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Temples, shops of Hindus attacked at Hathazari, Bangladesh.

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Bangladesh never officially claimed Assam or West Bengal. Military of Bangladesh is not India centric.

I don't know where you guys get such crap from.

BTW. You claim WB or assam? I have seen some Bangladeshi regularly claiming it( one BD member made Map of greater BD his Avataar).
this happened yesterday! I wanted to post it yesterday but later avoided it fearing hindu vs muslim thingy and didn't want to hurt Avishek! But as roy posted we had to make it clear bangladeshi muslims are not extremists.

No they are not extremists but you must remember this

Insanity in individuals is something rare- but in groups,parties,nations and epochs, it is the rule.

Raging hormones from both sides led to this incident.
BTW. You claim WE or assam? I have seen some Bangladeshi regularly claiming it( one BD member made Map of greater BD his Avataar).

1.We lost our sovereignty to the English Co on 23 June 1757. It is but natural that we seek to get back our full homeland. The independent kingdom of Bangla-Bihar-Orissa had it western frontiers in the Rajmahal Hills. Mungeyr and Patna were important cities with forts.

2. In terms of geopoltics, culture, history and economy Bangla-Bihar -Orissa is a self-contained, self-supporting political unit with historical links.

3. Political boundaries keep changing - and they have changed quite fast in SA's history. We in BD and the adjoining last sovereign nation of SA in the East, wait for the opportunity to regain our full size and entity.
1.We lost our sovereignty to the English Co on 23 June 1757. It is but natural that we seek to get back our full homeland. The independent kingdom of Bangla-Bihar-Orissa had it western frontiers in the Rajmahal Hills. Mungeyr and Patna were important cities with forts.

2. In terms of geopoltics, culture, history and economy Bangla-Bihar -Orissa is a self-contained, self-supporting political unit with historical links.

3. Political boundaries keep changing - and they have changed quite fast in SA's history. We in BD and the adjoining last sovereign nation of SA in the East, wait for the opportunity to regain our full size and entity.

1.Seriously Bihar and orrisa?? We can just claim a territory cause it has been with us in history. If we could do that, we could claim up to burma in the east and afghanistan in the west, cause of the pala empire.

2. Bengal was separate, but bihar and orissa was always close to other states in india.

3. We dont need to expand our territory, we just need to develop it. Look at japan, hey have a small territory but withstood the test of time, without being captured by foreigners, its caused they develop and adapt with time
1.Seriously Bihar and orrisa?? We can just claim a territory cause it has been with us in history. If we could do that, we could claim up to burma in the east and afghanistan in the west, cause of the pala empire.

2. Bengal was separate, but bihar and orissa was always close to other states in india.

3. We dont need to expand our territory, we just need to develop it. Look at japan, hey have a small territory but withstood the test of time, without being captured by foreigners, its caused they develop and adapt with time

That is the most sensible comment on this thread.

---------- Post added at 08:19 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:18 PM ----------

BTW. You claim WB or assam? I have seen some Bangladeshi regularly claiming it( one BD member made Map of greater BD his Avataar).

Not everyone wielding flags here is a national mate.
No they are not extremists but you must remember this

Insanity in individuals is something rare- but in groups,parties,nations and epochs, it is the rule.

Raging hormones from both sides led to this incident.

This is a motivated incident to divert us from the real issues facing the country. I believe Muslim-Hindu clashes will escalate to strengthen the position of the AL and to allow India greater involvement in Bangladesh. Muslims getting involved in this type of communal violence are misguided.
I agree with you Bro. It is time to teach Indians some humility and redraw the Indian map and right size the indian topography. Between China, Pakistan and Bangladesh it can be arranged that Assam/West Bengal is annexed to Bangladesh. China gets the Arunchal Pradesh and Pakistan can annex Haryana, Uttar Pradesh and Bihar ( Punjabi/Urdu speaking areas ). East Punjab can be Khalistan and Kashmiris get their own country.

LOL :rofl:

Seems your Indian obsession has made you to post with an Indian map in hand ! :cheesy:
This is a motivated incident to divert us from the real issues facing the country. I believe Muslim-Hindu clashes will escalate to strengthen the position of the AL and to allow India greater involvement in Bangladesh. Muslims getting involved in this type of communal violence are misguided.
I don't think so. It actually happened due to Hasina's anti-islam attitude. Muslims are getting frustrated, their patience are running out! And some Hindus in our country have started to think that they can get away after offending a major religion which happened few times in last couple of years. Any other muslim country would send them under Sword.....last night I was actually reading comments in facebook and saw people using very bad words against Islam, Quran...

This is getting very dangerous. If it continues like this, something very bad waiting for Hindu community !
BTW. You claim WB or assam? I have seen some Bangladeshi regularly claiming it( one BD member made Map of greater BD his Avataar).

Bangladesh isn't in any position for envisioning any form of jingoism. Hell, it never will be a regional power. This isn't my opinion, but a fact.

1.We lost our sovereignty to the English Co on 23 June 1757. It is but natural that we seek to get back our full homeland. The independent kingdom of Bangla-Bihar-Orissa had it western frontiers in the Rajmahal Hills. Mungeyr and Patna were important cities with forts.

2. In terms of geopoltics, culture, history and economy Bangla-Bihar -Orissa is a self-contained, self-supporting political unit with historical links.

3. Political boundaries keep changing - and they have changed quite fast in SA's history. We in BD and the adjoining last sovereign nation of SA in the East, wait for the opportunity to regain our full size and entity.

1. Partition happened.

2. $hit happened.

3. Now lets all move on.

If countries like Singapore, Israel, Japan, Taiwan, Korea, etc. can do well as small countries with almost no resources and recently fought bloody wars, no reason we can't.

I don't think so. It actually happened due to Hasina's anti-islam attitude. Muslims are getting frustrated, their patience are running out! And some Hindus in our country have started to think that they can get away after offending a major religion which happened few times in last couple of years. Any other muslim country would send them under Sword.....last night I was actually reading comments in facebook and saw people using very bad words against Islam, Quran...

This is getting very dangerous. If it continues like this, something very bad waiting for Hindu community !

I pray none of that come true.

And even if some people may say something bad about Islam, hit them back, but not with violence. I've had Americans who said plenty of $hit against me and my religion :lol:
hindi-muslim quarrel ----->chicken neck -----> northeast-assam ---->Bodoland ??:girl_wacko:v where is this thread heading to ??

every one forgets that there is Bhutan/Sikkim between the "Neck" and the China so they cant grab it even if they want, not at all possible.. as for BD if they could, they would have gotten NE way back in 1947 and it did not happen. The present day BD neither have the "oomph" nor have the means to grab the neck , so some BD members just have to content themselve with wet dreams ..:enjoy:
I pray none of that come true.

And even if some people may say something bad about Islam, hit them back, but not with violence. I've had Americans who said plenty of $hit against me and my religion :lol:
no other media published this news today. I have read p.alo today and they wrote clashes between two groups, didn't take hindu muslim name.... No blog allowed bloggers to publish related articles about this incident. Govt. Censored everything, otherwise situation would escalate.... Only handful of people who have access to internet know about the incident! Though BD news published it accusing Jamat, most of the chittagong local online news site published different story!
Are you talking to me? If yes... we are not just gaining lands.. along with the so called "lands", we will also get millions of biharis and u.p.s as a "gift".. we don't want them in Pakistan..

You know I wouldn't mind but rather encourage getting our Biharis - the Stranded Pakistanis, as they are called. As for annexing any part of India :laugh:(barring Kashmir) is unacceptable.
off topic: i just got this message in facebook lol

সাইবার যুদ্ধ ঘোষণা করেছে বাংলাদেশ এবং ভারতীয় হ্যাকাররা। এই যুদ্ধ এখন চরমে। আক্রমণ-পাল্টা আক্রমনে গত কাল থেকে দুই দেশের হ্যাকারদের মধ্যে চরম উত্তেজনা বিরাজ করছে।

ভারতীয় সীমান্তরক্ষী বাহিনী বর্ডার সিকিউরিটি ফোর্স (বিএসএফ) কর্তৃক নিরীহ বাংলাদেশী হত্যার প্রতিবাদে ‘বাংলাদেশ ব্লাকহ্যাট হ্যাকারস’ (বিবিএইচএইচ) প্রথমে ভারতের বিরুদ্ধে সাইবার যুদ্ধ ঘোষণা করে। এখন পর্যন্ত দেশের বৃহত্তর প্রায় ১০টি হ্যাকার গ্রুপ একাত্মতা ঘোষণা করে কাজ করে যাচ্ছে।

প্রায় দুই শতাধিক ইন্ডিয়ান সাইট এখন বাংলাদেশি হ্যাকারদের হাতে এবং সে সাইট গুলতে ঝুলছে ফেলানির লাশের ছবি।। এ ছাড়া প্রায় হাজারখানেক ফেসবুক একাউন্ট ও প্রায় ৫০০ ইন্ডিয়ান টুইটার একাউন্ট এখন বাংলাদেশিদের হাতে। এগুলো থেকে অনবরত সিমান্তে অযাচিত ভাবে বাংলাদেশীদের হত্যার প্রতিবাদ করে যাওয়া হচ্ছে।

এরই প্রেক্ষিতে ইন্ডিয়ানরাও বসে নেই। তারাও প্রায় ৫০টি বাংলাদেশি সরকারি সাইট সহ ১৫০টির বেশি বাংলাদেশি সাইট তাদের নিয়ন্ত্রণে নিয়েছে, এ ছাড়া "ইন্ডীশেল" নামে এক ভারতীয় হ্যাকার গ্রুপের নেত্রিত্তে প্রায় ৫০ টি ভারতীয় হ্যাকার গ্রুপ বাংলাদেশের সাইবার আকাশ ধ্বংস করার প্রত্যয় ব্যাক্ত করে।

সকল ওয়েব মাস্টারদের অনুরোধ করবো, ওয়েবসাইটের ব্যাক আপ রাখুন। যত দ্রুত সম্ভভ ওয়েব সার্ভারের লেটেস্ট ভার্সনে আপগ্রেড করুন। সার্ভারের কোন সিকিউরিটি প্যাচ থাকলে তা আপডেট করুন। অ্যাডমিন ও সিপ্যানেলের পাসওয়ার্ড চেঞ্জ ও শক্তিশালী করুন।
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