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Teen attacked after parents refuse to give him up for ISIS(In Mumbai)

Im no Sanghi, Im just a guy who would love to barrel bomb your neighborhoods and ghetto's into oblivion. Anyone who engages in anti national, terror related activities will meet their maker.

Agreed. Sanghis want to do it up and personal.

No. @doppelganger is joking. He wants to take care of the Muslim mess. But the only way to do is, by sending the army into those areas. Even the police are afraid to go into there :D

Ya everyone is afraid.

Why don't you tell Utkarsh what the situation in those areas (minus Mumbra) is today?

How many of your families who haven't seen their sons since the late 90s?

And be honest. Am sure you know by now I roam in those same areas pretty regularly.
Agreed. Sanghis want to do it up and personal.

Ya everyone is afraid.

Why don't you tell Utkarsh what the situation in those areas (minus Mumbra) is today?

How many of your families who haven't seen their sons since the late 90s?

You know I am from Mumbai and know Mumbra Bhiwandi sector pretty well. I really think you should ease out about them.
Ya everyone is afraid.

Why don't you tell Utkarsh what the situation in those areas (minus Mumbra) is today?

How many of your families who haven't seen their sons since the late 90s?
My friend, I am not trying to poke you. Reality is police is scared to enter those ghetto areas. Some Muslims are more armed to teeth than the police in there.
My friend, I am not trying to poke you. Reality is police is scared to enter those ghetto areas. Some Muslims are more armed to teeth than the police in there.

The reality is that the police was never afraid. They were always held back. Even in Dawood's heydays.

It took them exactly how long to clean the place out after the blasts?
The reality is that the police was never afraid. They were always held back. Even in Dawood's heydays.

It took them exactly how long to clean the place out after the blasts?
Police didn't dare to enter those areas. Those who entered you already know what happened with them.
My friend, I am not trying to poke you. Reality is police is scared to enter those ghetto areas. Some Muslims are more armed to teeth than the police in there.

How do they get access to that kind of arms?
ram sena etc might be fools too but they are not hitting critical mass like the islamis, not even close

critical mass?? what, you will allow them to become 40,000 and then do what, say "naughty boy"??

kill the dog when you find it... but no, in india, we kill cats... we are like this only.
They've become cleaver, more hi tech, less hot headed. I'll give them that.

They are just a bunch of desperate citizens who huddle with other muslims in their ghetto with limited access to sanitation, schooling and economic opportunity. The Madrassa goers among them become easy target for SIMI and Tabligh-i-Jamaat that channel their frustration into terror.

Still very few of them has taken this path. Most just struggle to make their lives better and become good citizens.

Its not an easy life for them. So when people pass unwitting comments, it just gets harder for them.
critical mass?? what, you will allow them to become 40,000 and then do what, say "naughty boy"??

kill the dog when you find it... but no, in india, we kill cats... we are like this only.

First of all, let me correct on this board for the second time. It is Sri Ram Sene, not Ram Sena.

Secondly, they are extremists why? Because they slapped around drunk chicks flashing panties?

How many kills can you credit to the Sri Ram Sene?

They are just a bunch of desperate citizens who huddle with other muslims in their ghetto with limited access to sanitation, schooling and economic opportunity. The Madrassa goers among them become easy target for SIMI and Tabligh-i-Jamaat that channel their frustration into terror.

Still very few of them has taken this path. Most just struggle to make their lives better and become good citizens.

Its not an easy life for them. So when people pass unwitting comments, it just gets harder for them.

My heart bleeds for them. Really.

We are forcing them to blow us up.

Because they will not study in free government schools, with books and uniforms and meals gratis.

Then they will not want to hold down an honest job and do everything crooked under the sun to make a fast buck.

Then they will get married at 17 and produce 6 kids by the time they are 25. Then they will marry a few more times and repeat.

Then they will curse the fates that made them muslim and feel its all a conspiracy against them.

They will get religion and start visiting the local mosque 5 times a day.

Over time they will become ultrareligious, and start feeding off each other's insecurities and resentments.

Then they will meet a holy man who will tell them how the evil Hindu is to blame for all their woes.

Finally they will pick up a tiffin box, plant a bomb in it, strap it to a cycle carrier, and leave it in the middle of a busy market, without really bothering to take a snap census of how many muslim footfalls go through that place in a day.

Then they will run and hide. Towards UP and from there into Nepal and finally into the sheltering hands of our neighbors. Or towards Kerala and Sri Lanka. Or towards West Bengal and Assam. To mingle into the crowd.

And from there they will start to do "charity".
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First of all, let me correct on this board for the second time. It is Sri Ram Sene, not Ram Sena.

you are now a kannada bigot dictator??

Secondly, they are extremists why? Because they slapped around drunk chicks flashing panties?

don't condemn taliban in any other thread from now on.

How many kills can you credit to the Sri Ram Sene?

i would award them with a people's firing squad.

produce 6 kids by the time they are 25.

is that real or is that sanghi fear-mongering??

Then they will marry a few more times

well, there is no "saath janmon ka rishta"... they can marry a hundred times... why should anyone be bothered... only thing is no one in india should produce males for the next twenty years.

They will get religion and start visiting the local mosque 5 times a day.

that is the new lot.

Then they will meet a holy man who will tell them how the evil Hindu is to blame for all their woes.

what is a holy man?? :what:

And from there they will start to do charity.

a charity like rss??
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