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Tejas Mark 1a tranformation into Mark 2 latest pictures

Only fighter jet who get upgraded without getting opertional in airforce indian navy rejected it and IAF is reluctant to give it final perational clearance as well
So Tejas Mark II FOC is planned for 2027?
Who wants to bet that before 2027, DRDO will come with Mark III with FOC in 2035?
So Tejas Mark II FOC is planned for 2027?
Who wants to bet that before 2027, DRDO will come with Mark III with FOC in 2035?

I will bet that idea for MK3 would not start until 2035 when delayed FOC date of MK2 seems unachievable.
The aircraft industry will only takeoff in India when the private players will be engaged ...... HAL is nothing more then a white elephant ...... Tejas Mk 2 is just a hot air as of now
Not trying to give the guys at HAL a clean chit or anything but the blame should be put equally if not more on ADA and (on those bloody Americans to some extent) as well.In fact, the way they mishandled the project could and should be made into a case study for management students how not to manage a project.

The RFP will be designed for twin engines, particularly in favour of Rafale. But single engines can participate and try their luck. You won't find the IAF or GoI clarifying it because of the F-16, but the IAF wants a twin engine jet. The Gripen will simply be duplicating the LCA Mk2's capabilities.
Rather it should be said that LCA Mk2 would be the one duplicating the Gripen's capabilities, albeit to a somewhat significantly lesser capacity.

Wah - From picture to another picture - Tejas sixth generation conversion is complete - only in picture though.

Give us a break, will ya??From the day one, the LCA was envisioned as a comparatively cheaper mass-manufacturable point defence fighter, supposed to fill the very lowest of the IAF fighter echelon and build up the numbers and that's exactly what it is..............nothing more and nothing less.And guess what??It's still on par with if not better than your front line multi role fighters a la your Thunders, let that sink in for a moment.
there is yet to see a Mk1 , than comes its testing and induction , MK2 is far from reality .. if it does not fits the punch that Mk2 will become irrelevant by the time it becomes operational .. (2030+)
there is yet to see a Mk1 , than comes its testing and induction , MK2 is far from reality .. if it does not fits the punch that Mk2 will become irrelevant by the time it becomes operational .. (2030+)
Mk2 is far from reality, but won't be irrelevant until well past the second half of the century.

American F16s will serve three more decades.
Mk2 is far from reality, but won't be irrelevant until well past the second half of the century.

American F16s will serve three more decades.

Depends on that package they are holding, PAF will most likely start replacing F-16's around 2028 , with either Project AZM or TF-X from Turkey . MK2 will have to beat F-16V , Gripen E/F in order to stay relevant in late 2020's .
Mk2 is far from reality, but won't be irrelevant until well past the second half of the century.

American F16s will serve three more decades.

Mark1a Tejas


is superior in any area to everything in PAF today BAR the 18 block 52 F16

Radar cross section
Choice of weapons

The TEJAS has better at least on paper THAT IS


I extremely CONFIDENT that IT will BE COMPARABLE to Gripen E the USA F16./70

and BOTH of these ALONGSIDE J10 & Thunder will in service up to 2040-2050

THE MARK TWO will number 114 fighters by 2035-2037 easy
Depends on that package they are holding, PAF will most likely start replacing F-16's around 2028 , with either Project AZM or TF-X from Turkey . MK2 will have to beat F-16V , Gripen E/F in order to stay relevant in late 2020's .
The side-objective of Tejas project will be to rival the mainstay fighters of PAF and PLAAF at the time. In the case of PAF, currently Mk1 rivals Blk2 and soon it'll be Mk1A vs Blk3. Whether they'll come across in a battle in irrelevant.

Mk1 and Mk1A cannot rival the latest mainstay of PLAAF, which is J10C. That's where Mk2 comes in. Obviously, India is years behind China and will keep playing catch up. But there'll be years of overlap.

I think that J10C (or upgrade) in PAF is a good possibility as well, since fifth gen won't be numerous and Blk3 will still be light.

There's indeed a threat to Mk2 from F16/Gripen. But the more recent SEF tender had to be cancelled. We'll know soon enough who the winner of MMRCA2 is and then there'll be clarity.
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Mark1a Tejas


is superior in any area to everything in PAF today BAR the 18 block 52 F16

Radar cross section
Choice of weapons

The TEJAS has better at least on paper THAT IS


I extremely CONFIDENT that IT will BE COMPARABLE to Gripen E the USA F16./70

and BOTH of these ALONGSIDE J10 & Thunder will in service up to 2040-2050

THE MARK TWO will number 114 fighters by 2035-2037 easy

Noone cares about your personal opinion.
There is a proverb which seems appropriate.
Do not sell the skin, until You killed the bear.

I am extremely confident that the Tejas Mk II
  • will be inferior to the Gripen E,
  • will reach FOC 10-15 years after Gripen E
  • will be more expensive than Gripen E
  • will have less advanced weaponry than the Gripen E
The side-objective of Tejas project will be to rival the mainstay fighters of PAF and PLAAF at the time. In the case of PAF, currently Mk1 rivals Blk2 and soon it'll be Mk1A vs Blk3. Whether they'll come across in a battle in irrelevant.

Mk1 and Mk1A cannot rival the latest mainstay of PLAAF, which is J10C. That's where Mk2 comes in. Obviously, India is years behind China and will keep playing catch up. But there'll be years of overlap.

I think that J10C (or upgrade) in PAF is a good possibility as well, since fifth gen won't be numerous and Blk3 will still be light.

From what i hear from the Indians that Tejas is already been rejected by IN , if there are no Orders from the IAF or IN so will the GoP will just shove Tejas down their throats ?

my Point is been MK2 been the ultimate plane, cause it will be foolish of IAF to not upgrade all those old existing Tejas to Mk2 Standards, the point it should carry a good package with it in order to stay relevant after a decade .

No, J-10 Doors are close forever, if you follow up JF threads you'll know that JF evolution has taken the same path as J-10 , there is no need for J-10 but additional JF and F-16 ( if Possible ) .
will be more expensive than Gripen E
It most certainly won't be. Indian PSU prices are not to be compared to others. It's just a number that circles within the govt and tax payers and right now being used to give HAL a worse name than it has now.

To legitimise further why they didn't get the Rafale deal.
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