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Tejas trials Fast-tracked to meet deadline

Now is the time to introduce private companies and take the jobs from these pathetic drdo employees.
don't be so naive yaar

in case of augusta deal has been cancelled and former iaf chief is in jail
The deal is in NO WAY cancelled. Merely the GoI has taken steps to cancel it but if you think that's the end of it or that this means the AW case is a done-deal think again bro. The GoI is going to get taken to the cleaners when AW take them to arbitration (they've already begun the process)- you can't just unilaterally cancel such deals because you feel like it or because you want to cover your own backs (Mr Antony). To date not a shred of evidence has been presented in an open court that proves graft in this deal, merely allegations. Ask yourself why AW isn't just laying down and taking this as the likes of Denal and IMI have done in the past. AW are out to prove their innocence and when they do the GoI but more importantly the "saint" Antony is going to look like the fool he is. As it stands there are 3 AW-101s in India (with training and support staff of AW with them) and 3 more coming to the final stages of production and 3 awaiting delivery.

The former IAF Chief was merely questioned- he is not in jail in any way but a free man right now.
The deal is in NO WAY cancelled. Merely the GoI has taken steps to cancel it but if you think that's the end of it or that this means the AW case is a done-deal think again bro. The GoI is going to get taken to the cleaners when AW take them to arbitration (they've already begun the process)- you can't just unilaterally cancel such deals because you feel like it or because you want to cover your own backs (Mr Antony). To date not a shred of evidence has been presented in an open court that proves graft in this deal, merely allegations. Ask yourself why AW isn't just laying down and taking this as the likes of Denal and IMI have done in the past. AW are out to prove their innocence and when they do the GoI but more importantly the "saint" Antony is going to look like the fool he is. As it stands there are 3 AW-101s in India (with training and support staff of AW with them) and 3 more coming to the final stages of production and 3 awaiting delivery.

The former IAF Chief was merely questioned- he is not in jail in any way but a free man right now.
he is a party in the dispute and will soon find way into jail
deal has been cancelled,,,that for sure

maybe auction will happen again.

but tatra case is open and shut case
he is a party in the dispute and will soon find way into jail
deal has been cancelled,,,that for sure

maybe auction will happen again.
Bro, the deal in NO WAY is cancelled, it simply cannot be done right now and if it does are you aware of the ramifications for India?? India will look like a banana republic that doesn't accept the rule of law as the GoI hasn't even waited for its OWN investigations to come back with their findings let alone the trails in Italy.

This is politics in India at its best. The "saint" is merely trying to cover his own back and if in the process he ends up tarnishing his own nation- who cares, right?

"Media reports suggesting it is confirmed that Agusta Westland has violated the VVIP Helicopter contract are surprising, especially considering none of the legal processes looking into this matter have been completed.

"Such reports are premature and the outcome of the proper legal processes should be awaited, such as arbitration which was initiated by AgustaWestland and is currently ongoing.

"AgustaWestland wholeheartedly agrees that the law and its processes must be followed and has every confidence in the Indian legal system."

Read more: http://www.westerndailypress.co.uk/...tory-20044399-detail/story.html#ixzz2kG9subUW

"The arbitration process is ongoing and the company has consistently stated it has found no evidence of any wrongdoing. It is also clear that an attempt to cancel the contract will result in a further delay to helicopters India urgently needs."

Read more: Indian helicopter deal still up in the air, says Agusta | Western Daily Press
Bro, the deal in NO WAY is cancelled, it simply cannot be done right now and if it does are you aware of the ramifications for India?? India will look like a banana republic that doesn't accept the rule of law as the GoI hasn't even waited for its OWN investigations to come back with their findings let alone the trails in Italy.

This is politics in India at its best. The "saint" is merely trying to cover his own back and if in the process he ends up tarnishing his own nation- who cares, right?

"The arbitration process is ongoing and the company has consistently stated it has found no evidence of any wrongdoing. It is also clear that an attempt to cancel the contract will result in a further delay to helicopters India urgently needs."

Read more: Indian helicopter deal still up in the air, says Agusta | Western Daily Press
india has time and again proven its a banana republic and it will prove again

i couldn't care less for this deal though,,,,its about vip helicopters,lol
Get the damn thing operational asap. Its kinda boring now to wait and watch project being delayed every now and then.
Get the damn thing operational asap. Its kinda boring now to wait and watch project being delayed every now and then.

with every passing month i feel like kicking hal and drdo ***
its not excuse, just pointing out that they might have been too ambitious. We should have treated tejas project as tech demonstrator.

and it turn out to be a tech demonstrator and a parade plane. That is why India only buy 24 for parade purposes. Forget about MKII, it will take ages for it to be ready.
don't be a fanboy
all these things except for the missiles are useless and have been rejected even for tejas,,,,,go and do research

Do not be a boy!

Just a while ago you had all DRDO as useless and now you say "except missiles".
1. Missiles are not that trivial a thing.
2. Read about each and every project I mentioned in the list and then we can discuss.

modifications are done with imported kits,,,,so do u want hal to feel proud about screwdriver job

Please read and analyse before replying. e.g. The Jaguar upgrade aka DARIN, here is the tale of how it came about.

The DARIN Story | TKS' Tales

Do some research yourself!
ur useless comments won't make hal and drdo highly efficacious entities,,,,,show ur fanboy posts elsewhere uncle!
Sorry boy, you just revealed your real age. No more replying to your stupid one liners. Matter closed for me!

On topic,
1. Do we have any info about the wake penetration tests and the EW trials that were in the offing?
2. Also apart from BVR is there any other capability exclusive to FOC?
3. Any new pics of NLCA, especially undercarriage?
ur useless comments won't make hal and drdo highly efficacious entities,,,,,show ur fanboy posts elsewhere uncle!
Show some respect to Ganimi and senior members here kid. Keep calm and post some quality post rather than sh*t which I can see all over the Indian defence forum like Biblical scam etc etc..You think you know more than IAF personals ,then think again.
mind ur business dude...........i didn't insult him
he called me a boy and i called him uncle

i am here to discuss contentious issues,,,if u don't agree with me its fine but stop threatening ppl here
its a free country
Show some respect to Ganimi and senior members here kid. Keep calm and post some quality post rather than sh*t which I can see all over the Indian defence forum like Biblical scam etc etc..You think you know more than IAF personals ,then think again.[/quote
The Finance Ministry’s refusal to grant pension to ADA employees recently (a long-pending demand) has also created heartburn to many working on the Tejas project.

Thats why there is some and I mean very little but more seriousness.

don't be a fanboy

all these things except for the missiles are useless and have been rejected even for tejas,,,,,go and do research

modifications are done with imported kits,,,,so do u want hal to feel proud about screwdriver job

One information to you is.... It is easy to criticize ... It is tough to do job... Gone are those days where you are talking about government employees ... DRDO is now with targets, deadlines etc... it has politics like any other company..

Do you think easy to make a flying model... make a toy model... secondly no one is giving you kits like buying a biscuit in a market.. all military parts are subjected to scrutinizing
Israeli radar + Russian missiles. Now this is going to be painful. :p:
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