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Temple demolished in Pakistan,Gold Ornaments stolen in 'hurried' operation



Our Pakistani flag, our Pakistani brothers and sisters in the pic. shame on the govt and the contractor for this action. Land grabbing mafia should be booked for it and the govt should take measures for its resoration if any part is damaged.
Nah!! dont go to india.take up arms and fight for justice for you land for you god.for your women.If you go to india you'll be called cowards just like kashmiri pundits are.
Kashmiri Pundits are cowards ? Wow....no wonder there is so much extremism in Pakistan. Fight for your Gods ?

Its about failure of state to provide protection, whether it is India in case of Kashmiri Pundits or Pakistan in this situation.

Taking up arms will just result in deaths. They will be termed as terrorists. Well you think all solution comes from guns. I am not surprised.

Its better to try court of law first and other means rather than picking up guns and blowing up people. This same attitude of you people has caused so much wide spread extremism in your country where people think any problem can be solved by guns.
Very sad...

Temple must be rebuilt, perpetrators must be brought to the justice.. Government must make sure such incidents don't happen in future...
Dont worry mate.. We all know that its neither Muslims nor Pakistanis in general who are such bigotic idiots.. Only some bad apples...
seriously,this is a tragedy.........because here no one hates hindus......i can't believe that this just happened in my country!i saw that post today..thank you brother for posting this post...
[:::~Spartacus~:::];3673228 said:
so with your secularism, you will eliminate all the corruption?

Up to you guys to stop being corrupt lying thieves. Atleast with secularism the religous intolerence will diminish.:bounce:
Up to you guys to stop being corrupt lying thieves. Atleast with secularism the religous intolerence will diminish.:bounce:

my dear fellow let me fill you in again

in secular france, veil is banned, a sign of religious intolerance

in secular switzerland the minarats are banned, sign of religious intolerance

in secular poland, use of halal meat is banned, as a sign of religious intolernce

in secular india, babri mosque was destroyed, culprits let free, and the land was the mosque was distributed to non muslims, as a sign of religious intolerance

in secular india, RSS, VHP and other hindu extremists orgs are free because of religious intolerance

and you are here to teach the same divine message of secularims

Why so many posts deleted?

Every thing cannot be to the likes and dislikes of this forum's management, especially if it is an open forum.

This is a real incident which happened in Pakistan. Although people in Pakistan may feel good about it yet people outside Pakistan have opinion on unpleasant things happening to their brotheren.

At worst, edit the post of offending language but do not indulge on wholesale deletion.


In a hurried operation on Saturday, a builder demolished a century-old temple in Soldier Bazaar while the Sindh High Court was hearing a petition seeking a stay order.
Apart from razing down the pre-partition Shri Rama Pir Mandir, the private builder also demolished three or four houses located next to it. Nearly 40 people became homeless as a result.
“They destroyed our mandir and humiliated our gods,” said an angry Prakash, pointing towards the huge debris of concrete, stones and walls of the temple. The demolishing team did place the statues of four Hindu deities on the side but the residents accused them of taking away their gold jewellery and crowns.
Pointing to the bruises on his arms, Lakshman said that, “they hit me with their guns when I tried to stop them. I told them to kill me instead of destroying our holy place.”
Banwri recalled that the demolition teams arrived around 11 in the morning. She was preparing breakfast when she heard the thundering noise of a bulldozer. She rushed outside, only to receive instructions to bring her bed, cupboard and other essential items outside the house. “I watched my house go down in just minutes and I couldn’t do anything.”
She added that, during the demolition, the area was cordoned off by the police and Rangers with tents put up all around. Outsiders were not allowed to enter, she added.
Saveeta was among those 40 people who lost her house. “The dowry that I had given to my daughter for her wedding is all buried here,” she said with tears. With her husband out of station, she and her three children would be spending the night under the open sky.

There are around 150 Hindus in the neighbourhood and nearly four families live in each of the houses that were destroyed, according to an elderly resident, Kaali Das. “People were living in cramped houses, separated only by curtains. Over here, we live like animals,” he said, adding that some of these houses were as high as three storeys.
Angered by the builders’ actions, the crowd demanded the government arrange tickets to India for them. “If you don’t want us, we will go to India,” screamed a woman. Another man added that, “our temple is as sacred to us as your mosque is to you.”
For their part, the police denied the existence of the temple completely. The police maintained that they had orders to remove the encroachments. DSP Pervaiz Iqbal of Nabi Buksh police station said, “There was no temple there. There were just Hindu gods present inside the houses and we made sure that they were safe.”
The people were given plenty of time to remove their belongings out of the house, he said. “We did not injure anyone. In fact those people threw stones on us and our SHO Abid Hussain Shah was injured.”
The residents managed, however, to fish out a plaque of the temple from under the debris. Maharaj Badri, who lived inside the temple, also denied that the land was encroached upon. “Our ancestors have been living here way since independence. We are not encroachers,” he said.
Military Lands and Cantonment director Zeenat Ahmed insisted that the temple was “untouched” and denied that it was demolished. The operation was against illegal occupants, she said, adding that temples are old grant property (evacuee property). “The builder had possession of the place since years and these people were encroachers, and encroachers have no religion,” she added.

Alleged encroachment: Soldier Bazaar temple razed in hurried operation – The Express Tribune

State machinery being utilized to demolish religious places of Minorities and people would not utter a word ... but same people will shout anti India slogans if some hooligans did same thing in India and label it state sponsored anti minority campaign.
Aero on another thread was telling me how ''stupid'' practices of ''pagans'' had no place in mecca. He offered that as an intellectual logical argument (because abraham built mecca for allah's worship etc etc - theological reference, not factual). He did not think that that statement was judgemental or supremacist. IMO that is the textbook definition of bigotry, obviously not for him. So how will you define bigotry before you ask pakistanis such questions?

Most pakistanis use religious references to form logic, ethics, morality and the idea of right and wrong, without realising how inherently unjust it is on people of other religious pursuations. That is the problem IMO. Too much religion.

Too true. They really need to tone down their religion from their sleeve.
Too true. They really need to tone down their religion from their sleeve.

And you people really need to mind your own business and stop telling others how to live or think.

The funniest thing is that your "logic" says that Muslims are bad while you are sending people to jail for simply eating beef.

The reason we parted British India was to get away from people who would send us to jail for simply eating beef and how we run our affairs is our business.
And you people really need to mind your own business and stop telling others how to live or think.

The funniest thing is that your "logic" says that Muslims are bad while you are sending people to jail for simply eating beef.

The reason we parted British India was to get away from people who would send us to jail for simply eating beef and how we run our affairs is our business.

Sending people to jail for eating beef.Then,I must be writing this from Tihar Jail.:lol:
Sending people to jail for eating beef.Then,I must be writing this from Tihar Jail.:lol:

So you deny that there are laws that say 7 years of jail for eating beef?

Are you sure you want to go down this road? :)
So you deny that there are laws that say 7 years of jail for eating beef?

Are you sure you want to go down this road? :)

Not nationwide laws. Just one state (MP), which is very conservative Hindu state to begin with. Some other states also have laws that cows cannot be slaughtered, in which case beef is imported from other parts of India.
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