Iraq over the past decade. How do you expect them to keep a deal with you. Once Iran stops sponsoring proxies, the sanctions will go away, it can't get much simpler than this.
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There are reports that Iran has indirectly targeted 600 US personnel in Iraq over the past decade. How do you expect them to keep a deal with you. Once Iran stops sponsoring proxies, the sanctions will go away, it can't get much simpler than this.

US indirectly supported Saddam providing weapons, intelligence, and chemical precursors resulting in over 500,000 Iranian casualties.

So get out of here with your propaganda you Neanderthal.
What tension escalation? US was violating the sovereignty of Iran airspace. Iran exercised full rights to protect her sovereignty. Same as Pakistan done on 26-27 Feb.
Iran should take-up this matter in UN security council for US aggression against Iran.
From South China sea to Indian Ocean and Strait of Hurmez everywhere this unchained mad bull is poking her nose - definitely from somewhere they should expect to get bloody nose and it happened.
In the mind of an American, This is what international airspace looks like, And if you think the space above your country is your airspace and try to defend it, You're being aggressive with them.

What tension escalation? US was violating the sovereignty of Iran airspace. Iran exercised full rights to protect her sovereignty. Same as Pakistan done on 26-27 Feb.
Iran should take-up this matter in UN security council for US aggression against Iran.
From South China sea to Indian Ocean and Strait of Hurmez everywhere this unchained mad bull is poking her nose - definitely from somewhere they should expect to get bloody nose and it happened.

Iraq and Libya were two countries that 'complied'. 'Compliance' does not work with the US.

Iran did the right thing.
Hearing a lot of chatter that US forces will strike Iran....

Pres Trump was just asked if US will strike Iran....He responded with, "You will soon find out."
Trump “ you will find out soon “ if US plans Iran strike source : cnn
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