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Tehran 'Might Change Legislation' to Give Russia Permanent Military Base in Iran


Apr 8, 2014
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12:40 27.11.2016(updated 14:01 27.11.2016) Get short URL


Commenting on Iran's announcement that it could allow Russia to use the Hamadan air base in western Iran for Moscow's aerial operation against terrorists in Syria, Russian political and military analyst Alexander Perendzhiev said that Tehran might even change its legislation to give Russia a more permanent presence at the base.

On Saturday, Iranian Defense Minister Hossein Dehghan announced that the country's authorities could allow Russia to use its Nojeh airbase near the western city of Hamadan for Moscow's aerial operation against terrorists in Syria if the situation in the crisis-torn Middle Eastern nation demanded it.

"If the situation and conditions [in Syria] demand to provide the support, we will do this job," Dehghan said, as quoted by the Tasnim news agency. Later in the day, the Russian upper house of parliament's defense committee chair, Viktor Ozerov told RIA Novosti that Russia could use Iran's airbase if the Admiral Kuznetsov aircraft carrier, which is used for anti-terror strikes in Syria, moves away from the Syrian borders for a new mission. "Russia might need to use the airbase in Hamadan if the Admiral Kuznetsov carries out another operation and is not be able for carrying out airstrikes against terrorists in Syria," he said.

Commenting on Iran's announcement, Russian political and military analyst, associate professor at the faculty of Social and Political Sciences of the Russian Higher School of Economics Alexander Perendzhiev told RIA Novosti that Russia can now use the base on the hotel principle: sleep over and move out. However its longer-term prospect is to rent it for several years.

"Iran is ready to provide its military base to Russia as a guest facility, not on a fixed basis. It is like in a hotel: move in, sleep over, move out," he explained.

The analyst however suggested that Tehran is ready to meet Russia's operative and projected needs to use this stopover base to better carry the joint fight against international terrorists in Syria.

"The statement says that the Iranian military and political leadership is ready to change the country's legislation (which currently forbids the deployment of foreign military bases and military contingents on its territory) so that Russia could use the facility on a rental basis," he said.

"I think, for five years to start with," he suggested.

Iran allowed the Russian strike force to operate from the base in the Hamadan province in mid-August. The jets returned to Russia a week later, after completing their anti-terror mission, which targeted jihadists in Syria. However Tehran then announced that it suspended Russia's use of the facility.

No foreign power has based forces in Iran since World War II. Russia became the only country to be granted the right for the first time in more than 70 years.
I wonder if Russia will have a base in Pakistan as well along with China
This comes in right after Pakistan allows Russia to use Gawadr, while I am not saying/implying anything the timing certainly is interesting.
Iran gives bases to Russia, Pakistan gives naval base to China. Americans/NATO will be probably choked out of Afghanistan.

Then the only American Poodle left in South Asia will be India.

If the situation and conditions [in Syria] demand to provide the support, we will do this job," Dehghan said.

In an interview with Sputnik Persian, Hossein Sheikholeslam, an adviser to the Iranian foreign minister, commented on the possible option for the Russian Aerospace Forces at the Hamadan airfield. "I’d like to emphasize that Iran never gave to Russia full control over the Noje base in Hamadan.

This airbase belongs to Iran and all activities at the base are controlled by Tehran," Sheikholeslam said. In mid-August, Iran already allowed Russian jets to operate from a base in the Hamadan province.

The jets returned to Russia a week later, after completing their counterterrorism mission, which targeted jihadists in Syria. According to Sheikholeslam, all operations by Russian aviation in Hamadan were controlled by Tehran.

"Tehran never gave full control over the airfield to any foreign country. This would contradict the country’s constitution," the adviser added.

The use of the Hamadan airfield by the Russian aviation in August was the first time when Iranian territory had been used by foreign military forces since 1946.

As for the possible use of the Hamadan airbase by Russia again, Sheikholeslam underscored that "if needed the issue will be agreed with Moscow."

"If the situation demands it, like it was in August, we’re ready to allow Russian warplanes to take off and refuel at this airfield," he pointed out.

The Russian Aerospace Forces may need to use the Hamadan airbase if the Admiral Kuznetsov aircraft-carrying cruiser deployed to the Mediterranean is far from the Syrian coast and cannot be used for airstrikes, said Viktor Ozerov, head of the Defense and Security Committee of the upper house of the Russian parliament.



TEHRAN (Sputnik) — Sheikholeslam added that "the airbase is fully owned by Iran."

"If Russia has such a need and the issue is agreed with the Russian side, Russia's Aerospace Forces will be able to use the base to carry out their military mission in Syria, but, I stress, under strict control of our armed forces,"

Sheikholeslam told Sputnik. "If the situation in Syria requires, then, like last time, we are ready to allow the Russian side again to conduct flights from that airfield and refuel its aircraft," he said.

Earlier, Iranian Defense Minister Hossein Dehghan said that Tehran could allow Russia to use Hamadan for Moscow's aerial operation against terrorists in Syria.

Iran allowed Russian jets to operate from the base in the Hamadan province in mid-August. The jets returned to Russia a week later, after completing their anti-terror mission, which targeted jihadists in Syria.
can we trust sputnik ? but why would Iran give bases to Russia ? I mean there is this view that Iran-US engagements behind the scene have always been there . They are not quiet that much enemies as portrayed in media.
Commenting on Iran's announcement that it could allow Russia to use the Hamadan air base in western Iran for Moscow's aerial operation against terrorists in Syria, Russian political and military analyst Alexander Perendzhiev said that Tehran might even change its legislation to give Russia a more permanent presence at the base.

This 'analyst' is talking for himself and has no clue what he is even talking about. No permanent foreign base on Iranain soil, whether it belongs to Russia, China, Somalia or Martians.
This might sound odd, and I know it goes against the revolutions ideology but a Russian base inside Iran will be a great asset in the future. You might ask why but events that will come to unfold soon will reveal truths that have laid dormant or talked about in secret amongst those labeled as "crazies", and these events will have a profound effect on the world at large.

Russia isn't the best country nor is it necessarily the "good" guy but in this situations Iran would have to blinded by stupidity not to take the Russians on the offer.

I will say that the world isn't what it seems to be, and many of what Iranian leaders have said about the US and Israel are true "almost all of it actually".

Another thing that might offend but needs to be said is that Trump is the best case scenario for Iran, trust me on this one.
This might sound odd, and I know it goes against the revolutions ideology but a Russian base inside Iran will be a great asset in the future. You might ask why but events that will come to unfold soon will reveal truths that have laid dormant or talked about in secret amongst those labeled as "crazies", and these events will have a profound effect on the world at large.

They already throw revolutions ideology to garbage ... those revolution basis and revolution hardship is only for regular Iranian to up hold ....They really don't care about it except in words ...
what joke . the desperation to scare propaganda .

never will happen . we never gave Russia base and never will . only twice we refueled their strategic bombers and escort them through our air space
Based on our constitution no foreign base could be established in Iran ... they can just use Nojeh air base for temporary bombardments ... and whats the use of Russia Air Force when they can't do anything above Aleppo and about Israhell crows ?

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