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Temple demolished in Pakistan,Gold Ornaments stolen in 'hurried' operation

That not true, Pakistanis have deep passion to settle in UK or USA including your MNAs.

Every time I talk to you Indians I feel like I am talking to a child.

Okay let me treat you like a child.
there is a difference between adopting culture and migrating.
In Pakistan we have resisted aping western culture
But due to economic necessities people move to diffident countries.
That does not mean that they are aping their culture.
Hell, Muslims keep their religion and traditions in western countries, we still eat halal, our women still wear hijabs.
While you Indians.... well, lets just say that I have met maybe 2 Indians who were vegetarians here.
In fact I went to high school with a Sikh guy who's family was high cast and super religious, they were vegetarians, baptized, the lot.
Once they came here, within 1 year the son took off his turban, shaved his head and started eating beef, pork, chicken, you name it.
And this story is not all that rare.
Really? You think Hinduism is 100% indigenous?
Man, I swear on my life I know a guy who is Hindu and his mother prays to Jesus.
Now Jesus is Hindu as well?
The funny thing is that I have heard of a few stories like these. .

Is that more Stupid than what you are Rusty Or am I underestimating you?
Hinduism is much more spiritualistic and open minded. You can see thousands of hindus visiting church every sunday and same number of hindus visiting muslim dargahs for worship and prayers.

Bowing or worshipping a supreme soul from other religion is not restricted in Hinduism.

Oh and let's not forget the influence of the Aryan invaders on Hinduism.

Aryan Invaders theory is as credible as a flying dragons or Blue Unicorns. You can imagine or believe what you like.
And you people really need to mind your own business and stop telling others how to live or think.

The funniest thing is that your "logic" says that Muslims are bad while you are sending people to jail for simply eating beef.

The reason we parted British India was to get away from people who would send us to jail for simply eating beef and how we run our affairs is our business.
Since when did eating beef become a ritual or mandatory in Islam. No one is painting Muslims as bad. This is the problem with Pakistanis. They think that if people criticize them then Muslims as a whole are being criticized.

We are specifically talking of Pakistanis who are bigots in religious affairs. You don't hear Malaysians or Indonesians joining al Qaeda and Taliban and blowing up in other countries do you. It's almost always Pakistanis. Ever wonder why?

We are mighty happy that you lot decided to get a separate country for yourself. After all had you not India would have had the burden of many more illiterate extremist people. Ever wonder why Pakistan has made no worthwhile contribution in science or medicine?
Mujra is Indian dance not Pakistani but Pakistan made it vulgar from an clean art form.

Boss I know it well.

Not only mujra.All musical instruments and all their musical know-how is just classical indian legacy.

All schools of Islam prohibits music, danicing and singing with exception of sufism.

But ignorants here are proud of the corrupted version of our traditions and calling it indigenous.

A mid-aunty looking young girl swinging hips and shaking blossom on 2 MP camera shoot is all they are proud of.

Yes he thinks he is a true representative to talk on behalf population of ISLAMIC REPUBLIC of Pakistan.
Since when did eating beef become a ritual or mandatory in Islam. No one is painting Muslims as bad. This is the problem with Pakistanis. They think that if people criticize them then Muslims as a whole are being criticized.

We are specifically talking of Pakistanis who are bigots in religious affairs. You don't hear Malaysians or Indonesians joining al Qaeda and Taliban and blowing up in other countries do you. It's almost always Pakistanis. Ever wonder why?

We are mighty happy that you lot decided to get a separate country for yourself. After all had you not India would have had the burden of many more illiterate extremist people. Ever wonder why Pakistan has made no worthwhile contribution in science or medicine?

When did eating beef become banned in Islam?
Denying people their freedom to eat what they want because "it is not required" is as stupid as saying "where does it say you have to wear jeans? so lets ban jeans"

We don't need you to tell us what we can and cannot eat.

Yeah, Pakistanies are the biggots when Indians are killing each other over religion, they are destroying ancient mosques, and having mass funerals for a Hitler wanna be. :rolleyes:

1. Look up Abu sayyaf
2. What about the tamils? before 9/11 Hindu Tamils had the most suicide bombings.
So what does that say about your people?

again, it's like talking to children, they have no idea what they are talking about but insist on making noise to get attention.

If you are happy then why do you have all these right wing nut job orginizations that constantly call for the destruction of Pakistan? seems like people people still cannot get over it :lol:

And what worth while contribution has India made to the world outside of having the worlds largest starving population?
You guys sent a rocket to space while millions of children starve, such a great accomplishment :mamba:
I get it now, Pakistani will lay a temple off. reason--> Beef is supposedly banned in India..

World largest starving population is still not on the feets of others to pay their bills off and I don't think they are earning money by letting others shoot down their own citizen..

And India may not have given anything worthwhile to world but Pakistan definitely has given a lot to world, it still is giving and it will keep on giving..
The Hindu ideological view point about Muslims was wrong and is wrong and will remains to be wrong thats why Pakistan was created and we are happy to be Pakistanis.


The very existance if Hindu dominated India is wrong in the first place where you can not welcome others into your Hinduism and at the same time can not keep equality even among your own Hindu population on basis of cast.

Firstly, I never asked anyone if they are happy in Pakistan.

Secondly, am not Hindu myself, and I hate all religions equally, whether its Hinduism or Islam or Christianity or whatever else there is, because it makes people behave like uncivilized animals.

Thirdly, I will keep re-inforcing the point that Pakistan on an ideological viewpoint is a mistake for all humans. Making a nation for a specific religion/race/ethnicity is very wrong. No matter how you twist your words, the reality does not go away.
Firstly, I never asked anyone if they are happy in Pakistan.

Secondly, am not Hindu myself, and I hate all religions equally, whether its Hinduism or Islam or Christianity or whatever else there is, because it makes people behave like uncivilized animals.

Thirdly, I will keep re-inforcing the point that Pakistan on an ideological viewpoint is a mistake for all humans. Making a nation for a specific religion/race/ethnicity is very wrong. No matter how you twist your words, the reality does not go away.

:cheesy: there are only two ideological states in the world one is your friend ISRAEL and the other is your neighbour :D PAKISTAN.

now please go and abosrb the truth.

your thinking can not undone Pakistan

I get it now, Pakistani will lay a temple off. reason--> Beef is supposedly banned in India..

World largest starving population is still not on the feets of others to pay their bills off and I don't think they are earning money by letting others shoot down their own citizen..

And India may not have given anything worthwhile to world but Pakistan definitely has given a lot to world, it still is giving and it will keep on giving..

Taliban are coming back in power with blessing of US/Kabul and Islamabad so your crying doesnt matter at all.
:cheesy: there are only two ideological states in the world one is your friend ISRAEL and the other is your neighbour :D PAKISTAN.

now please go and abosrb the truth.

your thinking can not undone Pakistan

What absorb the truth? If anything you are agreeing with me. I just stated the truth, that Pakistan is a state born out of ideological support of one religion at the cost of others.

My intention is not to undo Pakistan, but undo the religious Islamic ret*rdedness (excuse my French) that exists in Pakistan.
When did eating beef become banned in Islam?
Denying people their freedom to eat what they want because "it is not required" is as stupid as saying "where does it say you have to wear jeans? so lets ban jeans"

We don't need you to tell us what we can and cannot eat.
Ofcourse we cant tell what to eat and what you cannot. The entire issue is that the Hindu population of India considers Cow as sacred and thus slaughter of cows is offensive to them. Thus it is banned in the States in which the citizens of that state wanted it. Its as simple as that. Its equal to the kind that the Muslim population in India found Salman Rushdie offensive, and thus he was not allowed to come to the Jaipur Literature festival by the Govt of the State- even when many others wanted to hear him.

Living in a multi religious country means compromising for each other on non-essential things. Unfortunately you are a citizen of a State that does not understand this concept of tolerance or pluralism. So you have your kind of people who burn and kill others because supposedly the Koran was desecrated, or because a Governor wanted to remove some bigoted laws. But thats normal to you.

Yeah, Pakistanies are the biggots when Indians are killing each other over religion, they are destroying ancient mosques, and having mass funerals for a Hitler wanna be. :rolleyes:
Nope. Indians killing each other over religion is decreasing every decade as the population of India gets more and more educated.

Ancient Mosques? Do i hear a plural here? Maybe you are not aware, that the Babri Masjid was built on what is considered the birth place of Ram. If it was a case of Mosques being removed you would have a lot more such cases. Unfortunately for you, India is relatively more law abiding than Pakistani population and thus it is not the case that mosques are razed. The law and order situation is much better than Pakistan's.

On the other hand, the population of Pakistan is getting 'purer and more pious' with each passing generation, so they kill more and more Muslims every passing decade. The land, created for Muslims kills non Muslims and more Muslims than almost any other country on earth. Pakistan is getting purer by the decade.

1. Look up Abu sayyaf
2. What about the tamils? before 9/11 Hindu Tamils had the most suicide bombings.
So what does that say about your people?
It doesnt say anything about my people. Because SriLankan Tamils are not my people. They are Sri Lankans. Unlike you, who seems to confuse me pointing out the jehadistic tendencies and bigotry of Pakistani's to Muslims in general, i donot confuse my country with my religion. This is precisely why i said why is it not that Malaysians or Indonesians or even Bangladeshi's are the ones in the terrorist lists. The Muslims of India are 'my people' but Muslims of Pakistan are not. Hindus of India are 'my people', Hindus of Sri Lanka are not.

If you are happy then why do you have all these right wing nut job orginizations that constantly call for the destruction of Pakistan? seems like people people still cannot get over it :lol:
We have organizations that call for the destruction of Pakistan. How is that bad? I dont hear them calling for wiping out the minorities of India. Most people in India are Indians first.

And what worth while contribution has India made to the world outside of having the worlds largest starving population?
You guys sent a rocket to space while millions of children starve, such a great accomplishment :mamba:
Well where do i start with India's contributions? From the minutest to the largest. The simple fact that Pakistani's today come to India for medical treatment which is not present in Pakistan, or Indian doctors teaching Pakistani doctors to conduct their first liver transplant?

The fact that we have sent a rocket to the moon alone when incidentally Pakistan at the same time was asking the world for money should be a testament to Pakistan's achievements as a nation.

If you choose to reply, answer each of my points with factual rebuttals if you find any of my points factually wrong. Not by other accusations.
:cheesy: there are only two ideological states in the world one is your friend ISRAEL and the other is your neighbour :D PAKISTAN.

now please go and abosrb the truth.

your thinking can not undone Pakistan
If these two are ideological states then the definition of ideological states must be changed in dictionary.
In correct sense KSA and Vatican fits as perfect example for ideological states than Israel or Pakistan.
:cheesy: there are only two ideological states in the world one is your friend ISRAEL and the other is your neighbour :D PAKISTAN.

now please go and abosrb the truth.

your thinking can not undone Pakistan

All the states in this world have ideology, It is Pakistan which is having confused ideology and identity. A state or country which was built on good ideological grounds will not be so fragile as Pakistan since independence.
Well...... at least, we didn't poison the Hindus of the area!
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