Iran constitution won't allow it not revolutionary ideas and it was so even before revolution.
There is a revolution slogan "No east, No west, only islamic republic" but has nothing to so with the fact that no foreign country can have a base in iran.
This sort of thinking is deluded (I really don't mean to offend anyone but it has to be said my friend).
Iran simply won't survive for too long if it wants to go solo against the world, it won't, period (sanctions sure Iran can survive sanction, but a dedicated military campaign against modern military forces that encompass Saudi,Israel, and the US, the chances are slim and the cost will be devasting for Iran) . Times have changed and so has the weaponry. Iran needs an actual super power ally like Russia or China to sign a formal mutual defense pact so that Iran can have a SECURE future, otherwise it is still largely under the barrel of it's enemies.
I had a more or less change in thinking as of late (not to say i don't have faith in the Iranian military forces resolve and tactical ability to defend the Iranian homeland, but given that it will 5-10 years possibly before Iran gets its hand on any REAL modern air craft, Iran is a sitting duck really, when it comes to protecting itself from the a large attack from cruise missiles and air to surface missiles, I don't how many point defense weapons Iran has, or CIWS iran possess to defend itself adequately from this sort of attack). One really has to not look at the micro picture when it comes to Iran in its place in the middle east as well as on the world stage. It seems that most of the points discussed here focus on micro things and don't focus on the macro or the wholistic picture.
I for one, have weird adoration for the resistance philosophy that the Iranian revolution has brought to the table, mainly that being gaining independence and relying on ones self to better ones self (theres a strong sense of camaraderie, its very appealing to be honest).
But that alone won't be enough. I know that there will be another major war soon since the powers that be in the US won't allow Trump to make peace with the Russians, and many arms and deals have been with multiple US politicians to psuh for some sort of war somewhere so they can profit.
So to get to my main point. I don't want Iran to get on its knees and capitulate to Russia and China or whatever country Iran wants to have a mutual defense treaty with that allows for bases (I said last month that Iran and Russia need to have extended talks between both military leaders and political leaders that include all of the points of contention between the two and solve them so that actual friendship beyond interests can be made).
It might seem that I'm preaching for Iran to give up it's sovereignty but that isn't it. It's just that, when reading these comments on this thread I was reminded of a very good conversation I had with ArminKh or Amirpatriot (one of the two lol) about Iran's survival agains the US alone, and the end conclusion was DISGRACEFUL AND ABYSMAL to say the least. Whether anyone here who likes to preach Iran's missiles and Quds forces (which is world class, don't get me wrong), it just conceded to think that, that will be enough to ensure Iran's survival. Also I don't want to bring up nukes because this is where I COMPLETELY disagree with the Iranian government.