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Tejas, once combat-ready, will be able to outgun the JF-17

Quite an intelligent retort, windy. Well you see its unintelligent to use, Air Force on Home territory. where Indian Civilians are up in arms that's a "law and order" problem not a "military" one.

For that matter IOC and FOC are technicalities, that are required in Peace time development and induction of Fighters and/or Military Equipment. You take anything to battle if it suits the requirement of the battle.

Not even F22 has seen *hostile and *contested air defences and got its Full Operational Capability (FOC) in December 2007 a full decade after induction.

Yes SU30MKIs, Mirage 2000 and Mig 29 haven't seen battle in *any theater. But you see an F22 and a MKI aren't the same, none can be called as a Battle proven platform. but that doesn't make them equals
nailed it sirji :tup:
It is chinese media which say that JF 17 is a plane of Today but Tejas is a plane of tomorrow. So what is the point in debating again and again?
Your fighters pilots may be more crazy to fly a JF thunder, agreed. And does that have any for forbearance on its "proven" battle worthiness. It may be good fighter plane for your boys to fly but That doesn't make it proven. and yes it will be tested against a formidable enemy.

Its easier to shoot a guy with a stick than a draw game of guns. Get that cowboy :police:

yes , on that angle even F22 is not battle proven yet ..
if you have gutts then come over with what ever you got and this JF17 will take the fun out of your keyboards ...

if you can not come over then shut the hell up and dive back into your world of pampers ..
Battle proven as in deploying LGB and carrying out precision guided bombings. My answer was in context of what your delusional fellow countrymen was asking. Btw talis do have access to anti aircraft guns aswell , 14mms to be exact. Jf-17s is already inducted into CCS pakistans versions of Top gun school. I am pretty sure that this move indicates that thunders have achieved advanced operational status.

Denial is a coping mechanism that gives you time to adjust to distressing situations — but staying in denial can interfere with treatment or your ability to tackle challenges. If you're in denial, you're trying to protect yourself by refusing to accept the truth

What is there to deny in the first place, that I have to come up with a *coping mechanism ? perhaps the Military industrial complex and R&D that Pakistan has achieved in Making JF 17 ?
Bhai you can shoot a guy with a world war 2 gun who is waging a war using swords. and Anti Aircraft Guns what are you guys fighting WW2 "?

yes , on that angle even F22 is not battle proven yet ..
if you have gutts then come over with what ever you got and this JF17 will take the fun out of your keyboards ...

if you can not come over then shut the hell up and dive back into your world of pampers ..

Did I hit a Raw nerve there pumpkin. ? :) apologies... also see post 43
It is chinese media which say that JF 17 is a plane of Today but Tejas is a plane of tomorrow. So what is the point in debating again and again?

Tomorrow never comes ...
every day have its own tomorrow, so wait will never over like its not over from long ago...

What is there to deny in the first place, that I have to come up with a *coping mechanism ? perhaps the Military industrial complex and R&D that Pakistan has achieved in Making JF 17 ?
Bhai you can shoot a guy with a world war 2 gun who is waging a war using swords. and Anti Aircraft Guns what are you guys fighting WW2 "?
Did I hit a Raw nerve there pumpkin. ? :) apologies...

Its your foolish comparisons of something which is flying high in all airshows and something which is just on the ground longer then in the flight ever ..

Anyone comparing JF17 with LCA is foolish enough not to see that one is flying high in air shows and the other one never left home ground ..
Quite an intelligent retort, windy. Well you see its unintelligent to use, Air Force on Home territory. where Indian Civilians are up in arms that's a "law and order" problem not a "military" one.

For that matter IOC and FOC are technicalities, that are required in Peace time development and induction of Fighters and/or Military Equipment. You take anything to battle if it suits the requirement of the battle.

Not even F22 has seen *hostile and *contested air defences and got its Full Operational Capability (FOC) in December 2007 a full decade after induction.

Yes SU30MKIs, Mirage 2000 and Mig 29 haven't seen battle in *any theater. But you see an F22 and a MKI aren't the same, none can be called as a Battle proven platform. but that doesn't make them equals.
Well my dear, India is not exactly using law enforcement agencies in places like Manipure and Srinagar.
Neither does India shares border with a country like Afghanistan nor does it has to deal with tens of thousand militants.
When necessary you had to use your air force within your own territory during the Kargil conflict.
As for as air crafts are concerned, the likes of F-15, F-16 or the F-22 come from a stable with history of combat proven designs , where as one can't point at a Russian fighter which may have made a mark in the history.
Your fighters pilots may be more crazy to fly a JF thunder, agreed. And does that have any for forbearance on its "proven" battle worthiness. It may be good fighter plane for your boys to fly but That doesn't make it proven. and yes it will be tested against a formidable enemy.

Its easier to shoot a guy with a stick than a draw game of guns. Get that cowboy :police:
Craziness is keenness as it offers more punch then BATTLE PROVEN f-16 .Any ways unlike IAF which has refused to take

This is a white lie.. propagated by fanboys... Show me one ISPR release that says JF17 is being used in Zarbe Azab.
JF17 is still unproven.
Ok Now Happy its a lie
Craziness is keenness as it offers more punch then BATTLE PROVEN f-16 .Any ways unlike IAF which has refused to take

Don't Change goal posts. F-16 is battle proven *but doesn't suit our requirements. and How is f16 in the topic here.
Well my dear, India is not exactly using law enforcement agencies in places like Manipure and Srinagar.
Neither does India shares border with a country like Afghanistan nor does it has to deal with tens of thousand militants.
When necessary you had to use your air force within your own territory during the Kargil conflict.
As for as air crafts are concerned, the likes of F-15, F-16 or the F-22 come from a stable with history of combat proven designs , where as one can't point at a Russian fighter which may have made a mark in the history.

Still, a Law and order problem but we haven't used Air Force there have we ? or Tanks ? or Gunships ? there are functioning Civil Governments there. And the Forces are in the Control of the State and Provincial elected governments. not the other way round read the AFSPA act.
Ok agreed. yet you chose JF17 which is derived from MiG 21. That was a stroke of absolute brilliance.
Anyone comparing JF17 with LCA is foolish enough not to see that one is flying high in air shows and the other one never left home ground ..

Its foolish on many Grounds you see. LCA is an Indigenous home grown development, for a country that has never made 4th Gen aircraft. The design and every thing on JF17 is Chinese, barring the paint of-course. It can be compared to India's MKI program but then both are different categories of Aircrafts. and it has component integration from west too. but all in all its a Russian platform. We don't claim MKI is Indigenous development.
NEW DELHI: The indigenous Tejas light combat aircraft will be able to thrash the Pakistani JF-17 'Thunder' fighters in "reach, punch and ability to kill and survive in an engagement", top Indian defence officials asserted.

But that will be possible only when the Tejas is ready with an AESA (active electronically scanned array) radar, mid-air refuelling, long-range BVR (beyond visual range) missiles and advanced electronic warfare capabilities. Moreover, the single-engine fighter has to undergo 43 "improvements" out of the 57 "weaknesses" detected in its maintainability, which will ensure it can land and take off again within an hour, the officials said.

All this will take another three years at the very least, further prolonging the already tortuous development saga of the country's first home fighter that began way back in 1983. Even if defence PSU Hindustan Aeronautics manages to ramp up its production rate to 12 jets from the existing eight per year, all the 120 Tejas planned so far for IAF will be inducted only by 2026 or so. :o:

The development of a Tejas Mark-II, with a more powerful engine, in turn, would be possible only by 2024-2025 at the earliest, with the production to follow thereafter. Consequently, the proposed Tejas Mark-II for the IAF now stands scrapped, though it will continue for the Navy, as was earlier reported by TOI.

The plan now is to jump directly onto the development of the indigenous fifth-generation fighter aircraft, the twin-engine AMCA (advanced medium combat aircraft), from the single-engine Tejas Mark-I, as part of the overall rejig of fighter induction plans.


"DRDO-HAL will now fully focus on producing the improved Tejas as well as designing and developing the AMCA, which should start coming in by 2035 when the upgraded Mirage-2000s and MiG-29s begin retiring," said an official.

Tejas remains crucial to make up the depleting numbers in IAF, which is down to just 35 fighter squadrons and will reach its sanctioned figure of 42 squadrons only by 2027 or so. With a limited range of just over 400 km, theS Tejas will basically be used for "air defence" to take on incoming enemy fighters or "close air-to-ground" operations to support the Army.

The "strike packages" deep into enemy territory will perforce have to be undertaken by fighters like the Russian-origin Sukhoi-30MKIs and the Rafales being acquired from France. "But the Tejas, after the 43 improvements, will be more than able to outgun the similar JF-17, which Pakistan is inducting with China's help," said an official.

"Tejas will help in plugging the gaps that will further arise after all the existing 10 MiG-21 and four MiG-27 squadrons are retired by 2025. It was never meant to replace a MMRCA (medium multi-role combat aircraft) like Rafale or a heavyweight Sukhoi-30MKI," he added.

Tejas, once combat-ready, will be able to outgun the Pakistan JF-17 fighters - The Times of India

Even if one was to believe these self gloryfying statements, do the Indian brains think that in a decade or so the JF-17 will be flying in it's MK-1 configuration, more so do these simple Sunils have any idea about JF-17's capabilities....they should first concentrate on making the Tejas airworthy before drawing comparisons.

And Indians believed the JF-17 will remain unchanged within 20 years? By that time we'll be in our block 25's .

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