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Tejas and Thunder to be at " Striking Distance " at Bahrain Air show !

JF 17 should've the advantage as China has more experience than India is building aircrafts.

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hungama kun hai berpa ger aik sawal poch lia - :D

Chill !
It may be possible that, others too ,may be fluent in languages like : English, Sarcasm and Profanity !
members attending the show must grab a few snaps, we might not see them so close again, for a while.
Globemaster is not indian product- why its participating?- are you looking for buyers?- or Tejas came in that?-
So even jf17 is not Pakistani product why its participating?

I am booking a ticket for BIAS. :angel:

U............ Im going to strangle you for that.....

Kidding.... U just trolled me.

kidding. lol
JF-17 is a Pakistani product thats why its participating- can you say the same about Globemaster?- :azn:
The C-17 is being used to transport IAF support crew and technical equipment from India to Bahrain and then return them back after air show ends.
So instead of it coming back to India and then going back again it makes sense it participates in the display.
Now I understand why whole otherPDF threads are silent.:woot:
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