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Tejas, once combat-ready, will be able to outgun the JF-17

LCA Tejas failed in every aspect :
1-Failed in Taking off
2-Failed to secure pilot
3-Engine failed at high altitude
So why PAF is afraid of this as we our successful and tough competitor JF-17 Block 2....???
mai sadke is masoomiat pe :sarcastic:

It's a well known fact that the JF Thunder is just a souped up version of the ancient MiG-21!

It is a evolutionary plane that isn't revolutionary. After all, 'revolutionary' is expensive!! :azn:

Question: If it's such a fantastic plane, as you suggest, why is no one is even touching it with a barge-pole? :rolleyes1: No one wants to buy it in spite of your best efforts! :P But keep trying. You never know a banana republic like Burkina Faso may even buy it! ;)

Come to think of it, we shot down your once super duper MiG-21s with the ancient F-86s.
Who knows what the so called souped up will do to your next generation of revolutionary planes, even though expert refer to it as a follow up Flanker.
I guess India lost out on the title of being the Banana republic on Rafale deal, after all it was monkeying around to be the launch customer.... oh don't just open the Champagne yet, when the likes of JF-17 do their intended job and make bomb holes, then barge-pole will be last of your worries.....pray that the IAF base commanders once again don't need to drag out your pilots to rub bombing accuracy in their face.

Yes...Yes.. we here this every day form you guys...

As of now its only JF17 that has crashed and killed a pilot ...a brand new JF17 crashed few days before getting inducted killing its pilot...
DUBAI: JF-17 crashes in Pakistan's Kamra
Bird strike.....not an unknown hazard.....single engine aircraft....no chance of recovery.
Now lets see, brand new four engine.... makers still puzzled why inverted. :o:

Bird strike.....not an unknown hazard.....single engine aircraft....no chance of recovery.
Now lets see, brand new four engine.... makers still puzzled why inverted. :o:

Did you even read the news item.. it says the plane crashed due to a technical fault and the pilot died because the para-shoot did not deploy....
Come to think of it, we shot down your once super duper MiG-21s with the ancient F-86s.
Who knows what the so called souped up will do to your next generation of revolutionary planes, even though expert refer to it as a follow up Flanker.
I guess India lost out on the title of being the Banana republic on Rafale deal, after all it was monkeying around to be the launch customer.... oh don't just open the Champagne yet, when the likes of JF-17 do their intended job and make bomb holes, then barge-pole will be last of your worries.....pray that the IAF base commanders once again don't need to drag out your pilots to rub bombing accuracy in their face.

Bird strike.....not an unknown hazard.....single engine aircraft....no chance of recovery.
Now lets see, brand new four engine.... makers still puzzled why inverted. :o:

so now you are bringing crash of c-130 into a thread you yourself made for intention in making fun of tejas... right :azn:

and then some hub bul watan pakistani members here say they dont fear india , IAF or tejas :sarcastic:

so much for obsession with india and its defnce forces :haha: :flame::chilli::bunny::chilli::flame:
Haha lolz wet dreams dreaming once again ..... always big words but small walks .
And where does it all say that.....in the link you provided.

DUBAI: JF-17 crashes in Pakistan's Kamra

I might have confused the news items:

Here is something from Pakistani newspaper.:

An official statement released by PAF authorities, however, did not mention the make of the plane. “A PAF jet aircraft, while on a routine training mission, crashed due to technical malfunction,” it said.
Bogey: JF-17 ‘Thunder’ crash jolts plans to sell aircraft - The Express Tribune
It is chinese media which say that JF 17 is a plane of Today but Tejas is a plane of tomorrow. So what is the point in debating again and again?
do u even know "a plane for tomorrow " actually means in Chinese news regarding LCA? they are mocking your joke plane, actually we quite often pair two words "India" nd "future" together, and you can find most news regarding India from entertainment section in China. laughing stock it is so to speak :lol:
I might have confused the news items:

Here is something from Pakistani newspaper.:

An official statement released by PAF authorities, however, did not mention the make of the plane. “A PAF jet aircraft, while on a routine training mission, crashed due to technical malfunction,” it said.
Bogey: JF-17 ‘Thunder’ crash jolts plans to sell aircraft - The Express Tribune
Yes, you are mixing Apples and Oranges, subsequently it was discovered to be a bird strike.
As i said, single engine, even a glitch can prove fatal.....what about twin engine and also a four engine.......
Pakistani Kids are jumping up and down in troll without a proper reply.... Why don't you guys put forth the info instead of acting like 10 years old kids????
And when he was given a ride in the AL-Khalid tank, he commented, ''this is more comfortable than my Merc''. !!! :rolleyes:
So let us believe him. tejas is superior to JF 17 and Alkhalid is comfortable than His merc.

do u even know "a plane for tomorrow " actually means in Chinese news regarding LCA? they are mocking your joke plane, actually we quite often pair two words "India" nd "future" together, and you can find most news regarding India from entertainment section in China. laughing stock it is so to speak :lol:
It is not your media who are mocking but you are mocking yourself.
Its foolish on many Grounds you see. LCA is an Indigenous home grown development, for a country that has never made 4th Gen aircraft. The design and every thing on JF17 is Chinese, barring the paint of-course. It can be compared to India's MKI program but then both are different categories of Aircrafts. and it has component integration from west too. but all in all its a Russian platform. We don't claim MKI is Indigenous development.

Another example of you not knowing Jack shit about the Jf-17 project. Inside of BS-ing your way through this thread , trying to learn a thing or two about the Jf-17 project. Pakistanis were heavily involved in the design of this bird. I don't have time to lecture your lazy *** .So go to through these threads
JF-17's various initial design phases
JF-17 Thunder - Information Pool

On the matter of Jf-17 thunder carrying out sorties. It was
Air Commodore Khalid Mahmood informed the media that JF-17 Thunder as already completed 10,000 sorties in Pakistani service. There are numerous more example to prove that it has been used in operations. Janes interview with the new ACM also confirms this.

But the problem is you dont wont to believe, you are blinded by your own ego. Instead of admitting that despite the industrial capacity of your country, decades and decades of production phases , your Tejas has spent most of its life in a Coma.
By the time Mark1A is raised , Pakistan would have raised multiple squadrons of BLk3s and upgrades old ones to blk3 standard.
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