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Tejas Mk2 team targets 2017 for first flight

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Nice :hitwall:
Shifted first flight from early 2015 to early 2017.
So intense testing will need 2 years for HAL and 2 years for services .
Say 2 years for production of first Sqd.

In short we will be inducting MK-2 along with FGFA if everything go as planned !!!!!!!!
Put more money, Employee more people and fly it in beginning of 2016.
nice, but you gotta wonder was all of this worth it?
feels like Tejas should of happened earlier like late 90's early 2000's but not you are getting around 2020 when you will have significant numbers, just seems already outdated.

UCAVS is where it's at now and in the next decade. wasting time and resources IMO.

We will alsways need light weight, point deefnse fighters.

Tejas will repalce Mig 21.

Tejas can do jobs for which heavy firepower is not needed for example point defense, patrolling , which will free up Jags, Rafales and MKIs for other roles.

Every airforce follows policy of low-high end mix, we are just doing the same.
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F414 is hella expensive. American stuffs are all hella expensive. India does not have MNNA status like Pakistan does. This money comes from Indian taxpayers, not from US taxpayers.

JF-17 > Tejas Mk 2. JF-17 has bad@$$ DSI 21st century air intake technology. No other operational fighter jet in the world has DSI. :bounce:
F414 is hella expensive. American stuffs are all hella expensive. India does not have MNNA status like Pakistan does. This money comes from Indian taxpayers, not from US taxpayers.

JF-17 > Tejas Mk 2. JF-17 has bad@$$ DSI 21st century air intake technology. No other operational fighter jet in the world has DSI. :bounce:
OMG..Return of supertech DSI.
Over 20 years of developement ..... And still nothing fully operational to show for

First post,, and thats how you start off............Beat it.
nice, but you gotta wonder was all of this worth it?
feels like Tejas should of happened earlier like late 90's early 2000's but not you are getting around 2020 when you will have significant numbers, just seems already outdated.

UCAVS is where it's at now and in the next decade. wasting time and resources IMO.

We will not have a full 5th gen fleet,so we need these fighters & Pakistan will still have large fleet of 4th gen fighters.Investing in science never goes to waste,LCA project created the environment for Aircraft development in India
We will not have a full 5th gen fleet,so we need these fighters & Pakistan will still have large fleet of 4th gen fighters.Investing in science never goes to waste,LCA project created the environment for Aircraft development in India
Yes It would have - 10 years ago !!!!!!!

Now its plain waste of resources. Whats the point in making 4.5 gen LAC MK-2 if IAF wont get it before 2020 ??? Assuming IAF sign for 100+ planes induction will continue till 2027/28 !!!!! Will it be relevent in that time frame ????

Its 2014 and first flight is planned in 2017. And don't forget its HAL's planning.

It would be better for IAF & HAL to use this time for entire redesign and heavy modification in airframe. They should at-least add internal weapon compartments. If cant make a fully capable 5th gen out of LCA make it relevant for future.
Yes It would have - 10 years ago !!!!!!!

Now its plain waste of resources. Whats the point in making 4.5 gen LAC MK-2 if IAF wont get it before 2020 ??? Assuming IAF sign for 100+ planes induction will continue till 2027/28 !!!!! Will it be relevent in that time frame ????

Its 2014 and first flight is planned in 2017. And don't forget its HAL's planning.

It would be better for IAF & HAL to use this time for entire redesign and heavy modification in airframe. They should at-least add internal weapon compartments. If cant make a fully capable 5th gen out of LCA make it relevant for future.

Why not simply go ahead with the project & in the mean time partner with SAAB or Dassult to fit some 5th gen features into it which can be later incorporated into it.Just like what Boeing did with F-18
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